Home #Hwoodtimes Shannon Jackson, CEO of Shay-J Entertainment (SJE) 

Shannon Jackson, CEO of Shay-J Entertainment (SJE) 

Shannon Jackson, CEO of Shay-J Entertainment (SJE) 
(Photos: Tre Parker Photography, Hair by Davisha Sanders, Makeup Santeria Johnson)

By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 01/10/2020 Shannon Jackson, “Shay-J” is a powerful force. She is the CEO of Shay-J Entertainment (SJE), gifted in music, dance, comedy, and acting. She has dedicated herself to positive communication which she is bringing to the world through her concept, “message music.” She is using her talents and network to create and manage a new movement in the music, film, and business industry.

Tell us about Shay-J Entertainment (SJE) and how it is the”mother-ship” for a new movement and genre in the history of the USA for new upcoming visionaries. 

Shay-J Entertainment is a vision for visionaries and a dream for dreamers. It is a vehicle to get to the next level of life. It is an umbrella for multiple outlets of opportunity in the Media industry. It is the mothership of new types of film production companies, television and radio stations, record companies, magazines, comedy clubs, real estate, restaurants, award ceremonies, clothing lines, training and development centers, and so much more! We have a pool of networks designed to invest in each other to get to the bigger picture of whatever the greater purpose is in all our lives. We understand it takes people, steps, and time to achieve certain goals in life. We are an investment team investing in ourselves as well as others in our shoes, walking in our pathway, or standing in our door. We network daily to find the right clients and partners for our company. This is a resource company for innovators.

Share your background and how it led you to launch Shay-J Entertainment (SJE). 

I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio, and was a young mother of two boys Treon and Tyrae. As a child, I was very active in sports and performing arts. I was in gymnastics, ballet, jazz, tap, and modern dance at Miller South Performing Arts School. I ran track before I was injured and played basketball at Garfield High School. I sang in choirs and I’ve had a bit of experience in show-biz onstage and behind the scenes. In 2006, I received a foundation degree in broadcasting for radio and television (Ohio Center for Broadcasting), and from there I started my own video production company, mostly specializing in weddings, and commercials, and many more things. In school, I learned the importance of networking and began to network my way through the entertainment industry. I interned and worked at a television station (Cox Communications), a radio station (95.5 The Fish), and also did some work for the CAVS basketball team in the playoffs in the NBA in 2006 just to name a few. I was only interested in learning the background behind television, but a lot of people I came across told me it would make sense for me to go in front of the camera. The year before I went to media school I was signed to a record label (God’s Will Records) with a 4 girl gospel singing group (A Touch of Heaven). While pursuing a music career, I helped build a church (The Upper Room) from the ground up with 8 people in a house pastored by my late Aunt Jocelyn Kelker which grew from a storefront to a middle school auditorium (Perkins Middle School), [which the name of the church changed to The Burning Bush and was taken over by her son, De’Juan Kelker II], to a plaza on Britain Rd, to a high school auditorium (East High School), to a Salvation Army Building that they took ownership over, and is now one of the biggest churches in the city with multiple buildings. I worked in healthcare administration for approximately 14 years for three major hospitals (Akron Children’s Hospital, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and Summa Health Systems). While working a full-time job, working for the church, working for my own business, one day I realized that I was making the owner of the company their residual income as I clocked in and out each day and they were having fun with their families whenever they wanted to while I continued to work for them, barely having time to work on my dream. So, I decided to quit my job and I combined my passion for helping people with my education, my skills, my talents, and designed a system to help a certain type of people create wealth and success out of their gifts and talents into what will become a multi-billion dollar empire. I am taking my experience in charity, business, music, and film and have been creating a pool of networks to team together to create a new entity in the entertainment industry for the near future. Shay-J Entertainment. It’s a networking, educational rehabilitation center on wheels. It’s Entertainment that changes lives.


You have put a new spin on what it means to “launder people’s lives.” Tell us more. 

Have you heard of “laundering money?” Money laundering is the process of transforming the proceeds of crime into legitimate money or assets. Well here at Shay-J Entertainment, we launder people’s lives by using the company as a set up to lure our clients to us so that we can provide faith, hope, and unity for a better way of living life. We change and transform their “dirty” lives into clean, healthy, and legal lives. We provide a pathway for others to succeed. Our service is to provide the correct tools to live, learn, and launch you out to your destiny.

How are you helping clients in the behind-the-scenes and front-of-the-scenes?

In a nutshell, I help clients by figuring out first what they are good at and what they want to do rather it’s behind or in front of the scenes. Once I know what they are capable of doing, I use my doors in the industry, I connect you as a partner with our company and allow you to take the spot that was open for me and train you how to stay and keep the position if needed.

Tell us about how you are using your music and film to help others. 

I am using all the doors I have opened in the music and film industry to create jobs for the members and clients of the company. I will be developing a new artist which is myself and I will be using the platform given to me to create positions so they can have an opportunity to be seen by important people for their own career and to learn the details as I go through my process. As I accept projects, I will hire our members first, so they can get first dibs on producing, directing, singing, writing, etc;

What will people notice about working with you? 

People will notice a few things. I attract extremely different types of people. They are truly one of a kind and very rare. The group of people you see together normally would never be around each other but together they create massive amounts of wealth and success. They will notice that the people everyone gives up on and the people that say “no way they’ll change”, actually change something after dealing with me. They will notice that they’ve never experienced it until they met me. Another thing people will begin to notice themselves on a level they never knew existed.


Share a few success stories. 

I created my company out of faith and words and it has actually come to fruition. I quit my job in a management position, moved back in with my parents, gave up my car, and extracurricular activity, and had.66 cents in my savings. I had been dipping in it helping others and did not put it back. I created this company with will power and I asked for it, I searched for it and then I knocked on the door. There were some people in my beginning journey that helped so much to invest in me, my sister and her husband Deanna and Jeffery, my friends, Michael and Lavita Miller and Kenndale & Cristy Smith of Akron, Ohio to name a few. Once I was able to jumpstart off, I then found another investor (Francine Jones-Turner) who believed in me and she helped me go from Akron, Ohio, to New York City, to Atlanta, Georgia, and to Los Angeles, California so that I could expand and further my network and to challenge the people who say they help in order to create a vehicle for people to help and get help in a safe way. Now I am in a position of opportunities such as this article in this magazine. I stated in 2007 that I would create my company and I would make my way to Hollywood, I quit in 2013, practiced for 7 years, and will be launching publicly this year and it’s ironic that my first article is in the Hollywood Times! (Laughing out loud) That’s success! On this journey, I have met so many people that needed me to be there for them rather it was my time, my skill, or the resources I had access to that could help them. Seeing them come from something they thought they could never achieve until I connected with them and helped with the puzzle piece is a success to me. It may not have been the way that they wanted to experience me, but knowing that I came into their lives and when I left out of it they have more wisdom than before is all that matters. I have multiple clients who were suicidal before they came to this company and now have a purpose and drive in their lives. They are chasing their dreams and have moved into better atmospheres and are preparing for their careers to jumpstart and have a better quality of life. I have been many connections for so many people to get the funding they needed, the job position filled, or even a match made from heaven.

Tell us about HoLy Ghost Busters and why it’s important to you. 

HoLy Ghost Busters (HGB) is a mobile ministry that I founded in 2014 in order to help people who have been mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally abused. The CEO is Pastor Waid Scarbrough of Los Angeles, California. It is broken down into two parts. The Back-end is a place where you can receive deliverance from yourself, therapy for yourself, and commitment to yourself. The Front-end is a space to heal, grow, and see the beauty from your past history. So many people want to move on in their life, but they do not know how to transition because of the lack of not knowing what to do and mostly because they have not healed from the previous situation that caused them pain. It is important to me because I want to help communities heal from what happened in the past, grow while in the process of healing, and see the beauty that comes from it so they can change another person’s life. We have 7 platforms in the entertainment industry that we use as tools to help our network heal, grow, and be beautiful!

Take us through the areas of Healing, Growth, and Beauty.  

There are 6 steps that are used to help in these three areas. Step 1: Find your issue which is the thing that people don’t like about you. Step 2: Start a Deliverance Plan by getting you away from those people. Step 3: Monitor your plan by making sure you don’t go back to those people. Step 4: Help you Transition from the old you to the new you, not allowing you to act like those people anymore. Step 5: Join the Charity Program Shaygency King Work (SKW) and meet better people. Last, step 6: Enroll in the School The Shay-Jency (TSJ) so you can live, learn, and launch your dream into reality. These 6 steps are the process of the 3 areas in Healing (step 1 and 2), Growing (step 3 and 4), and Beauty (step 5 and 6). The Charity Program is designed to put a 6 figure income behind our clients, as well as a vehicle, home, a platform, and give them a team of Development, Management, Administration, Finance, Maintenance, and Security. The School is a space for change (Somewhere People Accomplish Creativity Everyday ~ Coming Humbly Always Needing Grace Everyday) and allows the student to live out their dream, learn and have access to education about their dream, and then with the support of the company, launch out their dream to the world so their beautiful story can change another person life. The clients that graduate through the mobile ministry, the charity program, and the school will then have access to Shay-J Entertainment where they can find their place back into society to be that shining light again.

Share initiatives/goals for 2021. How can we join you? 

Shay-J Entertainment is a public-private organization that offers a great deal of education and opportunities. We are public to the fact that we exist, but private in the way we operate our business. It has been practiced for over 7 years, 4 states, and will officially launch this year by June 2021. We offer a wonderful network full of people from numerous positions, locations, skills, and experience and we will open our first locations in Akron, Ohio, and Los Angeles, California. To make sure you are a serious inquiry and to cover the teaching material it takes to get you on board, there is a non-refundable one-time fee of $33.33 to get an interview to join our team so we can see if we can help each other effectively and efficiently. You need to get 18 yes’s to join our organization and begin to utilize your benefits. Visit our website www.holyghostbusters.com to get more information on the launch and how you can be more involved.
