Wayne Newton “Up Close and Personal” at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills

By: Judy Shields
Beverly Hills, CA (The Hollywood Times) 4/10/17 – “I am from the great state of Virginia, I am half Native American, a quarter Irish and a quarter German and stayed in Virginia until I was eight years old.” Wayne Newton told the audience at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills this past Friday night.
Mr. Newton went on to tell the story of his early career as follows:
“I was sickly kid and we moved to Phoenix, Arizona, because I had bronchial asthma. My brother and I had a small little TV show in Phoenix and Marty Robbins stopped by to star on our show. At 15, still doing that television show, a gentleman, an agent, his name, believe it or not was Bookie Levin (Julius), that is a fact. He came to Phoenix and saw the show and called our parents and told them he wanted us to come to Las Vegas to try out for a show. My brother and I jumped aboard a Greyhound bus and auditioned at the Fremont Hotel, downtown Las Vegas.
The gentleman listened to two songs and got up and left. He stuck his head back in the door and said, ‘I am going to get you a work permit’ and I will hire you for two weeks. The law was that you had to be 21 years of age to work in a casino. It took about two weeks and Bookie called to say he got us a work permit and I still have it to this day, it said ‘Wayne Newton will be allowed to work in the Fremont Hotel he is just not allowed to be in the place he is working.” (Laughter erupted)
“I have never figured that one out!” We did six shows a night, six nights a week and 40 mins on and 20 minutes off and we had to go outside. It turned out to 52 weeks. That is how I got to Vegas and that is how I got to stay there.”