Home #Hwoodtimes Rhapsody Hooks: The Strongest Witch in California

Rhapsody Hooks: The Strongest Witch in California


By Ali Mushtaq

Long Beach, CA (The Hollywood Times) 8/15/24
It is a Tuesday afternoon. The smell of aromatic incense and oils fills the room. Looking into the store, I was greeted by a friendly woman at the counter, “Hi there! Welcome to Points of Light. Please feel free to look around.”
            Rhapsody Hooks is the proprietrix of a store called, “Points of Light” in Long Beach, California. Points of Light sells a wide variety of metaphysical goods, including oils, incense, books, statutes, herbs, and other metaphysical objects. For close to 30 years, she has helped multiple people from many walks of life, empowering them through education and her motherly pep-talks. Her shop is unique because she receives love and respect from her customers, but, also, she serves multiple generations of families at her store. Her customers come to her for a wide variety of reasons. As the acclaimed High Priestess of her Neo-Pagan religious order, Rhapsody has taken it upon herself to not only serve her customers, but to serve her community. She hosted numerous community fundraisers, including canned-food drives and other drives to support local communities. She gives up her own time to help single mothers and unhoused community members by finding them shelter and connecting them with community services. She checks in with her community members if they have illnesses or if they grieve the loss of a family member. She is also unique because she primarily serves a diverse community where everyone is welcome for who they are. Speaking with some of her customers at the store, they deem Points of Light, “the best metaphysical store in California.” We sat down with Rhapsody and asked her questions about her love of community.

HT:How long have you practiced witchcraft?
Hooks: 34 years.

The Hot Chick (2002)

HT:What was your spiritual background like before witchcraft?
Hooks:Southern Baptist and Lutheran

HT:What drew you to witchcraft?
Hooks:Needing to take control of my life and make up my mind what God means to me

HT:Why did you start Points of Light?
Hooks:I felt there was a need for customers to have a temple to go to.  I answer questions without charge unless after hours. I also help other stores with questions so they can give out good info.

HT:What makes Points of Light unique compared to other metaphysical stores?
Hooks:I try to carry a little of every religion I hear of.  Points of light means every religion under the moon.  I offer no animal parts. I encourage a bit of loitering.  How else can you meet like-minded people?

HT:What does Points of Light offer the community?
Hooks:A community, not just a store.  We do offer wholesale products.  You may be sure they are made well. I do not take you out of your religion.  I work with the one you already have.   But if you want to explore other pantheons, we can do that too.  I tell my customers to explore and learn everything.  Learning is truly fundamental.

HT:Who inspires you to do what you do?
Hooks:I knew 2 people who wanted to open a shop. We opened in October.  In December 1995 the male left and in June 1996 the female left.  Here I was alone… so I made it work.

HT:As a high priestess, how do you help your community?
Hooks:I freely give advice and rituals. I keep my pricing low so one can afford to get their supplies.

HT:How can people find you on social media and store information?

Hooks:POL is on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PointsOfLightInc/ and Instagram https://www.instagram.com/pointsoflightinc/.The website is being rebuilt currently.