Home #Hwoodtimes The World Premiere at The Crescent Theater of Rebel, the video that...

The World Premiere at The Crescent Theater of Rebel, the video that exploded like a movie, featuring Dustin Quick and Medi eM was a smash summer hit 8-17-24


By Maurice Smith

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 9/1/24 – Dustin Quick and her partner, Medi eM, premiered their highly anticipated video on August 17, 2024, at The Crescent Theatre on 100 N Crescent Drive. The event attracted adoring fans and was a noteworthy highlight in their burgeoning careers, placing them in the same creative sphere as Bruce Willis, who stars in the new movie Assassin. The video featured Medi eM’s explosive raw musicianship, which perfectly complemented Dustin Quick’s sultry dancing and smooth vocals. Quick, a prominent model who has worked with designers Sue Wong and Shekar Rahate, brought an additional layer of glamour to the event.

On the red carpet, Quick and Medi eM dazzled, drawing a crowd of celebrities eager to enjoy the flowing champagne and delectable snacks. The atmosphere had a vibrant, pre-COVID feel, with attendees clearly relishing the occasion.

The event also saw appearances from soap opera icon Kate Linder of The Young and the Restless and Joss Gomes, producer and actor of the newly Amazon-acquired comedy A Team of Two, starring Eric Roberts and Marc Singer. Their enthusiastic presence, along with their lively entourages, contributed to the event’s electrifying energy.