The live broadcast of the Oscars will be projected on the wall of the private dining room. Arrive early (4:30 p.m.) to walk the red carpet, and take photos. Guests can partake in the Oscar winners prediction contest, and enjoy drinks and appetizers from The Upper West. A silent auction and opportunity drawing will also take place…and as usual, the Upper West contributes 25% of all Oscar night sales to LLS.

The Upper West consistently supports nonprofit organizations, and has hosted the Oscars Watch Party to benefit the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) for the past six years. LLS is dedicated to funding research, finding cures and ensuring access to treatments for blood cancer patients. Since 1949, LLS has funded advancements in chemotherapies, stem cell transplants, targeted therapies and immunotherapies for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma that are saving thousands of lives today. LLS is currently involved with more than 300 active research projects.
Sara Fay has been volunteering her time to LLS for many years now, and said she is excited to once again participate in the event. “This year, I’m fundraising in honor of my good friend Bernard. Bernard is a truly inspirational person and he’s defied the odds against acute myeloid leukemia, the type of leukemia that killed my father in 2011. Bernard has given the most to the LLS community: time, energy and inspiration; hundreds of thousands of dollars raised, clinical trial participation. He is our MVP and I’m proud to know him and fundraise in his honor.”
Chrystine Garner will be co-hosting the Oscars Party for the second year now with Sara Fay. Garner got involved with their Team in Training program back in 2008 to train for a marathon. Since then she’s done 2 marathons and countless triathlons raising thousands of dollars for the cause. “Aligning with the LLS has been one of the best things I’ve ever done and I’ll continue running, biking. and swimming for a world without cancer,” said Garner.
They are both currently training for triathlons to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s important research and patient programs. Over the years, Chrystine and Sara have raised more than $100,000 for the cause.”
Make your reservations today, by calling – 310 586-1111; The Upper West is located at 3321 Pico Blvd, Santa Monica CA 90405;