Home #Hwoodtimes “Heavy Metal Rules” In Atlanta With Steel Panther!

“Heavy Metal Rules” In Atlanta With Steel Panther!

Steel Panther

By: Brian Maddox

Photos: The Hollywood Times (Brian Maddox)

Atlanta, GA (The Hollywood Times) 10/15/2019 – No matter how many times you see a band live, especially one that never serves up a dull moment, you find yourself becoming an even bigger fan with each attendance. It’s rare in this day and age that most musical acts have that much needed staying power that keeps fans coming back in droves. 

Steel Panther are definitely no exception.

The Los Angeles based hard rockers recently made a stop at Atlanta’s Buckhead Theatre in support of their newest album, Heavy Metal Rules. Before I dive into the album itself, allow me to explain why it is that a band like Steel Panther continue to thrive in this so-called “cancel culture.” Simply put, when you attend a Steel Panther show, you are pretty much expected to leave your delicate sensibilities at the door and just soak up the raunchy undercurrent for an hour and change. Steel Panther are not afraid of taking chances in an age where certain words and actions are considered “career suicide.” If anything, it’s a welcome concept. Having to walk on eggshells in a world where the 1st amendment is always put into question is just farcical. In the 2 times that I’ve witnessed this amazingly entertaining group perform in the past few months, I can honestly say that I’ve never laughed harder or smiled more than I have during a Steel Panther show.

The fans themselves (myself included) are in a constant state of adulation. No offenses are taken, no feelings are hurt and no fragile sensibilities destroyed. Just a vastly congenial hour and a half of dyed in the wool rock and roll. The massive crowd participation during fan favorites like Party Like Tomorrow Is The End Of The World, Death To All But Metal and Community Property is undeniably the kind that accentuates the resilience of a band like Steel Panther. Needless to say, the fans LOVE it! 

As for their latest album, Heavy Metal Rules.. the music is strong and the energy is apparent, but the clever wordplay that has been abundant throughout their previous efforts is somewhat lacking. While the zest and passion of frontman Michael Starr, guitarist Satchel, the most beautifully vain bassist, Lexxi Foxx (thanks for the pick!) and the hilariously named drummer, Stix Zadinia is presented beautifully within the album, I can’t help but feel that it also comes across as more rushed than anything. But like with most fresh material when a new album drops, multiple listens are required to make a dent. 

P.S. If Satchel himself ever happens to read this.. MY WIFE LOVES YOU!! And I couldn’t be more okay with that. 

Heavy Metal Rules is now available in stores, or visit www.steelpantherrocks.com