Home #Hwoodtimes Vibha Sharma’s new book, Turn Within Free Promotion of the Kindle Version final day – Sunday!

Vibha Sharma’s new book, Turn Within Free Promotion of the Kindle Version final day – Sunday!

Vibha Sharma’s new book, Turn Within Free Promotion of the Kindle Version final day – Sunday!

By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 8/08/20–  Vibha Sharma brings the transformational power of Holistic Spiritual and Metaphysical Life Coaching to CEOs, Business leaders and C-level Executive women. Now more than ever during this pandemic, it is important for people to get in touch with their inner peace, authentic self and inner guidance system to find answers to their difficulties and live a more stable, heart-centered life. Sharma can guide you through her new book, “Turn Within,” where she shares the powerful beginning of her spiritual quest, of learning, practicing, and teaching about the importance of having a vision and life purpose to connect with inner peace through meditation. “I believe that every problem has a spiritual solution, and a sense of separation from the Creator/Spirit Self is the cause and root of all human suffering.”- Vibha Sharma 

Free Kindle promotion now available here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735313009?fbclid=IwAR2sApDPHFWOYy5ck7FHRG1sanMHHpjhygOERs1kWr0F3S85kN7JRVvUM8s

Through your expert coaching, you work together with the clients to strip away the layers of conditioning, fear, doubt, guilt, and limitations from your soul. Share a few success stories.

Spiritual life coaching helps clients re-discover their strength. It helps them heal from past traumas and reconnect with their identity. It boosts self-confidence, enhances self-love, and helps them find the answers. It motivates them to live empowered, joyful, grateful, and peaceful lives without any preconceived notions, judgment, or bias.

The most common challenges people seek help with are about regaining lost confidence and self-esteem, developing self-compassion, emotional regulation, procrastination, lack of productivity, stress, relationships, conflicts, work-life imbalance, finding life’s purpose, among others. 

What clients are saying: 

When I first started my coaching sessions with Vibha, I was not in a pretty place. I was frustrated that I couldn’t get to where I felt I deserved to be in the company I work for. I began doubting my own self-worth and capabilities. I was angry because I felt that I was being held back and pigeon-holed into a level below where I aspired to be. And, I was sad because all of this was making me feel as if I was never good enough, no matter what I did. All these career-driven emotions were also spilling over into my personal life as well, tainting everything. I was constantly on an emotional roller-coaster. In the early weeks Vibha had me focus on building my confidence back up. She had me list things I was good at, and journal about what I was very confident about and what I didn’t feel confident about. She stressed that I do these activities so that when I focused on confidence, I did so with positive energy and intent and when I focused on those things I wasn’t confident about, to do so with neutral energy, stressing that we get back what we put out to the universe. It was not something I had really paid much attention to before. She also gave me some links to further these learnings.

In these early weeks, I must admit, I questioned if Vibha was “the one for me”. She put a lot of stock into energies, vibrations, affirmations, and the like. Although I have meditated daily for quite some time, there is science and facts around how that works and the benefits it brings. I didn’t know if the rest of this “new-agey, hippy-dippy stuff” was for me. We continued our work. We worked on emotional regulation, but unlike others who tried to get me to deny negative (“bad”) feelings, Vibha asked me to allow myself to accept whatever I was feeling, letting go of it and taking my power back when I was done. This attitude resonated more with me than blocking or locking those emotions away. It also validated that it is normal and ok to feel sad, bad, angry – we just shouldn’t dwell on it and live in that state, because that puts us into a state of negative energy. We discussed my goals, and she asked me to journal about “my perfect job”. Months later, reading and revisiting this entry daily and working to manifest this opportunity, I had many insights and lots of clarity about my ideal role. Not only that I am pleasantly surprised to see how I am being presented with the new opportunities at my current company. All of a sudden I am more visible to the upper management for better roles and opportunities. Also my relationship with my boss has improved.  We also focused on listing the things I am grateful for, “weekly wins” and in general continued to focus energy on the positives in my life. She also asked me to list out what contributes to my misery at work and what I could do to address that. The benefits from this activity were 2-fold: one, I learned that if I cannot change it, I had to just let it go and focus on what I can change, and two, that the misery was really rather minor in comparison to the big picture of everything in my life. In doing all of this she was setting the groundwork for me to learn to be kinder to myself; to treat myself with more self-care, as I would act towards a friend. This helped me to reverse the negative self-talk and energy and replace it with more positive, optimistic messages.

Six months later, I am in a much better place. I am empowered, believing in myself and my power and not letting others define this for me. I am stronger and more confident than before. I am stable and calmer; I am focusing on me and my well-being (meditating, exercising, etc.) rather than purely on achievement. I am happier and more content; if this is the highest role-level I achieve at my company, so what? I am bringing value to those I interact with and I am appreciated by those people. I enjoy what I do and do it to the best of my ability. I have enough income to pay my bills and have a job I can work, even in these unstable pandemic times. I have a loving, supportive family. I have my health and the health of those I love. I have the most important things in life. I am truly rich. I am focused on what really matters in this lifetime. I am a better version of me than when I started. And oh, I’m now a true believer in all this “hippie dippy” stuff because I have seen first-hand how I have manifested some of the things that have happened to me (“out of the blue”) in the past few months!
What’s the worst that can happen in one’s life around the stress, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and negative mindset ( any other issues we worked on together) if not addressed?”

Clients Response:
The worst is that you get so bogged down in the stress, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and negative mindset, etc… that you:

  • Don’t see the true value of what you already have
    • You give up/ squash your potential; you stay “stuck”/ stop trying to better yourself
    • You become mired in your own head’s misery
    • You stop reaching out to others – we are all islands, but there is no limit to the number of bridges we can build.
    • All of the above leads to personal relationships & health issues, and then none of the rest of it matters!

I was:

  • Frustrated – that I couldn’t get to where I felt I deserved to be in my company And, with my boss specifically, he was expecting me to solve problems he couldn’t with no resources.
    • Doubting myself/ my self-worth, my capabilities – because I assessed for multiple roles that I thought were a great fit for me, yet they always chose someone else.
    • Angry – because I felt that I was being held back/ pigeon-holed.
    • Sad – because it was all making me feel as if I was never good enough no matter what I did.
    • Hopeless – because it seemed nothing I was doing was making a difference
    And, this was all spilling over into my personal life as well, tainting everything. I was constantly on an emotional roller-coaster.

I am now:

  • Empowered – believing in myself and my power and not letting others define this for me.
    • Stronger – I put the “er” on the end because even in the face of adversary I was staying strong and fighting on. But now I am strong-er and the insight is I don’t need to “fight” anyone any more. If I focus on what I need, the rest will follow.
    • Calm/ Stable – I have widened my perspective. I am focusing on me and my well-being (meditating, exercising, etc.) rather than purely on achievement.
    • Happy/ Content – if this is the highest role-level I achieve at my company, so what? I am bringing value to those I interact with and I am appreciated by those people. I enjoy what I do and do it to the best of my ability. I have enough income to pay my bills and have a job I can work, even in these unstable pandemic time. I have a loving, supportive family. I have my health and the health of those I love. I have the most important things in life. I am truly rich. “The most valuable jewels I can wear about my neck are the arms of my children/ grandchildren.”
    • Focused – on what truly matters most in life.

What have I learned this past week?

  • Health is everything/ the most basic. Without it, nothing else matters and everything else has a secondary focus.
    • Being kind to others is so important. You never know what battles others are fighting. (We could all use a good reminder of the “Golden Rule” these days!)
    • I need to always – even in stressed/crunched times – focus on myself and what I need first. This helps me bring my best self to whatever/ whoever else I deal with and then I can be most effective.
    • I need to be kinder to myself. I’ve endured a lifetime of being put down and have internalized so much of this that it is a struggle every day to overcome this; I have to constantly remind myself of this one and work on it every day.
    • That it’s ok to feel sad. Continue to work to feel the sadness, but don’t dwell on it. Experience it, let it wash over me and be done. No dwelling. “Emotional regulation” is spoken of as if this were a thermostat that you can turn up and down at will. We are not machines, we are humans, and feelings sometimes get the better of us, and that is ok, that is expected. It is not “bad” or “weak”.
    • To continue to believe in myself.
    • That I am extremely blessed – maybe not in material wealth, title, but am truly blessed in the things that matter such as the love of family, friends, inner peace, health.

Another client says: 

By working directly with Vibha, I’ve been able to develop significantly both in my professional and personal life. We worked together to deeply assess my strengths and weaknesses and how I can leverage them in challenging work situations and day to day life. Vibha’s also enabled me to see the power of my own perception and attitude. Before working with her, I considered myself a “realist” not realizing the weight my inner thoughts and feelings have on any given outcome. With this switch in mindset and the plethora of new tactics Vibha has armored me with, I’ve been able to strengthen the relationships I have with my colleagues, establish a more meaningful and trusting connection with my boss, and drastically improve upon my self-confidence. Most significantly, by working with Vibha, I’ve learned how to put my needs and self-care as my first priority without sacrificing productivity and work quality.

Self-Doubt/Limiting Mindset

In my time with Vibha, I’ve learned the power of my own mindset. By thinking pessimistically or harboring feelings of self-doubt, you’ll only see negative results. Even if you did achieve a win, you would be blind to it because you’re not actually allowing yourself to recognize the positive within and around you. A cycle ensues – negative thoughts become negative actions which become negative results which incite even more negative thoughts. By shifting your mindset, you’re creating a positive cycle and enabling not only yourself but those around you to achieve positive outcomes.

Vibha: In coaching, with a collaborative process, clients report improved stress management, sleep, calmness, executive presence, being more centered, mitigation of self-doubt, more confidence, worthiness, and growing mindfulness. They develop more social intelligence and empathy to assist with navigating difficult but needed conversations on personal as well as professional fronts. This process asks you to show up for yourself, stand in your truth, and spend time uncovering what makes you happy and Then follow and cultivate that happiness. No matter where you are in life, there is almost always an aspiration to attain something greater; more equanimity, closer relationships, a deeper feeling of connection and contentment in life. 

It is the nature of people to want to attain something ‘better’, understand our life situation, become more, and we’re all challenged to define what it is we really want and how to create what we’re really looking for. 

People think they can do it on their own or by working harder but the saddest part is that, even though this effort may result in more of something, it is often not the something you had in mind, and you end up back where you started, or worse, further from your real intentions.

Together we strip away the layers of conditioning, fear, doubt, guilt, and limitations from your soul. Spiritual coaching changes lives because you show up, you are ready to work, you are ready to uncover, and you are ready to use our guidance to become the person you have always been on the inside. I’ll facilitate a process that will take you in new directions and open new doors that you may not have considered before; personally, physically and spiritually. I’ll help you identify who you are, what you really want and how to attain it and help you stay on track until you get there. I’ll help you gain clarity and clean up your life and redirect your focus and energy. 

In Vibha Sharma’s powerful  new book, “Turn Within,” she takes us on a journey of connecting our inner peace and well-being. “People think that they cannot have a spiritual life if they have to become successful in their professional and personal life. This thinking is far from reality. The reality is you enjoy your life more when you connect with the spirit inside, your formless self, your eternal self. A ‘missing link’ that everybody is looking for. However, they are unaware of how easy it is to live a completely contented life even if we have outside challenges. You don’t need to have an ideal life to feel peaceful, happy, joyful, and content inside. It would be best if you established a deeper connection with your inner self, and that is what you can find in this book.”- Vibha Sharma 

“Your life must have challenges – Professional personal or financial, or you must be somebody who has everything on the human level. If you are not living a peaceful, contented life, it shows your ‘misalignment,’ the source’s weaker connection, or disconnection. The joy one feels by aligning with the cause is something that you will never feel in any worldly things. When we connect ourselves daily with that supreme power, even if we have all the tests outside, we still feel safe, guarded, balanced, and peaceful. It ultimately leads us to the solutions we could not see before. Things start to flow in our life. Synchronicities take place. As within, so without. Create within!”

“Turn Within” will serve the purpose of spreading awareness regarding meditation and the importance of connecting from within. We need to trace our lives back to connecting to our inner source to get to know the true essence of being alive. Readers will be able to realize that spirituality is pretty straightforward and practical, as well as it can be easily adapted in our everyday life.

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