Home #Hwoodtimes Coaches: Why the “Givers Marketplace” is the Place to Find Your Creative Client Holiday Gift 

Coaches: Why the “Givers Marketplace” is the Place to Find Your Creative Client Holiday Gift 

Coaches: Why the “Givers Marketplace” is the Place to Find Your Creative Client Holiday Gift 

By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 12/01/2020 –  Your clients are the lifeblood of your business. What better way to show your top-tier clients that you are grateful for their support and loyalty than to give them a gift that reinforces the mindset of growth, strategy, and empowerment? The “Givers Marketplace” by Be Line Products, was launched to help people everywhere around the world BE their best selves and live their best lives. You will find, Be Genuine, Be Inspired, Be Strong Totes, Wooden framed photos of Africa’s beauty and majestic animals filled with inspirational quotes, “Live in a World of Infinite Possibilities,” “When Love is Our Highest Value, Our Highest Currency, There is no limit to what we can achieve, love is why we are here,” “Getting up Each time we fall, learning the lessons from every challenge we face, and never giving up, no matter what obstacles we face, is how we live into our destiny. This is what makes us strong,” photos by Kenyan Photographer, Davis Hidinks Ogosi, Be Inspired, Be Grateful phone cases, Be Love knit beanies, Be Kind, Be Happy mugs and so much more!


Dawn Airhart Witte is the Founder of the nonprofit Desire to Inspire Foundation that is helping the poorest women and children in Uganda, Kenya and abroad. She launched the “Givers Marketplace” by Be Line Products to bring love and inspiration on a global scale. $7 of each purchase will go to the Desire to Inspire Foundation. www.desiretoinspirefoundation.org 

You are a true inspiration for others. Share your work as the Founder of Desire to Inspire Foundation. 

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my work. I love and being able to share that love with children is such a gift to me. There is a quote by Pamela Leo that sums it up so nicely, “Children need at least one person in their life who thinks the sun rises and sets on them, who delights in their existence and loves them unconditionally.” We all need that person in our lives and I get to be that person to so many. To inspire others to see the greatness within themselves and help people put their own unique gifts and talents into the world is the most rewarding and fulfilling thing I could ever do. I am truly blessed.

Be Genuine cap

What have you seen as a result of your work?

Before I went to Africa the first time, I was working with the amazing Laura J. Swan and she and I did a guided meditation about what my trip might be like. I saw visions of beautiful African children and then an image of a PVC pipe cut flush against a wall came into my mind. Laura said maybe you are going to bring them water. That thought had not crossed my mind because I was going there to meet the children I had dreamed about meeting my whole life. Since that time, three and a half years ago, I have collaborated with The You At Heart Foundation, and we have drilled three boreholes to bring thousands of people clean water. We have built a sick-bay in a village called Nzulezu whose previous medical facility was a canoe ride and long car trip away. We have provided vocational training and extra classes for children in Ghana, We were able to move our girls in Sierra Leone from a one-room home, where they all slept on the floor, to a home with beds for each girl. We have been helping meet basic food needs for hundreds of children in Uganda, Ghana, and Sierra Leone, and we have given out almost 2500 “Little Books of Be…” to children in five countries in Africa and the US. I have been able to touch thousands of people’s lives in love and kindness and I will not stop until I take my last breath.

Be inspired cellphone case

Tell us about  Be Line Products. What excites you the most? 

We will be spotlighting artists so that they can put their work out into the world. Being able to help creators share what they do excites me the most. Our current artist spotlight is on the amazingly talented photographer, Davis Hidink Oching. His photographs are stunning, and I am so happy that we are able to help him share his gift with the world. His work is featured in our 2021 calendar and our beautiful framed prints. I am so very proud to share his talent with others.

Africa Inspiration Calendar by Be Line Products

What are the cool inspirational products we can find in Be Line Products? 

Be Inspired t-shirt

We have so many fun gifts on our shopping site. I created the Be Line Product website to be a Giver’s Marketplace to help fund our work. $7 from every item purchased will be donated to the Desire to Inspire Foundation. We have shirts, hats, pillows, cell phone cases, tote bags, and my signature Be…fragrance, using my seven words that we all choose to BE; love, grateful, inspired, happy, genuine, strong, and kind. We also have a beautiful calendar and framed prints featuring Davis’ stunning photos of Africa. I have them hung all over my office because they inspire me and they are a constant reminder of all of the magic, miracles, and love I have in my life.

You have many projects in the works for 2021. Tell us about them. 

Our future goals are to build sustainability centers that will help lift entire communities by creating meaningful work and educational programs. We want everyone to be able to use their unique gifts and talents to create their happiest and most fulfilling lives full of purpose and love. We are raising the funds to build our first center in Busia, Uganda to help Mama Josephine and the 67 children she is lovingly raising. We will be purchasing bricks from Father Henry Murillo which will help him earn money to take care of his family and the orphaned children he has taken in while building a safe place for Mama and the children to live, and we will be providing educational programs for all of those who live in the village. Our goal is to lift the entire community and help all live into their highest and greatest calling.


