Home #Hwoodtimes Flirting with David Drebin

Flirting with David Drebin

Flirting with David Drebin

A book review by Jimmy Steinfeldt

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 9/5/23 – The gorgeous new book by artist/photographer David Drebin “Flirting With Danger” is outstanding in its presentation. Beautifully hard bound with a black textured cover and lush silver end-papers with photographs printed on heavy paper with a matte/lustre finish. His painterly like photographs are each their own work of art.  Printed magnificently in Double truck spreads by the world class publisher teNeues, this is one of the finest collaborations to date between Drebin and his longtime publisher.

So open to different interpretation is each mysterious Drebin photograph that every person who views one can feel that they alone understand its meaning.

His use of light and shadow is ingenious. He combines colour photography with the sentiment.

of Noir. I feel compelled to call his photography “Colour Noir”

Drebin, with the assistance of his beautiful model-muses, take the viewer to world class locations both romantic and mysterious. There is an element of danger underlying many of the photo scenarios he creates. Some scenarios feel like the opening sequence of a James Bond thriller.

If you admire the female form, this book should be your companion.

If you desire the female form, this book you cannot abandon.

“David Drebin Flirting With Danger” available at https://www.amazon.com/Flirting-Danger-David-Drebin/dp/3961714673