Richard Greene believes that the American Political “System” is NOT broken.
In fact, he thinks it is infinitely capable of accomplishing virtually EVERYTHING the majority of Americans – on both sides of the aisle – want.
So, as a former lawyer who was a Fellow for “The Constitutional Rights Foundation” when at USC Law School, a former Congressional candidate, national political talk show host, The BBC “Public Speaking and Communication MAESTRO,” and a “Civics Educator,” he has a plan to make that happen!
Even in the remaining days of The 2024 Election.
“If young people voted as much as older Americans, young people, and the rest of the country, could and would elect enough additional representatives, on ONE DAY, November 5, to restore women’s reproductive rights, pass background checks for gun purchases, reform The Supreme Court, get dark money out of politics, fix the border and immigration issues, lower costs for gas and groceries, raise the national minimum wage, restore full voting rights for all Americans, decriminalize cannabis . . . and even END The Electoral College as we know it. And on and on.”
He says this because he has “gamified” America and says there is a “magic number” to get what the VAST majority of Americans want . . . and that we are very, very close.
“The magic number of America is 270. Help crowdsource 270 electoral votes and you get the President you want. Help crowdsource a total of 270 national elected officials (218 in The House, 51 in The Senate and 1 in The White House) and you/we can pass ANY and EVERY piece of legislation, on ANY and EVERY issue facing our country!
And on most of these issues, we are only 6 -8 elected officials away from making this happen!”
And Richard explains HOW that can happen, in that one day on November 5.
“Let’s take “The Women’s Health Protection Act”, the bill that would codify ‘Roe v. Wade’ and immediately restore the reproductive rights and freedoms that the VAST majority of Americans want. Democrats in The House passed this bill in 2022, but it failed because Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin were not willing to create a “Carve-Out” to The Republican Filibuster on this bill. So, in 2022 we had 268, but not the 270 we needed.”
“Since then, we added Sen. John Fetterman in The 2022 Midterms but lost The House. So the number of elected officials needed to get to 270 – in THIS election – is 5. With 4 more Democrats elected to The House, “Speaker” Hakeem Jeffries would put the bill on the floor in early January and with net 1 more Democrat elected to The Senate (Colin Allred in Texas or Debbie Murcasel Powell in Florida), Majority Leader Chuck Schumer would do the same and Kamala Harris would already be there to break a tie! And, if this can be done before January 20 at NOON, President Joe Biden would happily sign the bill!
What happens if this, or any other bill that a new Democratic majority in The House and Senate might pass between January 3 and Noon on January 20?
“Well, this is, in my mind, THE key CIVICS fact in this entire election. If Americans want to restore Reproductive Rights and Freedoms, pass gun safety legislation, make Billionaires and big corporations pay more, etc., etc. etc., they’re going to need a 270th person, The President, who will sign those bills! And on those and other Democratic issues, Kamala Harris – even if you don’t like her – WILL sign them . . . and Donald Trump – as much as you might like (or love) him, will NOT sign them!”
“Be transactional! Vote for what you most care about” urges Greene.
So, it all comes down to numbers for Richard Greene, called “The Civics Dean” as a playful reference to his friend “Bill Nye The Science Guy.”
“Democracy is a MATHEMATICAL CONCEPT,” he says. The “magic number” in a monarchy or dictatorship is ONE. In a democracy it is some form of 50% PLUS 1 . . . and in our country today, it is 270!
Crowdsource the election of 270 people who want what YOU want, and it happens.
Fail to vote or fail to get your friends and family and followers who care about the same things to vote and only end up with 269 . . . you get NOTHING!”
A great reminder for those who believe the system is broken. The system is only “broken,” says Richard, if you stay home and don’t vote!”