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Today’s TED Talk

Where are all the aliens?

13:18 minutes · TED2018

The universe is incredibly old, astoundingly vast and populated by trillions of planets — so where are all the aliens? Astronomer Stephen Webb has an explanation: we’re alone in the universe. In a mind-expanding talk, he spells out the remarkable barriers a planet would need to clear in order to host an extraterrestrial civilization — and makes a case for the beauty of our potential cosmic loneliness. “The silence of the universe is shouting, ‘We’re the creatures who got lucky,'” Webb says.

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Playlist of the Day

What would it be like to live on another planet?

Forget the rest of solar system — Mars is humanity’s next destination. We keep talking about it, but what would it really be like to live there? Watch »

7 talks · Total run time 1:29:14


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