Home #Hwoodtimes St Tropez Holiday Romance Update

St Tropez Holiday Romance Update

St Tropez Holiday Romance Update
My Frenchman And I At “Le Senequier” St Tropez

By Josie Goldberg (The Hollywood Times) 11/21/2024

C’EST La Vie – “Mr. Frenchman & Only Josie Knows”

I have never had a romance with a Frenchman, but I have to say that it was quite intense and there is a lot of passion in the French men. Even though I was born in America, I come from the Russian Jewish people, and we are intense people.  I am a conglomerate of many cultures, so I find it very easy to integrate with many handsome men around the world.  To be a journalist one must be objective, and not subjective so I will try explaining my holiday romance, from start to finish without any biases.

It all started with a bang. I met Mr. Frenchman on Bumble, and in his profile, everything was what I was looking for. Tall, dark & handsome 6’4. Graduate Degree, no kids and he immediately invited me to a nice restaurant without days of messaging.  A very nice restaurant in the port of St. Tropez “Le Senequier”.  He was nice looking, but it took me a couple of drinks to get my chemistry going, in French they say “Aperitifs”.  Then we became inseparable.  Don’t want to make this X rated but between the physical/emotional chemistry it was hot. There was only one problem and that was that I was traveling with a so-called friend, and we only had one key. I always listen to my mother, but my mom did not want me traveling with this friend as she drank excessively, and my mom had a bad feeling about her drinking and behavior. I have traveled with this friend before and I could always keep a distance from her drinking, have fun and get my work done.  I mean why would this trip be different?

As I was having the time of my life with my Frenchman, I saw my friend was miserable, drinking 3-4 bottles a day, and becoming quite aggressive. She was not having that much fun, it was very hard for her to meet men, people and enjoy St. Tropez.  Sometimes vacations are like that. I felt bad for her, so I took her out a little with my Frenchman, but I saw she was getting a little too comfortable with him. Which started to embarrass me.  She was so obnoxious as we took her out to dinner, night clubs and she seemed to think my man was her man. She started ordering bottles after bottles, grabbing him and coming on to him that I slowly tried to distance myself from her. When I told her kindly that I don’t appreciate that behavior, she became more and more outraged and was refusing to change her behavior. I made an executive decision that I was not going to escalate the situation and ruin my amazing time in the South of France.

But I knew I should have listened to my mom and that the relationship was over with her when we got back to America. I still had to work in the Monaco Yacht Festival and did not want her to ruin my holiday and work vacation.  She has nothing to lose, so I just did my best to keep professional and in the back of my mind I started to see how hard it is to live with someone with addictions. I started to see that my Frenchman was also is a big drinker because he started to engage her in bottle after bottle. I saw that this is not a quality I want in a long-term partner.  A fling is fine and fun, but nothing could ever be so serious between us.  When I told him to not engage her, he said why do you care?  She is jealous of you Josie! You have me and she is alone, she wishes to find someone, but she will not. I said whatever it maybe I don’t treat my friends like that or take advantage of the situation.

He did not care.  As it turns out he told me he has a past of being a player, rounder, womanizer as well. It’s just he told me I have different feelings towards you that I have not had in a long time. Like we knew each other in a past life.  We just clicked and became best friends over night.   I have been on both ends of the stick, so I don’t condone this behavior in men, Weather I am the main chick or the side chick. I only understand accept Column A or Column B relationships. Column A: relationships are monogamous, men and woman are responsible emotionally, sexually and financially for each other, and their geared to the result of love marriage and or kids.  Column B relationships are when a man/woman offers a deal where both parties accept and it’s for a period and there is no monogamy, or any kind or responsibilities on both ends.  I started to see that my Frenchman was getting too friendly with my friend who was on a binge. Basically, leading her on, at least that’s what I soberly saw.  I said what are you doing? He said again why do you care? I am with you, if anything I would not mind sexual advances from her. I said excuse me, but I don’t allow you to treat her or any of my friends like that. This is not a swingers’ party and if you are going to behave like that the relationships stops immediately.  Plus, I told him my friend is a grandmother, mother to three grown children and basically going through a divorce where her ex left her with nothing and she is looking to be financially taken care of, not giving sexual advancements for free, or to other boyfriends. Again, I told him she has a sickness, addiction to alcohol that’s why she behaves like this. However, taking advantage is lowest of low.  He told me you’re a typical hysterical American woman.

My friend again got very jealous when my Frenchman came to visit me in Monaco the following week. He drove all the way from Nimes, France which was a couple of hours to see me. I kindly told my friend take the key and go out and meet some men. We are in Monaco! She got more infuriated and said you came with me and now you’re leaving me for some guy.  I ended up getting stuck with her again and this time she really went for it.  After dinner she ended up drinking with my Frenchman till 3’clock in the morning and when I walked into the kitchen and it looked like something went down.  I ended up passing out watching my Telenovelas “Locked Up” (Which is a fabulous series) and when I woke up, I saw two drunks, dancing the night away.

Tennis Tournament In St Tropez. My friend and I

I kindly told Mr. Frenchman, he can pack his stuff and leave immediately.  He immediately turned off the music and told my friend I am sorry, but I am here with Josie, and she is my woman, and I’m sorry if I led you on but I just wanted to drink and get some fresh air.  My friend was shocked, and said wow I can’t believe he listens to you. I told her keep drinking it’s your life but don’t involve me or my guest, because you embarrass me! The next day Mr. Frenchman and I had so much fun, he felt so bad, and I forgave him as he made it up to me.  That evening we all went to a nice Yacht party. He acted strange with my friend, basically ignoring her which was again was kind of strange. We ended up meeting some beautiful Parisian furniture designer’s women at the Yacht party and they asked me how I met such a young handsome Frenchman.  I told them ladies, its beginners’ luck, that I picked him up in St Tropez last week and we are just friends.

My Frenchman overheard me and said “Excuse me”?  I am your boyfriend, I don’t know how they call it in America, where people sleep together, spend time together and have a connection” I said sure, I’ll be your girlfriend Frenchie.  I swear a half an hour goes by I see my friend yelling at the Frenchman and he is swapping phone numbers with the 2 Parisian ladies. I look over and I see the same thing. I realized then that Mr. Frenchman thinks he can have me in his number 1 spot and live his best life. Maybe if he was Elon Musk but not him.  That night he took me to Nobu, and we had a ball, but I knew this man was not for me, but I enjoyed myself as he made me happy and showed me a good time in Monaco.

The next day, my friend said you should of never went to sleep and left your man drinking at the table. I told her that she should have been a true friend and either went to bed or went out to find her own man. Why drink with someone else’s man till 3 am?  I will never know the truth and honesty its irrelevant. The Frenchman and I stayed in contact for some time when I left the South of France. We both missed each other, and it was a strange kind of attachment. Then one day we had an argument, and he told me that I have shitty low-class friends. That my friend tried to steal him from me, and that she tried to kiss him. I said, well you led her on and she probably thought you wanted to dump me and go to her. Next time don’t lead woman on. I also said here is her phone number, your free to jump ship.

We communicated for some time, but I realized we are not for each other.  I asked him why he has not offered to buy me a ticket back to France, and there are no flowers, chocolate or (cadeaux) presents in French. Why all the messages I miss you (blah, blah).  He told me he is looking for a woman who is a 50/50 partner. Even though he was a gentleman with me in the beginning he really likes woman who are very independent.  He said he had a soft spot for me. I am not an independent or a dependent.  I am co-dependent. Meaning, I am educated, work hard but I need “THE MAN” as my umbrella, my protector and someone who can take responsibility for me, and our future children.  He told me he does not want children in the future. He already has one.  I asked him how much he pays his ex in alimony. He told me 300 hundred Euros just for his child. I could not understand why so little. I then asked him where he graduated college from, and he told me “Josie you’re such a Jew”. The idiot does not know I researched him, and it turns out he comes from a very rich family in real estate, movie theatres, and restaurant business.  Since he lied to me about other factors kids, university, kids etc… I did my own due diligence.  He is a trust funder who lives a carefree lifestyle.  Its good we are not close by because we would have had a toxic relationship.  I am “Only Josie Knows” and my friend who is top dog at his financial firm and graduated Cal Tech explained that you are either Column A or Column B. When both sexes start blending the columns that’s when there are dysfunctional relationships where all loose. Do you Agree?