Home #Hwoodtimes Good Dee’s Proves that Health-conscious Living and Decadent Indulgence really do Mix for the Holidays

Good Dee’s Proves that Health-conscious Living and Decadent Indulgence really do Mix for the Holidays

Good Dee’s Proves that Health-conscious Living and Decadent Indulgence really do Mix for the Holidays

By Jules Lavallee  

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 10/12/2020 –  With the holidays around the corner, Good Dee’s is a brand your children with food allergies can call their own, your family members with diabetes can enjoy during special occasions and give those who just want to try a new lifestyle a healthy start. From sweet cranberry cornbread to savory stuffing, Good Dee’s offers innovative, full-flavor mixes free of gluten, soy, dairy, wheat, and added sugar. CEO/Founder of Good Dee’s, Deana Karim shares her story.

How did your struggle with weight loss lead you to launch, “Good Dee’s?” 

I have been struggling with my weight my whole life. It was constantly a yo-yo with zero consistency. Once I discovered how being low carb and sugar-free helped me, I kept going. I love food and I love to bake and I had to figure out how to recreate favorites without the sugar or gluten. I wanted to make this sustainable and once I realized I could remake my staple items with no sugar, Good Dee’s was born! Our guilt-free, decadent indulgences are a favorite for the holidays.

Tell us about your selections and a few examples of recipes on your site.

Thank you for saying that! I have a wide range of baking mixes, frosting mixes, vegan chocolate chips, and sprinkles. Some great recipes we have for the holidays are:

Good Dee’s Cranberry Sandwich

This easy cranberry cornbread will have you the life of the party…dinner party. Take our Gluten Free, Low Carb, Corn Free Bread Mix and make it shine.

Your Brownie Mix hit #1 on Amazon. What makes this mix irresistible?

The brownie mix really was made with such specific ratios and I made over 100 samples before I settled on this formula. I am a perfectionist. I think people want to eat well and now, with all the options they have, they want it to taste good. I think the fact that I love food is shown through my mixes. I create all my mix formulas. I only make and release things I will eat. Food should be enjoyed and taste good-and I hope you can tell from my mixes that I’m a foodie!

Good Dee’s Brownies

Thanksgiving is around the corner, your sweet cranberry cornbread to savory stuffing recipes are among the favorites. What is about these dishes that people love so much? 

I’m born and raised in Texas (now in NYC!) and making a good cornbread was really important to me. I think people love the fact that they can enjoy these dishes just like they always have-and that it tastes so close to the higher carb counterpart!


Good Dee’s Holiday Stuffing is made with our Corn Free Bread mix, thyme, parsley and many other spices. It’s truly delicious. We created this savory stuffing recipe sure to please everyone at the table.

Is Good Dee’s really about doing good deeds? How is your company doing good for families? 

I try to help where I can. During the pandemic, we gave away thousands of dollars worth of mixes to those who were affected by the pandemic or were first responders. I think everyone should be able to eat something that tastes good AND makes you feel good.

What is your vision for the future? 

I am just getting started, I feel like. I see Good Dee’s expanding into so many products and giving people more options for gluten-free and sugar-free treats.

Good Dee’s Muffin
