Home #Hwoodtimes My First Romance in “Festival De Cannes”

My First Romance in “Festival De Cannes”


By Josie Goldberg

Cannes, France & Monaco (The Hollywood Times) – 04/24/2024

When I was in my twenties my dad always taught me that finding that “Successful Jewish Man” was the key to my success. I mean I was an honors student but my mom and dad always emphasized how picking the right partner meaning moral character, values and success could make or break me. So when I was building my career in the entertainment industry I had my eye on the prize. I loved the studio execs especially the Jewish ivy leaguers. They had all the qualities I was looking for in a Prince charming. Unfortunately, these men did not choose me on romantic, work or even friends level. I had men of all different religions, races, sexual orientations help me.  I ended up learning from these Jewish A-LISTERS some harsh realities and I realized that I too come from the same pedigree and or Jewish (Brilliance) and followed in their footsteps. Slowly but surely I realized crying, threatening, complaining was not getting anywhere. It was not until I met TV Emmy Producer David Milch that I realized I am not a victim, yet a young Thoroughbred Racehorse that can nail them on the Wire where the odds are stacked against me and her name was “Only Josie Knows.”

When I would have failed romances with men I started to take a different approach. Being on the Dr. Phil show for many seasons, one of his popular sayings was “How is it working out for you”. Dr. Phil made sense and I changed my strategy.  I looked at these men as my muse and ironically all of them have led me to various careers in the industry. If it wasn’t for these men and them (the horse) indirectly leading me to water. I would have never had the idea to push forward.  If you can’t beat them, join them! I’m not going to lie, I guess I like competition and when I can win which is getting ahead in my profession, it’s the best feeling ever. Especially when these powerful men did not see my talent, it feels AMAZING. I would like to share my first Romance I had with a Successful British Film Executive that I met on my last trip to the (Festival De Cannes)

I was staying in Monaco, Monte Carlo and I loved the “Le Casino Monte Carlo”. When others went to bars, restaurants and or screenings my stress relief or aphrodisiac is gambling.  Not to give an excuse but I have been in the thoroughbred racing industry for 13 years and love action and unfortunately picked up some bad habits from some of the wealthier older men. So whenever I travel I tend to meet people in gaming or in the Thoroughbred industry. Everyone has vices!  I was losing on slots and blackjack and the teller who does cash advances told me to go try craps (roll the dice).  I figured my last resort to pay off my trip.  I ended up losing even more on craps. On my last roll, this handsome James Bond with a British accent approached me and said, “I see your losing bad, why don’t I use my money and see if we can get yours back and make a little” Of course I agreed and Me and Mr. Bond started rolling the dice all night long.

There was an immediate attraction and physical chemistry. As Shakespeare would say “The night felt young”. It was immediate chemistry for us.  For those who are not familiar. Monaco is about 1 hour from the Cannes Festival. Mr. Bond told me It was his last night before he goes back home to Nottingham, England and wanted to stop by the casino as well. Mr. Bond told me he was a Film Producer and asked me what I do for work. I told Mr. Bond I was a real estate broker and came to Cannes Festival as well to help a friend who is a publicist. I was very vague because I could tell that Mr. Bond would have run away if I told him the truth. That I was an aspiring actress, former Playboy Model and Reality TV star.  I thought to myself, I really like this guy and let’s see if I can be a real actress.  So I played the part of an independent successful educated woman who is willing to be vulnerable to a successful handsome man. I am not going to get into too many details but romance ensued. The next day Mr. Bond told me that he never imagined finding such a connection with a woman. He told me his flight leaves in the evening and wanted to spend the day to get to know me. He invited me to lunch with his Production Team.

Lunch with Mr. Bond and his Production Associates in Cannes, France

Again I am not going to mention any names but some prominent (BAFTA) The British Academy Film Academy producers and writers. I have to say they weren’t too friendly with me. They did not even speak to me or look my way. It was so awkward I thought maybe I should spice up the luncheon and tell them who I really was.  Maybe they will acknowledge me, so I broke out of character and told them who Josie Goldberg really was. I said I was a former Playboy model, Reality star whose shows are actually from England “Farmer Wants a Wife” and I had a running series on the Dr. Phil show “Spoiled and Entitled” which was a hit on network tv since 2010 and still running worldwide. I also told them I was on their celebrity (Daily Mail) many times. Mr. Bond was mortified, and you should have seen the look on his face. The Executives got even more infuriated.

I guess Reality TV stars and or Playboy models are not popular in the Film sector in England. So then I said well boys the good news is I am in talks to sign with a Sag/AFTRA scripted agent. They looked at me and thought I was lying.  I told them I was looking to get into scripted tv and or film as the past was my stepping stone. Mr. Bond immediately paid the bill and said we need to get to the beach as the sun was shining bright. On our walk to the beach Mr. Bond brought his assistant producer with us and our date ensued. On our mile walk to the beach Mr. Bond did not say a word. His assistant was very nice with me and started to explain that Mr. Bond seems to attract crazy woman and has commitment issues. Mr. Bond has never been married and has 3 kids from all different women. Mr. Bond claims they are all crazy and seems to attract crazy woman.

Josie Goldberg

I think he started to get paranoid with me.  We made it to the beach, and it was the first day of good weather so everyone who was anyone was at the “Plage”.  I told Mr. Bond to watch over my purse since I was about to jump in the Mediterranean Sea in my bra and underwear. Others were topless and really going for it. I did not have my bathing suit as the sun just peaked from a 5-day storm. Mr. Bond said if you go in the water with your bra and underwear I will leave you here immediately. He said I would have embarrassed him. So I respected him and did not go in the sea. I did start talking back to him and told him what I really think of him and his peter pan lifestyle. I learned one thing about my -self, there is a reason I did not marry when I was younger, I need to be treated like an equal by men. However, as a woman you must earn that and I’m just getting my accolades in life.  I’m a late bloomer. As you can imagine the relationship died on the beach after our talk. We then got some ice cream but we both knew it was over before it started. Physical Chemistry is not enough but when it comes, it’s so hard to pass by I guess for all at any age.  He gave me a hug and I knew I would never see him again. I told him “A Toute Allure” as they say in French meaning “As fast as one can at top speed full tilt” I had another date waiting for me at Monaco Beach Club.

I was approached by an older gentleman whose name was Joseph. He was a very successful Italian builder in Monaco and he wanted me to come look at some of his properties to sell. I am a licensed Real Estate Broker in California. He invited me to the Monaco Beach Club for lunch and a swim in the sea before we spoke business. It was one of my best listing appointments I have ever been on. They really value their Broker, lol the food was amazing as its one of the most exclusive beach clubs in the world.  I swam and soaked up all the sun in Monte Carlo Beach that day. Joseph is a little older so he left me at the Beach club as he needed to nap before our dinner meeting. I stayed all day at the beach club.  Talked to the members, drank champagne, swam in the salt water pool, and did some diving in the sea. I then met Joseph at Hotel D Paris for our dinner. Then I went to his see condo that he was selling for 6-8 million Euros. It was very beautiful except I got a little claustrophobic in the elevator.   Mr. Joseph was so impressed with me, and he said that I am in the love of his life. I told him that in America we have a saying “Nothing Opens until Escrow Closes”. Joseph even took me to the casino and showed me what slot machine to play, I did hit a jackpot at the casino my last night. I came home with a signer from the Monte Carlo Casino!

After I got home from Cannes, I was a little sad because I was exposed to such a glamorous world and I wanted to go back. I understood that in life we have to earn our spot and I was so blessed to have so much fun. I was eager to get back to work and I called the Agent who was promising to sign me.  Let’s just say he was taking his time, and telling me that I really don’t have a good resume, reels or current pics to be workable.  I decided to tell him about my romance with Mr. Bond and how I fibbed my profession and landed with some high profiled British Film Exes in a luncheon. I told the agent that I played the game but then my emotions got the best of me and I got out of character and Mr. Bond realized that I am looking for a man to marry me, provide for me and open doors in my career. Strong actors don’t break down.  I guess I’m not that good of an actor yet! I told the agent how rude these execs were to me and that I hope one day they see me on a successful scripted show and or film and they can eat their words. Well what do you know, the following week I was signed to “ASAP Talent Agency” by owner Carter Dandridge.  It took me a good 13 years to find a Union Agency, But I finally did and we are making progress slowly.

I am “Only Josie Knows” and as you see the men I met on my trip indirectly led me to achieving my goals and I am hope that this year’s trip will be just a fruitful