By Odalys Nanin
Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 11/29/24 – Nancy de Los Santos Reza is a passionately driven Latina indie Filmmaker who brought one of her most desired projects, SAY A LITTLE PRAYER to the big screen. I sat down to chat with her after seeing her very funny and brilliant film which opened on November 22 throughout 100 AMC theaters nationwide! I was not only impressed but inspired by her fervor and commitment to not only write, produce but also to do her own marketing. I called it home grown; she calls it a community service endeavor. The screening that I went to was presented by Latina Golfers and the entire theater was packed with Latinas. Later that same night Nancy had a second screening presented by HOPE another Latina group at the American AMC in Glendale. Nancy is well known in our Latinx community, her legit credits are many but the best known are SELENA & MI FAMILIA
I was intrigued, why this film? What lit the slow fuse that spark her passion to write and produce it? She smiled and said “anger” which then turned into “passion.” I wanted to see positive uplifting stories about Latinx on the big screen. I was angry that we were only portrayed as criminals, illegals, sad, and crying.
It all started at the HBO writers’ workshop where I wrote the play version. I made a conscious choice to write a Latina Rom Com, it was first set in Chicago my hometown and then I decided to set it in San Antonio. It’s such a beautiful and romantic city. I agreed since, I had visited San Antonio’s River Walk and the old town where the famous battle of The Alamo took place. Nancy was inspired by Lourdes Portillo a pioneering Latina filmmaker who broke ground by getting a grant to bring Latinx American filmmakers to meet with Mexican filmmakers. Nancy had made a promise to herself to make this film but raising the money to produce it was the biggest challenge.
It took her nearly 30 years to finally say, I’m doing this with my smart phone and $20,000. She had her first reading of the screenplay in San Antonio and then she met Cristina Nava who took it to the next level by connecting her to a potential investor. She pitched it and got the funds to produce it. This is when the stars aligned for Nancy de Los Santos and the project took off, no one was going to stop her now! No wonder the opening song to SAY A LITTLE PRAYER is Nancy Sinatra’s famous lyrics; “these boots are made for walking and that’s what they will do one of these days, these boots are gone to walk all over you.” One of my own favorite songs.

Nancy was focus by casting a plethora of Latinx actors just like she had planned. But postproduction took another year. Her tenacity and faith in this film kept it going and finally it was released in different festivals to the great delight of all of us. But her biggest coup materialized when New Cadence Productions and Jeff Valdez got AMC to distribute the film.
I asked Nancy, where did the idea come from to SAY A LITTLE PRAYER. She said, my grandmother when I was in my 30’s told me you are successful woman, but you need a husband to take care of you. I smiled and told my grandma; I can take care of myself. Then my grandma said, your husband is lost, and you need to pray to San Antonio de Padua the saint of lost items. Say this little prayer and San Antonio de Padua will find you a noble husband. I wanted to please, my grandma so, I said the prayer and that prayer became the seed to my film. Finally, I did meet my husband whose name is Reza which mean to pray in Spanish. I told Nancy so; the prayer does work!

SAY A LITTLE PRAYER is not just funny, it’s food for the soul. It will lift up your spirits, put a smile on your face and make you fall in love again! So please don’t walk, run to see this film about three Latinas whose prayers are answer when they find true love. It’s in the spirit of the holiday season, it’s full of hope, faith and LOVE! Thank you, Nancy de Los Santos, for showing us that the impossible can be possible!
Starring: Luis Fonsi, Vanessa Vasquez Jacki Cruz, Vivian Lomelli, Jack Murillo, Angelica Maria, Dyana Ortelli, Alma Martinez
Directed by Patrick C. Perez Vidauri
Produced by Cristina Nava and Nancy de Los Santos