Home #Hwoodtimes Skin by Sabrina and The Lifestyle Glow are the perfect product combination...

Skin by Sabrina and The Lifestyle Glow are the perfect product combination for bringing problem skin toward perfection


By Josie Goldberg

Redondo Beach, California (The Hollywood Times) 04/30/2024

Let’s be honest we all want to jump out of bed and look glamorous with the least amount of effort and the least amount of expense. Some are luckier than others and are born with porcelain skin and rarely have outbreaks, pores or cystic acne.

That is not me and when the I entered the real world at 18, that’s when I realized that my skin had many problems. In my early twenties my whole face would break out with acne and it was so painful. Call it growing pains or just life my skin could not take stress.  I would spend all this money and buy various creams and procedures and nothing seemed to work.

My family had a friend who was a prominent doctor visiting from Russia one summer, and she suggested this European Birth control called “Dianne35”. She said a lot of top models sit on this birth control because it keeps weight down and improves hair growth. It also eliminates Acne to the tee, but It was not FDA approved, so she would ship me my first 3 months and then I had to figure a way to get this medication. Well I listened and It was a miracle. My skin cleared and I was thriving and I looked better than ever.

I remember driving to Tijuana Mexico, and going to Costco and getting my Diane35 and going to some nice restaurants and enjoying Mexico. It all worked out.

I sat on Diane35 for about 8 years and then I got scared because I was afraid of what the after affect would be if you’re on birth control too long. I wanted to see if my acne was under control. Well it was mild for about 3 years and then I got severe cystic Acne in my early 30’s and my doctor put me on Accutane for 3 months.  That was one of my best decisions that I made in my life, as it cleared me up 99 percent.

I wish I would have taken Accutane earlier because from 18-33 I developed a lot of scarring from my acne which made my skin bumpy and not to smooth. In addition, I seem to have developed some wrinkles and have a problem controlling my pores.

I am so excited to try “Skin by Sabrina” and “The Lifestyle Glow” products by Sabrina Bradley as she is the perfect esthetician for someone like me. I have fixed my problematic skin and now it’s time to repair it and make it glow!  Sabrina says that as long as you’re not allergic to any of her products, your skin will start glowing following her treatments and skin care line which is made by Sabrina herself (she guarantees) lol.  Sabrina likes to add some traditional modality when she does her procedures.

I am super excited to try “Skin by Sabrina”, and I will take you guys along my journey of repairing my skin so it will Glow!

Sabrina was so thorough in accessing my skin.  She did her “Signature Glow Treatment” (her glow up of your skin, BioRePeel (which has TCA which helps with Fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and acne scarring), HydraFacial (Patented-Vortex-Fusion) vacuumed my pores and smoothed out my skin with some rejuvenation, Procell Therapies (stem cell exhilarator, she used micro channeling which stimulates the skins natural healing process, triggering the production of collagen and elastin.

I asked Sabrina if my skin will look as beautiful as hers, as she has AMAZING skin. Watch Video to see her answer.

Sabrina’s Motto is also her brand “The Lifestyle Glow”. Meaning I want to take care of myself, I deserve this, this is something I will put in my monthly budget to take of myself, and the “Glow Up” of your face.

Hydration, Protection and Prevention are the 3 elements that Sabrina says are the most important in your daily skincare routine and then work in extra elements gradually. She has been an esthetician for over 25 years and she is the Lifestyle Esthetician!

I am amazed that I don’t have to wear bronzer after my facial. My skin is glowing and its Natural which feels even better. It is hard on one’s skin to wear makeup every day so it feels great, that’s it been a week and I don’t need to use any face makeup products. If you’re like me, I like a program to follow and Sabrina gave me my morning and night routine. Most of us have to think daily and when you wake up or go to bed, you don’t want to spend extra time thinking of what products to use. That used to stress me out.

Josie Goldberg

I wear my emotions on my sleeve as they say and sometimes my face would get red, puffy and or pale when I would have issues going on. I am so happy that I met Sabrina because now I glow no matter what and even If something is stressing me out, I look in the mirror and say. I’m still glowing!

I am “Only Josie Knows” and want to recommend you to try Sabrina Bradley’s, “Skin by Sabrina” and “The Lifestyle Glow” products.