Home #Hwoodtimes Shamika Booker’s new book, “Oshun Forgot About Me, ” A Personal Journey Shining Light on a Dark, Taboo, and Uncharted territory within the Black Community

Shamika Booker’s new book, “Oshun Forgot About Me, ” A Personal Journey Shining Light on a Dark, Taboo, and Uncharted territory within the Black Community

Shamika Booker’s new book, “Oshun Forgot About Me, ” A Personal Journey Shining Light on a Dark, Taboo, and Uncharted territory within the Black Community

By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) 12/01/2020 – Shamika Booker’s personal journey is a powerful look into a topic seldom discussed amongst Black women and the Black community at large, fertility and infertility.

“This book is an essential tool on, not just her journey to healing, but anyone who has experienced similar adversity. As a therapist, I know that healing begins when one decides to tell their story and control their narrative.”- Licensed Social Worker and 14-year veteran within the Child Welfare system, – Ebony Miley, LMSW

You have a career as a wedding consultant. What do you love the most? 

I absolutely adore helping couples decide on a theme and seeing it through to fruition. There is nothing that can compare to seeing the couple declare their love in the beautiful setting of their dreams. Watching them celebrate with their guests while everyone complements them on the beauty of it all is incomparable.

Through all the joys of watching couples in love have the best days of their lives, there was something lurking in your soul. Share your backstory. 

I have struggled with fertility issues for three decades. It’s a very personal matter so often women and couples suffer in silence. So often during weddings and other events that I plan, I would mask the emotional turmoil with a smile. This is especially true with baby showers.

You have boldly decided to transition your trauma into teachings. Tell us about your new book, Oshun Forgot About Me

Oshun Forgot About Me details my journey towards motherhood. Motherhood has felt as far as The Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz. I think I did meet the scarecrow, tin man, and lion on the yellow brick road. I have a little dog too. But my book can be found on Amazon. The digital version is available on Kindle.

Even during the darkest of days you remained faithful, hopeful, and strong. What advice do you have for others? 

I believe you have to find something bigger than yourself to believe in. Even if you just believe in destiny.

“I suffered loss after loss but I kept getting back up. I was like a boxer in the ring getting the mess pounded out of them. You really want them to stay down but you can’t help but to admire their tenacity.”

“I felt as if I had another miscarriage in that moment. My world turned very dark and I felt as if the air I was breathing had gone stale. My heart broke and I really did not know what I had done so wrong in life that warranted me going through heartbreak time after time. “

Share your personal journey in foster care and adoption. How did these experiences strengthen you? 

Those experiences almost broke me! I had to become knowledgeable about the microscopic loopholes in the system. I met another side of myself as well. I did not realize my immense capacity for love or my resilience.

Share the most difficult part of your journey. 

The removal of the baby girl crushed my heart, spirit, and mind. She was the final straw. “ Each child, held and unheld, left another hole in my heart. But I also loved them all.”

What are readers saying about your book?

I have heard from several readers and they have each had a different part that tugged on their heartstrings. I believe it is the roller coaster ride the writing takes you on in totality that tugs on the reader’s heartstrings.

“They say I’m hopeless, as a penny with a hole in it.” What does this mean to you? 

A penny is the lowest denomination in American currency. However, if it has a hole in it, it is rendered useless. That is EXACTLY how I felt for years.

What is your hope for your book? 

I sincerely hope this book will start conversations. I wanted to make people aware that there are people silently suffering. I want this to make people examine their responses.

Tell us about your Facebook Group, O.F.A.M. 

This is almost like a beta group. They get a sneak peek at everything. The book was announced there first, the virtual healing circle, merchandise. They have been very supportive and vocal. There will even be a book discussion during December because they are dying to discuss the material.