Home Celebrities Innovative ‘Plant Juice Oils’ Can Lead to Restful Slumber and Overall Wellness

Innovative ‘Plant Juice Oils’ Can Lead to Restful Slumber and Overall Wellness

Innovative ‘Plant Juice Oils’ Can Lead to Restful Slumber and Overall Wellness

By Debra Wallace

New York, New York — (The Hollywood Times) 04/29/2024 — Sometimes a connection becomes destiny, and that is actually what happened with Amber Laign, (Robin Roberts wife), and Marci Freede, the successful co-founders of Plant Juice Oils.

Their innovative company creates unique products with essential oils that help adults and children sleep better and feel better for overall health and wellness. With the importance we place on getting a good night’s sleep, their #1 best-selling product is the Sleep Bundle Linen Spray and Roller.

With support from Jamie Kern Lima, the founder of IT Cosmetics and the best-selling author of Worthy: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life, is happy to endorse the company and its revolutionary products.

Lima refers to these products as a “wheel of wellness.” She said with Sleep Awareness on the front burner, their #1 bestseller – the doze-off roller and relax linen spray that she recently started using is a game changer. “With the spray and roller, these products have a much-needed focus on sleep.”

Plant Juice Oils was founded six years ago by Laign, and Freede when they discovered a common interest in the powerful healing powers of essential oils.

These two formidable businesswomen joined forces with a common mission: to enlighten people by inviting a holistic approach towards wellness.  With a portfolio of products made of Plant Juice Oils, they are focused on relieving many of the symptoms that people experience throughout various stages of their lives including sleep disruption, fatigue, loss of energy – and for women – perimenopause, and menopause as well as a line of home products like room and sheet sprays.

These entrepreneurs create products with a purpose using the medicinal properties of nature. The innovative process optimizes Essential Oil terpenes and Cannabinoids from hemp for elevated wellness. The enriched blends also enhance therapeutic benefits with the magnifying properties of Essential Oils.

They strongly believe in the maximizing power that comes from the blending of natural plant extracts and their numerous pleased customers wholeheartedly agree.

Amber and Marci, how did the two of you meet?

AMBER LAIGN: As a massage therapist in New York City, I was given essential oils, and at the time, I was looking for something holistic for my now-wife Robin. She received a lifesaving bone marrow transplant and it left her with some side effects. She had anxiety and stomach issues. So, I was always looking for something to help her holistically. I was given essential oils and I put them off to the side and didn’t do much with them.

At the time I was addicted heavily to sleep meds through the stress of everything that Robin was going through. And then one night I just decided to diffuse lavender and cedarwood and I had the best night of sleep. And I was like this cannot be true. So, I did it a second night and it worked. And I was getting sleep. The next morning naturally, I go down to the dog run and I share my news. They say in New York City you get a dog and you’ll end up with a partner – I just didn’t know I’d have a business partner out of it so I’m sharing my story and I always just remember Marci coming over with her ears perked and she was extremely interested in what I was sharing and what I had to say.

Co-Founders (L to R) Amber Laign And Marci Freede

MARCI FREEDE: We both believe so strongly that things always happen at the right time for the right reason. At the time I had twins, and one of them was struggling with severe anxiety and I was looking for something holistic to help her without putting her on prescription meds. So, when I heard Amber talking, we became fast friends with our dogs and we dove into the world of essential oils we were fascinated by how these plants could help people and affect people in so many different ways.

We did all of our homework. We would sit at my dining room table with our little droppers making products while trying to see what worked with what. So, we started making products for our friends and when we realized that people were coming back to us going “Wow, that worked!”

Now can you make me something for you know stress or …. That was our ‘a-ha moment’ when we knew we were on to something that could really help a lot of people it was all natural and we just wanted to share it with as many people as we could so Plant Juice Oils was born.

Can you tell my readers about the evolution of Plant Juice Oils from the start to now?

AMBER LAIGN: Like Marci said, we started making the products in her kitchen. Through our friends and family, they came with sleep, stress, low energy, and hot flashes. And that’s when we were just like ‘WOW. OKAY.’ There’s a pattern here. Women are stressed, sleepy, and sweaty so we knew we could come in and try to figure this out. So, we would come around the table and put recipes together and that’s when we were handing them out to friends and family. We were talking about menopause basically in 2017 when no one was talking about it

People thought, menopause essential oils? What are you two talking about?  And then when we realized we could expand this into pain So that’s when we brought in our Go with the Flow – for menstrual cramps. Our headache roller and our zero-in roller target arthritis small joints and then during the pandemic we created our sprays for the inside of your mask and that’s when our customers started to use our mask sprays for their bed linens. And then we had another a-ha moment. Wait a second. People are craving products for the home.  So, we also expanded into the home. So, we like to say we are a wheel of wellness from menstruation through menopause and healthy living.

MARCI FREEDE: So, Amber has said she was addicted to sleep meds. I am a single parent of twins and was pretty much addicted to Ambien for many years. We just started learning about when you’re addicted to these sleep meds and the long-term effects it can have on your health. And if you do your research it’s quite scary. Just talking to – we would send out these surveys to our friends. What’s the biggest issue you are dealing with and the answer was sleep, sleep, and sleep?

And we started realizing everybody – especially as you get older – struggles to get a good night’s sleep, which obviously, has a lot of effects on your next day. It also has long-term effects on your brain. So, it was important to us that we create something that #1 worked and that #2 was all natural.

And that’s what we did. So, our product is wonderful because it’s non-addictive, and it does work! A lot of people can fall asleep fairly easily, but they wake up a lot and their brains are going, and they can’t get back to sleep.  So, the beauty of this is that you can keep re-applying it. You don’t wake up groggy. You don’t wake up hung over. You’re not getting anything that shouldn’t be getting in your system like other meds. I think we are starting on a whole sleep evolution. As a society women and men just do not sleep. And when women hit menopause that’s a whole other level of getting sweaty and not sleeping.

AMBER LAIGN: So, when our customers took our mask spray and started using it as a linen spray, we took our sleep roller and had another a-ha moment. This needs to be put together. This is amazing!

Can you talk about exactly how you use these products?

AMBER LAIGN: So, we like to start with the linen spray. You spray your linens right before you go to bed. It is a beautiful scent of lavender and bergamot. It is a heavenly cloud. Really, soft, not overwhelming. Some lavenders smell super strong. This is a really beautiful delicate scent. You spray your linens. Right before you go to bed you take the Doze Off Sleep Roller – and you apply it to specific pulse points. You do the inside your wrists, behind your ears, and then the kicker is you put it on the bottom of the big toe. The big toe correlates to the penal gland and therefore shuts the brain down. It is right before you go to bed. You don’t want to put it on and then do things around your home. When you’re ready to go to bed it’s just a gentle night of sleep

I know there is some exciting news with the sleep bundle. Featured at the Borgata in Atlantic City and the Cove in the Bahamas. What can guests expect?

AMBER LAIGN:  Yes. So, we are excited. Our sleep bundle is part of the turndown service. We like to say ‘Turn up your turn-down service with Plant Juice Oils.’

I know beyond sleep – you tackle so many other parts of life – including pain and menopause. This might be the first time people are hearing about the products. Can you tell us more?

MARCI FREEDE: When we started our line, we wanted to tackle these common ailments and issues people have. We wanted to make it a little fun, so we created our products with quirky names. Our stress roller is called “Get a Grip.” It is made with relaxing oils so when you’re feeling stress and anxiety, it will calm you down. Our energy roller is Rev Up, which speaks for itself. Our monthly menstrual cramp roller is Go with the Flow. Releases all of that cramping in your lower abdomen. Headache roller Tension Breaker. It does just that. Breaks up all the tension clusters in your head. Pain, we have Zero In, and again, pretty much is what it says to zero in where you have pain points. So, is extremely good for helping with arthritis and joint pain. And we have Simmer Down for hot flashes.

AMBER LAIGN:  And then leading into a healthy home, we have our Nature Calls bathroom spray. Which is incredible. It neutralizes the orders and does not mask them up. That’s our newest product. We have a Chill Out cooling spray which will cool down your hot flashes with peppermint, lemon, and lavender. I took that spray when I was traveling abroad to Cambodia. I have never been so hot and sweaty in my life because of the humidity. We were at one of the temples, and I was using the spray. If it can work in that humidity it can work for your hot flashes. It’s incredible!

MARCI FREEDE: And it works extremely well in the New York City subways which I’ve used many times waiting on the platform when it’s about 95 degrees. It just cools you down.

AMBER LAIGN: And then our relax spray and room spray. Like we said it is a wheel of wellness with a healthy home.

Changing a space’s energy and doing it like that is incredible.

MARCI FREEDE: We created our product Relax during the pandemic when everybody was wearing masks and we created essential oil sprays for the inside of your face masks because especially at the beginning people were feeling very claustrophobic having something on their face. So, we created this to help them and it was a massive hit, and like Amber said people started telling us they were using them on their linens so we pivoted and now it is our linen spray.

These are the kinds of products once you get your hands on them you start telling people about them. How do you see the company evolving?

AMBER LAIGN: We are extremely excited to get into the hospitality space as well, and to grow that. It’s always been in the back of our minds as something that we wanted to do. I have always pictured our sleep roller when people check into a hotel. We are looking forward to growing that leg of the company.

MARCI FREEDE: We are also looking to just get in front of more people. I don’t think anything makes either one of us happier than getting an email or a DM from a user who says, “Oh, my gosh you’ve helped me so much. I haven’t slept in 15 years, and I finally got a good night’s sleep.” When we get those kinds of messages, it’s why we started this brand. The goal is to keep getting in front of as many people as we can in an all-natural way.

Where can people find Plant Juice Oils?

AMBER LAIGN: They can go to our website plantjuiceoils.com. They can go on the website and learn about the oils. We third-party test everything. There are no synthetics, no perfumes, and no molds. These are pure, pure, pure. A little does go a long way, so when you make a purchase, you’re not going to blow through it super quick. A little goes a long way. You can learn about the different oils different properties and how they affect your body.

Here is a description of the two major products:

Relax Linen Spray: Create a beautiful bedtime ritual by spritzing your bed linens just before you lay your head down and let the scent of lavender and bergamot take you away into a sweet slumber.  No THC, non-GMO, no parabens.

Doze Off Sleep Roller: Get the night of rest your body is craving while you Doze Off with this ultra-relaxing blend of lavender, tangerine, cedarwood, vetiver, and more. For more info, visit https://plantjuiceoils.com/product/sleep-products.