Home #Hwoodtimes A Growing Social App during social distancing regulations keeps viewers connected

A Growing Social App during social distancing regulations keeps viewers connected

A Growing Social App during social distancing regulations keeps viewers connected

By: Victoria Stevens

Hollywood, CA (The Hollywood Times) 04/2/2020 – During this time of social distancing, many people are finding it harder and harder to connect with like-minded individuals. They are being told what to do from the government, what to think from the media, and what to worry about from medical professionals. What they are lacking, however, is the ability to express themselves on topics that they can relate to and connect with. Stardust, a growing social app, has created a platform for fans all over the world to be able to connect and express themselves openly while enjoying the opportunity to grow their own fan base.

“Stardust, which is a video reaction app, is born out of the desire to get nerdy around your favorite movies and tv shows. You find people who are watching what you are watching now and share your reactions to that movie or tv show. It was made to build your own community around what you are interested in,” said COO Ashley Fauset.

The App has many different features that you can participate in. One popular feature that most viewers like is the daily movie challenge.

“Each day at noon we will release the daily movie challenge article. Viewers watch the movie and then react to how that movie made them feel and what they liked or didn’t like about the film. We have learned that viewers get really excited to be in this challenge together because it brings more of a community feel to the app. Many of the suggestions come from our viewers and they get thrilled to see when we use their suggestions,” claimed Fauset.

There has been a noticeable increase in viewership since the quarantine has been put into effect. However, there has also been an interesting development in the type of movies that have been reacted to.

“In the past, as media was trending and a lot of movies were released to video on demand, we would see a lot of the same reactions to the current movie release. Now, viewers are re-binging tv shows like Breaking Bad and Mad Men, which has given a more broadened reaction experience. We have noticed that many of the movies that people are currently watching are the coming of age and friendship type films like Stand by Me. The viewers are relating more to these types of films due to their current situations and the uncertainty of the future,” said Fauset.

As networks, such as Netflix, keep trying to withstand the sudden demand of content; they are figuring out different ways to keep the viewers engaged and connected to upcoming shows.

“Platforms are learning not to release the episodes all at once,” said Fauset. “Netflix can’t keep up with what people are consuming since they release the entire season at one time. Other competitors don’t have to worry about that. With a weekly release it is more impactful for our viewers as they are all watching the same show at one time. It brings in an increase in reactions which means more viewership for the app.”

As social distancing is enforced and the current status of this virus is uncertain, individuals need to stay connected to their voice and how they relate to each other. This is what Stardust is trying to do- connect those like-minded people together.

“Humans resonate with stories that they are invested in. These stories bring us on a journey and opens our eyes to trials and tribulations throughout the world. We learn how other people live and what they are experiencing through each film. Our App gives you a platform in which you can share what these stories mean to you and how they make you feel. In this time, where people feel a loss of control, this app helps them find a way to be relevant. That is what people are looking for right now, how to have their voices heard,” said Fauset.


For more Information: https://www.stardust.com/