Home #Hwoodtimes Waldrup Worldwide Spirit Week

Waldrup Worldwide Spirit Week

Waldrup Worldwide Spirit Week

By: Angela Redding

Los Angeles, CA, (The Hollywood Times) 4/12/2020–“ “My single ‘Me Again’ is about love and support healing a broken spirit and that’s what spirit week is. Trying to uplift people’s spirits in a lonely time – but from home,” explains Waldrup.  “We got creative and remembered that most people have some old Halloween costumes and a favorite sports jersey.  Why not lift spirits together online. I feel like I’m supposed to bring light to peoples lives through this dark time. That’s the purpose of #waldrupworldwidespiritweek.””

There are no red carpet premieres or award shows to get caught up in at the moment.

Live Concerts have been cancelled and public gatherings are null and void. This is not what we are used to as a society, to say the least. It seems as though all hope is lost… but wait, entertainment has simply taken another form, it has gone virtual.

You can still enjoy good music and entertainment by being apart of a virtual crowd. And one way to do that during these times of masks, rubber gloves, and not walking too close to others, if you do go outside of your home, is online entertainment.

A Singer with a Plan

Waldrup Wednesday, Country Rebel, Facebook, YouTube, Karen Waldrup, Angela Redding, Waldrup’s Worldwide Spirit Week
Country singer/songwriter Karen Waldrup. (Photo: Karen Waldrup Media)

Country singer/songwriter and entrepreneur, Karen Waldrup has come up with a way to entertain fans during this season of social distancing. She’s looking forward to fans getting in on the fun as well.

S-P-I-R-I-T. S-P-I-R-I-T, spirit!

What comes to mind when you hear, “High School/College spirit week”? For most of us, images of getting together with friends and having the time of our lives as we dressed up in school colors, participated in special spirit week activities, and having had l-o-a-d-s of fun is what flashes across our minds.

And without a doubt, FUN is the key word during spirit week.

Spirit Week Set to Go Viral

Waldrup Wednesday, Country Rebel, Facebook, YouTube, Karen Waldrup, Angela Redding, Waldrup’s Worldwide Spirit Week

Walrup has come up with an event that will take you back to high school or college with her “Worldwide Spirit Week”. She is preparing to turn the fun-o-meter ALL THE WAY UP for her fans and anyone looking to turn their focus towards more positive and uplifting things. This is a great way to unify the world during this dark hour in history.

Country singer/songwriter Karen Waldrup. (Photo: Karen Waldrup Media)

Waldrup’s Worldwide Spirit Week starts Monday, April 13, 2020 and concludes April 17th with a virtual pep rally at 7 p.m. CT on Zoom & FB live w/ special guests, inspirational stories & up to 100 people hanging out live on Zoom.
She is inviting the young and the young at heart to join her on facebook to have a virtual truckload of fun as they freely express themselves all week long. Visit Waldrup’s Facebook page here.

What to Expect

Each day of the week has a different theme and hashtag.

  • Monday: #MakeYouSmileMonday
  • Tuesday: #TeamTuesday
  • Wednesday: #WildWestWaldrupWednesday
  • Thursday: #ThrowBackThursday
  • Friday: #FlashBackFriday

Remember to post pics of yourself each day with the hashtag listed above for each day on social media and be apart of this worldwide event.

For more on Karen check out our story on her latest video for her hit single, “Me Again”.

Waldrup’s poster explains what each day entails. Click and Print out a full version for easy reference.

Spirit Week Poster

Karen Waldrup Worldwide Spirt Week
Karen Waldrup’s Worldwide Spirit Week poster. (Photo: Karen Waldrup Media)

Want Even More Karen – Try ”Waldrup Wednesday”

Last year, Waldrup played sold-out shows in such cities as London, Atlanta, Knoxville, Dallas and beyond. Waldrup currently hosts a weekly online series on Country Rebel’s Facebook page entitled “Waldrup Wednesday”. The show initially airs every Wednesday at 5PM CT and can be accessed on-demand anytime via Facebook and YouTube.