Home #Hwoodtimes Zena Medical: Not Just Skin Deep

Zena Medical: Not Just Skin Deep


By: Liza Carbe


Newport Beach, California (The Hollywood Times) 3/22/2019 – “That over-plumped fake look is out. We can to procedures to brighten our complexion and injectables to make us look more rested but we need to accept ourselves for who we are.”  Dr. Zena Gabriel told The Hollywood Times.

We are living in a time where every magazine and online service offer discounts on Botox and fillers. There are streams of ads on how to make ourselves look better,  and there’s always a new study that touts a groundbreaking new product that is sure to take away your wrinkles and make you look ten years younger. With all these doctors, clinicians and new products bombarding us, how do we know who and what to trust?

There are always pictures of plastic surgery disasters and the sad tale of thousands of dollars spent on products that don’t work. So how do we become a discerning consumer? This fundamental question should be asked by anyone buying expensive products or considering any kind of cosmetic procedure.  Only a well-qualified professional should perform any type of physically invasive procedure, no matter how small. If you don’t do your research or go to someone that’s offering a “discount”, you not only risk cosmetic mishaps, but you also put your health at risk.

Zena Medical front office

I was recently introduced to Dr. Gabriel and her staff at Zena Medical in Newport Beach, CA.  She has a very impressive educational background. She integrates a holistic approach to cosmetic procedures relating to the overall heath and well-being of the body – her regimen also takes into account nutrition. She believes that a youthful appearance and healthy skin start from the inside. Her philosophy is that all cosmetic procedures should subtly accent in a tasteful way what is already there.

Dr. Gabriel got her BA from UC Berkeley in Political Science and Education and went on to study medicine at UC San Diego where she completed her internship in internal medicine. She then moved to Los Angeles and joined the USC Department of Dermatology and completed her dermatology residency.  Dr. Gabriel also taught and mentored other students while she was still studying and earning her degrees. Her list of her achievements is long and impressive.

Dr. Gabriel has three areas of her practice. The first is working with patients that have serious skin conditions such as skin cancer. Second, she offers cosmetic and rejuvenating treatments. Third, she works with people on the overall health of their skin and body. She takes a holistic approach knowing that first the body must be healthy on the inside before addressing any exterior issues.

Acne Patient

The offices of Zena Medical are well-established in treating people with serious skin diseases. They are uniquely set up to do “Full Body Skin Exams” as well as biopsies as needed. They also treat acne, rashes, autoimmune disorders and other medical conditions.

Dr. Gabriel found that she could also benefit her community by offering a facility where people could get rejuvenating procedures in a safe and friendly environment. She explains that people want to look and feel good without looking swollen and unnatural. She and her team stay on the cutting edge technological advances in this area. Her philosophy is a minimal approach to achieving a natural look without looking artificial.

CO2 Laser – Ablative Skin Resurfacing

Laser technology is continually and rapidly developing in all areas of the medical field. Staying on top of those advancements is paramount in being able to offer patients the best in new techniques. Dr. Gabriel is utilizing a laser treatment that requires less downtime and helps to stimulate the natural collagen that already exists in your body to regenerate healthier skin after the treatment is over.  This is a wonderful option for those who want to keep themselves looking good but don’t have ten days to recover. The treatments take about 30 minutes. She integrates her treatment along with well-researched products to achieve the best results for your overall health and appearance.  Dr. Gabriel does not endorse any single line of produces but selects each one after careful study.  She uses natural products without harsh chemicals, which is in keeping with her philosophy of a healthy body first.

The office is open and spacious feeling more like a spa than a medical facility. The all-female staff is friendly and very knowledgeable. Some of them are currently studying to get their own medical degrees. They are all attentive to patient needs and easily answer any questions. A person will feel like they are in good hands from the minute they enter the facility.

After visiting Zena Medical for the Lutronic Laser event and undergoing one of the laser treatments, I spent time speaking with Dr. Gabriel and her staff. I walked through the offices and had a long conversation with Dr. Gabriel about her work and her philosophy. Then by chance, I brought up Ray Kurzweil, an inventor and futurist who is also on the cutting edge of health and longevity. I had just spent some time speaking with him and subsequently reading more about his innovative research in many areas including health. I was very impressed that not only did Dr. Gabriel know of him, but so did Dr. Steven Gabriel, her ex-husband and partner. I went on to have a long and interesting conversation with him about Ray Kurzweil and his research.  Although  Kurzweil is well-recognized in certain fields of science and futurism, both of the doctors’ awareness of Kurzweil’s work and its relationship to their own practice indicates a  deeper knowledge and sophistication in their craft and approach to wellness.

Dr. Zena Gabriel at Zena Medical

After sharing this conversation, I felt very confident that in fact Zena Medical is a practice that is far more than skin deep!

Zena Medical
359 San Miguel Dr. Ste 300
Newport Beach, CA 92660