By Josie Goldberg
Miami, Florida (The Hollywood Times) 03/26/2024
They say never judge someone until you stand in their shoes. Well, I would like to report on a very interesting experience that I had with one of my friends who is a “Swinger.” However, she does not like that term, so we are going to refer to it as “The Lifestyle.”
My friend is a successful woman in her early 50’s. She is also very sexy and beautiful and her effective age is 33. In real estate broker terms meaning (the age of a property based on its current conditions rather than its actual age). She lives bi-coastal between South Florida and Orange County with her on and off again pilot boyfriend Keith Furlong and living “The Lifestyle” for over seven years, basically, their whole relationship. Keith is a 48-year-old professional FAA pilot and he and my friend have a jetliner company together. They recently split up due to him leaving her for a younger pre-med student from Uruguay with whom they met at a couples Cancun Lifestyle event over the summer. The girl’s husband is a famous plastic surgeon from Uruguay who specializes in BBL. Per my friend the story is that when the girl saw the pilot, they had an instant connection, and she left her plastic surgeon husband for the pilot and the American Dream. The last couple months the pilot has been going back and forth because he is stuck between both women. My friend was devastated because this pilot was her everything as she told me! The perfect man minus his ex-wife and kids that meddled from time to time!

I go to Miami a couple times a year myself and when I was there back in December, I told my friend to stop crying and let’s go out and find new boyfriends. We ended up going to Brickell on a Thursday night to a place called “Sexy Fish Miami”. My friend caught the eye of a tall handsome surgeon who invited us for a drink. He was 6’5, extremely handsome and 45 or so he says. No ex-wife, no kids, your kind of guy that every woman dreams of plus very handsome. Oh, and a top sub specialist in his field. There was a British accent that triggered me because I had a brief romance while at Cannes Film Festival with a British Film Director recently, a story for another time so I was cautious with the James Bond types. My friend and the Dr. had a connection. We ended up all hanging out that night and even the Dr. joked that he was the perfect guy for me, but the only problem is the Dr. does not want to have children and he admitted he was part of the “Lifestyle” in a very limited way and even showed his membership card. We had a fun night as the Dr. was very generous and charming. I realized this man is the perfect match for my friend even though the ages don’t add up, but age is a just a number, right?
I ended up going back to California and my friend and the Dr. started dating. It moved fast and my friend and the Dr. became totally inseparable! She told me he is the perfect boyfriend and she finally at 53 got lucky! To me I was surprised because as being 41 people tell me I’m finished and to lower my standards so this was an inspiration and I was happy for her.
We ended up going to Mila Nightclub and ironically the plastic surgeon (BBL) guy was in town from Uruguay, so both exes met for a drink, and I was trying to be me in a group of “Lifestyle” people. Both serious relationships were destroyed by each other partners. It was kind of sad even though I’m not involved! Don’t ask me why.

Then we went to another bar and had drinks with her current boyfriend (The Dr.). We were having so much fun and then her Dr. took us to E11EVEN which is the number one strip club and dance club in Miami. While at E11EVEN the Dr. wanted us to all go get a private dance in the VIP ROOM. He had me pick a girl and then my friend picked one. It was an amazing experience I must say. I’m a former Playboy Model so for me I have been around sexy woman 24/7 in my career and my own lifestyle. My friend went wild with the stripper and so did the Dr. They were getting so turned on, but I just watched. Those strippers really know their business. I’m a team player and had some fun too. disclosure I’m not into woman but can appreciate beauty & Art. The Dr. ended up buying me a cute hat from E11EVEN and even gave me some money to tip the girls, so I was having a blast. He was a gentleman.
Fast forward it’s 4 am and we go back to his place to sleep before we drive back to Sunny Isles in the morning. They go in the bathroom and I can hear them having sex and think nothing of it. I ask him for his scrubs, pajamas as I’m about to pass out. There is only one bed for us all. My friend jumps in the shower and the Dr. starts unpacking his Dr. bag and starts to ask me what I like… He opens his Dr. briefcase and I assume he is taking out his medical instruments but instead he takes out dildos, vibrators and butt plugs and throws them at me. I am in shock because why would a man like him need these toys. This is for men who can’t perform right? He looks at me and ask me what I like sexually? I tell him that I would like a man like him that would want to get married, have kids and provide. He rolls his eyes and sees I’m trying to be a good friend and not escalate his true intentions! How could I betray my friend who has found her love mi amore? My friend jumps out of the shower and before I know it I’m on my phone trying to fall asleep and they start having sex in front of me! I’m in shock. Then I start watching as it becomes so intense. It’s like watching real X-rated porn. I see my friend spinning and doing things that I could or never would with a man. Forget the Dr. who is extremely large and a stallion that is out of control. I can’t believe my eyes. I try to ignore but let’s be honest I’m getting turned on a little, but I feel so guilty as this is so wrong because this is not my man! I close my eyes and try to go to sleep. The Dr. is suave and says “would you like to join” I say “well Dr. I would love too but I can’t betray my friend.” My friend says, “you’re not betraying me I would love to see you enjoy yourself with him.” I start speaking in Russian so the Dr. can’t understand and say are you sure or is he pressuring you? Then she answers in English sternly “look I know you want him, and l know your attracted to him, stop complaining about not finding sexual chemistry and enjoy.” I say, “well okay but this is a first and we are only going to third base.” This is not my program because I usually only have this kind of romance in relationships not with a man who is my friend’s boyfriend and future husband. But then again I’m trying to be a team player and don’t want to scare her man off! So I tell him let’s see if your magic works on me! Let’s just say he is one of the best that I ever had. I had to slow him down as I could not keep up with him so I started talking, negotiating to slow him down. Even though I wanted him badly as he seduced me. I could not engage to the next level because I had to explain this is not in my program. I never had these urges but it was like the Devil was tempting me. Yes, he has everything I ever wanted in a man, Dr., successful, tall, great body, generous, 45 and I had sexual chemistry with him. He gave me such pleasure, but he is with my friend, does not want to have kids and lives this lifestyle which I don’t condone. I told him and showed him pictures of my recent men and told him why things fell apart with each and every one of them while I’m catching my breath and explaining that I am willing to meet men half way but I require love and respect from men. (including him) I need a man who will improve my life or else nothing beside third base is happening. I’m not trying to piss him off as my friend is also getting tired from the sexual activity as we are both barely breathing but she is more alert than me. I get tired and pass out and I tell her he is your boyfriend I was a team player but I’m tired and I’m out and I passed out and business is closed. Before I pass out as I can’t keep up anymore I tell him one thing. I told him that I have had men like him in my past and wondered why they never choose me or if they did it was a short fling. But now its crystal clear. I asked him if this is the program nightly and he said yes. Granted he is a former professional athlete back in his University days. I remember waking up and thinking “be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.” I was thinking if I had to do all that lovemaking solo on a consistent basis I would die. I was lucky my friend let me experience a little taste in the bedroom but I sure could never satisfy a man like this! People look at me because I am 5’10, full figured and former Playboy Model and think just because I can seduce men that I can really perform in bedroom. I really lost my confidence and will maybe give nerds a second chance! It was weird as I woke up and for some reason I was not attached. I had a great time and realized that this man might look the part and have everything on the outside, but I would not want him even if he was not with me friend.
As we were driving on the i95 North I had flashbacks on the whole night. My friend is very feminine, listens to what he says and wants, does not negotiate with him. Has no limitations in the lovemaking process. He was so sweet with her and I could see he lights up with her. With me he was a little stronger sexually and I could see our bodies, energies clashed throughout the night as there was no emotional or love connection, just he satisfied me 100 percent. My friend was the key element to bring us all together as him and I would eventually clash because I would never allow” The Lifestyle” I would like to have a Dr husband like this, with a beautiful house on Star Island and waking up with a man who tells me I am the sun in his eyes and runs to work to provide a beautiful life for his family. I could tell I did not satisfy the Dr in many ways. He satisfied me and when he wanted more I started telling him what I needed alluding to a serious relationship and or friendship with him. Even when I tried to satisfy him I could not in the third base zone. That has never happened to me. Men are usually hot for me. My friend was being diplomatic, and she said that the Dr told her that he chose her over so many young women in Miami is because she is “Nice” basically I was not nice with him lol. Most woman want the man to prove his loyalty and love before the sex happens. My friend has sex a lot as she lives in this “Lifestyle” so for her it’s another night in paradise. I have to really have chemistry or something serious to get amorous with a man. No excuses I have never been able to have sex to have sex. To me it is sacred and business oriented.
What’s interesting is I called my friend the other night and her Dr. boyfriend picked up the phone and was so sweet with me. At first I did not recognize his voice and he said this is your special friend. I could not control myself and said you’re not my friend Dr. He was in shock, and he said you’re joking, and I said no you’re not my friend, nor do you want to be my friend. A friend would have reached out to see how I am doing.? After giving me 10 plus orgasms you would think I might be sore Which took me two weeks to recover. You just wanted to screw me and dump me. He said if I wanted to, I would have closed the deal. I snapped back and said with your non-producing sperm. I presume he is neutered or fixed to not impregnate woman in the lifestyle. Why would I sleep with you? For what reason? I told him that my friends ex-boyfriend Keith Furlong (the Pilot) who gave me an Enema as I got a little sick while at their house , and a man who told me to my face he is not attracted to me, nor did not show any kind of chemistry for friendship or romance even he messaged me on social media and asked how I was feeling. I told him he is not a gentleman! He slammed the phone and you can imagine what else happened. My friend took his side and said its okay to screw her boyfriend but does not want us talking or for him doing anything nice for me. I told her that is not empowering woman. If a man wants more than one woman in the bedroom than he needs step it up on various levels. He cants just get free sex from one and only take care of the main one. What kind of program is that? She says what do you expect from him. I said to be a friend and improve my life with tangibles. If he wants that. That sent her over the edge. The next day she called crying and said he wants my number to apologize and he broke up with her. But she feels uncomfortable and does not want us talking. I respect her on that request. He told her he has never been spoken to like that. I felt bad and said I understand and agreed to just all move on. I realized one thing, I could never be in the “The lifestyle” I am sure they made up by now and I hope they do as they are perfect for one another. As your new Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City, I don’t think this program if for me. I am “Only Josie Knows” let me know if this program is for you!