Home #Hwoodtimes A reunion between old friends sparks a journey through themes of identity...

A reunion between old friends sparks a journey through themes of identity and acceptance in Jade Jenise Dixon’s “Yellow Inside”


By: Valerie Milano

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 7/20/2024 –Most everyone has reunited with an old friend from high school or college they haven’t seen in years. Often times, a reunion between old friends who have lost touch for many years is a joyful event. They catch up on jobs, family and other significant milestones in each other’s lives.

Sometimes, though, revelations surface that can be unsettling and old friends learn of changes in their old acquaintance that they never suspected. Such is the case in Jade Jenise Dixon’s short film “Yellow Inside” (2024), a thought-provoking tale of seismic change that places old friends on unfamiliar footing as they explore the true nature of their connection.

When a new face comes into Sydney’s writers’ group, there is something familiar about the new girl, Josie, and as the two women become friends and they explore their shared passion for writing, Sydney discovers an unsettling fact: New friend Josie is in reality old friend, Joseph, and what follows is a complex voyage through their shared past, their new present, and an uncertain future.

Dixon, who wrote and directed this compelling 15-minutes of cinema, sat down with The Hollywood Times and spoke about her film, which will get its first West Coast screening July 25th as part of the Los Angeles International Short Film Festival at Regal Cinema LA LIVE.

Click below for our exclusive interview:

More good news! YELLOW INSIDE has also officially been accepted into the Academy-Awards qualifying festival. Hats off to the amazing team that helped make this film happen!