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Tag: John Lavitt

John Lavitt recognized at the LA Press Club Awards 2023

By Valerie Milano Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 12/7/23 - John Lavitt, a long-term contributor to The Hollywood Times, found himself in distinguished company...

From Being on Stage to Creating the Stage: The Art of...

At the Olympia Club, a gallery and barbershop in Santa Monica, the transition from actor to artist is on display in "A Life In...

Brian Delate Delivers a Transcendent Message on the Value of Human...

Vietnam veteran Brian Delate presents a new version of his one-person show with undeniable power and an elegant punch that reverberate well beyond the...

The Friendly Revelation of Ellie Goulding at the Walt Disney Concert...

In an exceptional performance at the Walt Disney Concert Hall with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, the songstress captures the hearts and souls of her...

Zora Howard’s “Stew” Uncovers Intergenerational Trauma at the Pasadena Playhouse

In a Los Angeles premiere at the Pasadena Playhouse, the African-American playwright reveals how trauma passes between generations with the same mistakes spiraling in...

A Vibrant Journey Into the Woods at the Ahmanson Theatre

The Center Theatre Group delivers another winner with the Broadway touring production of Stephen Sondheim's Exciting Deconstruction of Fairy Tales By John Lavitt Los Angeles, CA...

Lyle Lovett Brings Musical Authenticity to The Saban Theatre

On Thursday, July 6th, The Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills will bring the stirring musicality and undeniable truth of Lyle Lovett and His Large...

“Fetch Clay, Make Man” Equals a Masculine and Feminine Revelation

As directed by Debbie Allen, Will Power's Fetch Clay, Make Man at the Kirk Douglas Theatre Uncovers Muhammad Ali, Stepin Fetchit, and the Heartbreak...

The Passionate Discipline and Best-Selling Thrillers of Wendy Walker

At Zibby's Bookshop, Wendy Walker discussed her new novel, What Remains, with New York Times bestselling author Julie Clark. How did Wendy become a...

The Magnificent Dimensions of The Mountaintop at the Geffen Playhouse

As Martin Luther King Jr.'s transcendent hotel maid on the last night of his life, Amanda Warren is nothing less than a revelation, bringing...