Home The Arts “What Happened When” Play at Atwater Village Theatre-Opening Night July 26th

“What Happened When” Play at Atwater Village Theatre-Opening Night July 26th

“What Happened When” Play at Atwater Village Theatre-Opening Night July 26th

‘What Happened When’

Echo Theater Company’s West Coast premiere returns with a different set of ensemble members.


On a snowy night in a rural farmhouse, three siblings huddle together in the dark with a flashlight, while the audience (unseen by them) gathers closely around. Expect to be fully immersed in this beautiful, provocative and disturbing ghost story / memory play.

Written by: Daniel Talbott
Directed by: Chris Fields

Ian Bamberg
Joey Stromberg
Libby Woodbridge

Opening night:

Thursday, July 26 @ 8 p.m.

Can’t make it opening night? Please join us later in the run. Performances continue through Aug. 23 on Tuesdays. Wednesdays and Thursdays at 8 p.m.

Atwater Village Theatre
3269 Casitas Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90039

(free parking in the Atwater Xing lot one block south of the theater)

A reception follows the opening night performance