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Children Incorporated is now teaming up with an old friend to launch a new effort intended to bring thousands of new donors into the fold

Young Dubliners

- Dubs @ The Wayfarer By: Judy Shields Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 5/11/17 - “This concert will be the first of the summer tour shows.  We are using them as good old fashioned warm up gigs in the small...
What’s compelling about King of the Road” The Roger Miller Story is that we discover how this brilliant writer of silly and serious songs struggled with a painful past that’s never been revealed before
A concert and Q&A up close and personal with Wayne Newton.
There was humor throughout this great hand and footprint ceremony from both Carl and Rob Reiner, who could just see how happy they both were to be getting their hands all wet with cement.
TCM Classic Film Festival strives to be a place where a community of movie fans of all ages can share their love of classic movies with each other, make new friends and see films as they are seldom seen today.
HONORS COMPOSER MEGAN CAVALLARI ON MARCH 23rd By: Judy Shields Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 3/16/17 - “I got an email that I had won an award and I was so excited about it.  I was not even aware that...
By: Judy Shields Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 1/31/17 -“We are thrilled to partner with KCETLink on this initiative to amplify voices and perspectives from within California’s Native communities,” said W. Richard West, Jr., the Autry’s President and CEO. “It...
New Novel by Megan Edwards By:  Judy Shields Los Angeles, (The Hollywood Times) 1/31/17 - “This is my first to be published novel, I have actually written several other books.”  I finally got one published!” Megan Edwards, author of “Getting off...
Chuck Workman’s Documentary to debut on Cohen Film Classics Friday, January 27 10pm KCET By: Judy Shields Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 1/23/17 -  “I was very happy when they called me about having my documentary film be part of the...