Home #Hwoodtimes Diana Babayan “Yasaman Fashion”

Diana Babayan “Yasaman Fashion”

Diana Babayan “Yasaman Fashion”
Diana Babayan

By Josie Goldberg (The Hollywood Times) – 7/1/2024

I have always had a problem with fashion. What looks good on me, I am not comfortable and what is comfortable is not so stylish. As I was preparing my trip for Cannes Film Festival and Formula 1, I remembered how my former friend and former publicist got very upset with me the previous year with my wardrobe. I don’t even own a dress that passes my knees.

Diana Babayan Designer And Owner “Yasaman Fashion”

Going to the South of France and Monaco one must dress to impress. The previous year I had some problems with my wardrobe. One of my former friends who is up in age who is also a retired publicist would constantly look at my final look at say “C’est Catastrophe Josephine” I would argue with her, because I can’t have everything covered and still feel sexy. This year luck was on my side, as my friend who I went to Cannes with is a top fashion model Tatiana V Tom. She introduced me to fashion designer Diana Babayan who is the owner of Yasaman Fashion.   Diana made me a couple of dresses that were custom fit, and I must say they were very lucky for me.

Tatiana V Tom wearing ‘Yasaman Fashion” (Photo Gabrielyan Studio)

I met Diana on the phone via Tatiana.  I told Diana that I appreciate her making me some designer dresses for Cannes, but I must give her some requests. I have claustrophobia. I like clothes that come on and off easily and more importantly I can do it myself. I like to be an independent dresser. Especially when I am traveling throughout Europe because sometimes, I have company and sometimes not (its depends on my luck). I also told her I need clothes that are light for my suitcase. I need dresses that I can layer and please no trains on my dresses, (don’t want to pick up dirt). Space is a problem, if you’re like me and a budget traveler.  My last request was that they are sexy and classy at the same time.  Tatiana took my measurements and I kid you not Diana had them ready within three weeks.

I try not to be too demanding but just like with food allergies, my clothing has to be just right, or I can break out in hives and really have panic attacks. I’m very sensitive in the clothing I wear as well with the food I Intake. Okay maybe I am high maintenance and not extra sensitive. That’s up for another article. When my dresses arrived, I tried all of them on and I have to say they were the perfect fit. They were all classy, conservative but sexy at the same time. Not to mention they slimmed me down as well.  We all have bloating when traveling across the country unless you’re a 100-pounder model. But normal weight woman has this problem.  The right dress can cover that as Diana’s did.

Diana made me an evening gown that was black velvet. It was one of the longest dresses I have ever worn. It covered my extra-large bosoms which tend to be offensive to some, but my dress had an open back which let my skin breath and it made me feel the sexy element.  But the best part was it gilded on and off and I hooked it together independently in less than one minute.

I ended up wearing the dress to an extra exclusive VIP party for a Formula 1 event in Monaco.  I have to say it brought me luck. I met the hottest guy at the party. Most of the girls were dressed scantily clad at the club, and I took a different approach.  Looking back, the guy I met was behaving modestly but when he saw my dress had an open back, and he put his hand on my back he lost control, grabbed me and started kissing me like I have never kissed before.  He became a madman. I have never seen a man go from 0-100 in a New York minute from touching my back.  The whole night he was touching my back and I think the curiosity made him go wild.  The front of the dress was so conservative but when I turned around, the back was available. Something else happened when he asked me to go outside for a little talk but cannot disclose in “The Hollywood Times” That’s for another time, my readers.

I recently sat down with Diana Babayan for an interview for The Hollywood Times and she told me that her style is both classy and sexy at the same time.

I told her about my romance while wearing one of her dresses and how “Mr. J” went wild when his hand touched my open back. I never thought an open back could be so seductive. Usually, it was my bosoms and my Josie Legs with my short dresses that got men to jump. I told her that this is the most physical chemistry with a man I have had in long time. She explained that when she designs clothes, she wants men to find woman to be a little mysterious. There is something about that!  I told her that I could not believe everything I asked her she delivered and I thanked her because dressing for events can be so stressful. I told her I felt comfortable and sheik while wearing YASAMAN.  I even saw my ex-friend from the previous year and she told me that I looked the part this year. If you want to look professional, stylish, classy, beautiful and elegant at the same time, I highly recommend you try out Yasaman Fashion.  “Only Josie Knows” sat down with Diana Babayan and got some information that can help one achieve the look one desires and some personal information on Diana Babayan CEO of “Yasaman Fashion”.

Check her out ,you might learn something about fashion, I did.