Home #Hwoodtimes Ciaran Anthony

Ciaran Anthony


The Irish Mystic

By Josie Goldberg ( The Hollywood Times) 7/30/2024

You all may know me by now that I sometimes get into trouble for being too honest, however, that is who I am and what I am most proud of. I can sleep at night knowing that I have helped others when I had the chance.  I am excited to share with you my personal Psychic and friend Ciaran Anthony all the way from Ireland. He does Tarot, Chakra, and Psychic Readings.   He predicted some events in the past couple years that have materialized, and he has some very interesting predication on what my future may hold.

I was introduced to Ciaran by my Dr. Phil co–star Erica Rose back in 2021. She told me that he gave her such an accurate reading and that I should try The Irish Mystic myself.  The best part about Ciaran is that he is so easy to reach and he does his reading off of Instagram Video. So it does not matter where one is in the world, all you need is a good internet connection. He also charges 60 US dollars which is so reasonable.


When I got my reading there were two parts of my life in turmoil.  I started breeding my racehorse Spoiled and Entitled and none of her offspring were able to compete.  Which was so weird. Her father won two legs of the triple crown in 2005 (The Preakness Stakes and Belmont Stakes). His name was Afleet Alex and a champion worldwide. The first filly I bred, My Balabusta was so small and weak that she could not keep up in speed.  She had to be donated as a pony. Her second foal who was a colt My Uncle Phil who died of covid.

My Colt I Bred That Passed Away Of Covid, My Uncle Phil

I bred her a third time and I was done.  As a California breeder I found it morally wrong to breed horses that can’t compete.  So this was my last filly that I bred.  Her name is Am Yisrael Chai and this was my last chance to salvage anything.  Am Yisrael Chai, had a lot of problems, as a 2-year-old.  Stomach issues and behavior problems. I switched many trainers and many said just give her away, as she was very small in size and that is a hindrance for racehorses. I asked The Irish Mystic and he said don’t listen to anyone, this horse will win many times for you and bring you a new life of happiness, opportunities and will be lucky for you. The ironic part was the name Am Yisrael Chai is the chant that the Jewish people say when under physical attack usually in a War.  When she was born, in 2019 I felt my world came crashing down on me.

Am Yisrael Chai As A Baby

The management changed in horse racing, at Santa Anita racetrack and my luck left me. I went from being, a winner to the bottom of the barrel as Belinda Stronach took over. The former Owners daughter. She did not like me from day one as I was a little too close to her father and she ended up in a legal battle for ownership of his racetracks which is still pending! I was losing all my money which I invested and most of the people in the horse industry turned against me. I guess that is more common in life, when things go south. When you’re a winner everyone wants to be your friend, but when you’re at the bottom they don’t want anything to do with you. Its okay I remembered hearing the slogan “Am Yisrael Chai” and saw a Rabbi on tv who yelled, “Am Yisrael Chai” and God protected his life and many other members of the synagogue that dreadful day! I said that is going to be my new slogan for all my endeavors and this will be the name of my final and third filly. I got a great vibe!

Well The Irish Mystic was right. She won many times, for me, and I fell in love with her which I have not had with a horse since 2015 when Only Josie Knows tragically died in a race at Santa Anita Park. That love success and mysticism was back in my life and I was so happy.  Bonding with a horse that I had as a baby which I got to watch develop into a real racehorse was the best job and lifestyle in the whole wide world. I met so many nice people, traveled to different racetracks and loved being around her to kiss and play with her when she was not in training. The most ironic part was, she won 8 years to day of my last winner Only Josie Knows at Del Mar Racetrack August 28, 2014. Am Yisrael Chai breaking her maiden August 28, 2022 at Los Alamitos Racetrack!  But most of all I was happy and living my best life.

I had to start making more money as I lost so much in thoroughbred breeding, so I went back to school to study for my real estate Brokers license during the pandemic.  I was just a real estate licensee with only six transactions under my belt.   Passing the Brokers California State Exam, is pretty tough task as one can work for him or herself independently.  When you’re just a licensee you have to spit your commission with your Broker. It took me two years and I finally did it. Even my father thought I would never pass the state exam. It really was one of the hardest exams and licensees to attain in my career.

It’s been over a year and I will share some of Mr. Ciaran Anthony aka The Irish Mystic predictions for me for 2024 and what he sees that I can’t see!

He said that I need to be careful of attracting Peter Pan types of men. They look like they have it all, and maybe they do but they don’t want to take responsibility and commit to me or anyone else. Which is so true. He also said I need to be careful with snakes in my life. I don’t have that many genuine friends or colleagues.  He also said to be careful with addictions. (aka) my love for casinos.

On my professional life, he said he sees me doing reality tv that has to do with a Real Estate themed show.  Also he sees me working on a scripted project in New York.  So hopefully that is accurate.

On a romantic level he sees a man entering my life that has a beard or some hair on his chin. He said this man will calm me down, and make me more stable.  He said that sometimes I have so much noise in my head with all my ideas and that I go in all different directions, he told me to try to work on that and keep those ideas inside of me and don’t tell people everything right away. Also this man will have kids from a previous marriage but he will be very tall, handsome and successful, as I love stud muffins! He also said I will be having 2 kids with him!

We will see …

I know that The Irish Mystic predicated some success for me that friends, family and or top professionals said that was unattainable. I’m “Only Josie Knows” and if you want to know your future, or get a couple hints, contact my friend Ciaran Anthony aka The Irish Mystic.