One Giant Leap
Last week we may have been feeling like we had our foot on the gas pedal, but the brake was on, well this week that brake is off, and it is full steam ahead. This week we have a new moon in Aries, the sun moves into Aries, and Mercury in Aries. Talk about a firestorm. However, we thankfully have Venus in Taurus to help us keep at least one foot on the ground.
Taurus is an Earth sign, the sign of the bull. Venus is the planet of love and rules Taurus, so it is very happy when it gets to return home. Taurus is all about love, luxury, comfort, connection, and Earthly pleasures and pursuits. Combined with passionate and fiery Aries, this can actually be a great season for your love life.
Aries is the sign of the ram and is pure fire baby. The sign of fresh starts and new beginnings, Aries loves nothing more than to take action. It is the leader of the zodiac, the first sign, and always the first one in the pool. When it comes to love, it can take giant leaps without necessarily looking, but that’s exactly why we did our planning last week! So when this week came around, we at least had already given our plans a good once over. We now know where we are leaping to and how to get there.
So, the moral of this week’s story is, it’s time to move! Remember those plans you made last week? Well, this week it is time to put them into motion. This week you are going to be taking one small step or…
One Giant Leap
So, pull out your handy dandy astrology journal, and your plans from last week, and ask yourself.
What is one small way I can put last week’s plans into motion this week?
What is one big way I can put last week’s plans into motion this week?
How can I present the plan to my partner?
What are the words I can use to express what I want and how I feel?
What is the next step I need to start the plan?
What are the next three steps after that?
What do I want the plan to look like when it is all finished?
What do I want me(and/or) my partner to feel like when it is finished?
For example, if your plan for last week was a romantic island getaway with your honey, perhaps this week you can look up flights and hotels and maybe even book the ticket! Or if you aren’t quite at that leap level, maybe you pick up some guidebooks and reach out to friends who have visited your island
locale to figure out the best spots to stay.
If you are single and your plan from last week is to finally tell the guy from the coffee place that you flirt with every day how you really feel, then what is one step you could do to set the plan in motion this week? Maybe you could get a feel for what activities he likes to do outside of coffee drinking, do you think he would be up for a hike? Or maybe you are going all in and are going to Aries nosedive your way into the plan by just asking him out. This week is great for either. Although with all the fire floating
around out there you may go in planning to ask some simple questions and end up expressing your undying love. Aries energy can be like that sometimes!
Either way, with Aries it is usually best to just ride the wave, it often knows what it is doing. It is highly intuitive and often instinctively knows how to get where it is going. Not to mention Jupiter is in Aries, so luck is on your side, and remember, fortune favors the brave my friends! So this week follow your heart
(And your gut) and see where it takes you. Take the leap and have a little faith.
Pro Tip:
Some cautionary thoughts as you begin your leap. Aries is a very strong sign, very powerful, and often very tactless. In its pursuit of life’s pleasures, it can often run others over, proceed without caution or express its mind in a less-than-kind manner. Especially with Aries entering Mercury, the planet of communication, we have to be careful with what we say and how we say it as we ask others to join us on our wild ride. Hanging on to the loving and grounding aspect of Taurus can help us communicate our desires without firing someone away. We can run our words through a loving filter to make sure we are saying what we want to say, in a way we truly want to say it.
Also please be aware the fire of Aries is not everyone’s cup of tea. Cautious Capricorns and careful Cancers may not always appreciate the “leap before you look” mindset or the up-front candor that Aries brings to the table. So if you are expressing your wild new idea and urging someone to take the first step
with you, be aware they may not share in your fiery enthusiasm, they may need a little more time or information to get on board. Or you may end up taking that last-minute vacation on your own, which can be fun too. Aries loves a good solo adventure, so be aware that during this time, you might be letting your partner have some quiet time so you can have some adventure time. Sometimes time apart where each person gets to do their thing, can strengthen the relationship as a whole. So go for it!
Whatever happens this week, with Aries around you are sure to be in for one wild ride!
Happy star surfing!
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