Home #Hwoodtimes Monthly Love Horoscope – Valentine’s Day Edition – February 2024

Monthly Love Horoscope – Valentine’s Day Edition – February 2024

Valentine’s Day is upon us, and if you’re still trying to lock down your V-Day plans, we’ve got your back! Here is what you can expect from the astrological energy this month which just happens to contain the most romantic day of the year.

Love is in the air! Are you feeling it? If not, no worries, because with Venus floating into Aquarius this month, you might be rethinking how you look at relationships altogether! Aquarius is the innovative air sign, represented by the water bearer. It is very good at looking at things from a unique perspective and creating systems that lead the world down new paths. It is no different when it turns a lens on relationships. Innovation abounds, and questioning long-held beliefs or ways of doing things could be your very own Valentine’s Day surprise. Perhaps Aquarius will cause you to call into question what you genuinely want out of a relationship and what you want it to look like. For example, do you genuinely want a committed marriage or are you interested in something more open? Do you want a traditional wedding, or do you want to get married on a volcano in Hawaii? Do you actually want to date a clean-cut corporate guy, or are you secretly eyeing a bad-boy biker type? These are the types of concepts that Venus in Aquarius may call into question for you. It can have you expanding your views, questioning old and outdated belief systems, and giving you a new lease on life in love.

In fact, why not extend the concept of expanded relationships, into your V-Day plans? Instead of a conventional Valentine’s Day of wine, flowers, and dinner, what if you went on an outdoor adventure instead? Aquarius shows us the boundaries of the box we often don’t even know we are in and then helps us find the way to step out of it.


This Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be cookie-cutter, in fact with Venus dancing with and finally partnering with Aquarius this month, it probably won’t be! So, to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day date, all you have to do—is step completely outside of the box! Here’s how….

  • If you could plan the perfect day (any day) with your partner, what would it look like?
  • What is something you have always wanted to try but haven’t been able to?
  • What is something your partner has always wanted to try but has never been able to?
  • What are your favorite things to do together as a couple?
  • What are some of your favorite memories as a couple?
  • What is your idea of romance? What is your partners?
  • What makes you feel close to your partner? What do they say makes them feel close to you?

Finding the answers to these questions can you help incorporate some of their components into crafting your perfect Valentine’s Day. Find something you’re excited about, if you are passionate and enjoying it, it’s highly likely your partner will pick up on those vibes too.


Keeping things fresh in a relationship often means making new memories together.  and trying new things as a couple is actually a highly-rated bonding experience. One of the biggest complaints of long-term couples is stagnation, feeling stuck/in a rut, or even feeling like they know everything there is to know about their partner. There is nothing like a few skydiving classes to begin to see your partner in a whole new light.

Ok, maybe it doesn’t have to be that dramatic, it could even be a new hike, a pottery class, or a weekend trip. Spend your Valentine’s Day at a petting zoo, ride a roller coaster, spend it by the pool with chocolate-covered strawberries, and good conversation – seriously you guys, the more creative you get, the more memories there are to be made!

While trying something new might be a great way to break boundaries and explore new horizons, sometimes revisiting old memories can be just as romantic. Why not revisit some of your favorite places as a couple, the coffee shop where you had your first date, the park where you first told each other how you felt, even the site of your most hilarious mishap as a couple? These are all great ways to bring in the Valentine’s Day spirit and re-ignite the spark of the relationship without spending a fortune or being cookie-cutter. Let me know how it goes!

January Love Horoscope

Aries: (March 21-April 19)

There is a lot of focus on friendship this month for you dear Aries. As you often find yourself exploring the world solo, friendships can hold a tremendous amount of value to you. Being a leader can feel isolated, and having a strong support system can help alleviate that. However, as a leader, you, even more than most, must be very aware of who you surround yourself with. Pick others with passion, dedication, and loyalty and you will see just how valuable friendships can be in your life.

In intimate relationships, strive to ignite the force of friendship. Partnerships thrive on the same foundations that friendships have- trust, loyalty, respect, and mutual consideration. In fact, the partnerships you see devolve the fastest and in the most fury-filled ways, are the ones who lack basic respect and connection with each other. Their relationship lacks friendship, therefore there is no safety net of respect to catch them when their relationship or emotions slide off course.

This month, focus on friendship and try to bring in that sense of fun, connection, and inspiration into relationships and your Valentine’s Day plans!

Taurus: (April 20-May 20) 

Exploring new roads and enjoying your accomplishments hold strong for you for most of the month. Stepping out of your comfort zone can lead you to new hobbies, new opportunities, and new connections.

For you especially trying a new hobby with your special someone for Valentine’s Day might bring in unexpected but joyful results. Sign up for a pottery class, do a wine and paint night, try a ropes course or a rock gym. Really get out there and see the magic start to unfold. Allow the success of your recent accomplishments to bolster your confidence a little (or a lot.) Taurus magic is often revealed through stepping out of their comfort zone, so be a little bold. If you have been eyeing that cute guy at the coffee shop for some time now, this might be the time to invite them out for some out-of-the-box fun. The response and rewards might just surprise you!

Gemini: (May 21-June 20)

Your introverted side may have been coming out of late, and that isn’t always the most comfortable for you. Yet as a sign that usually goes at about 1000 miles a minute, slowing down can be essential for you to get into alignment. You don’t want to go zooming off in the wrong direction only to discover towards the finish line that it wasn’t even the right path for you.

So, take the lessons this time has taught you and allow yourself to start easing back out into the world. A fresh new Valentine’s Day activity might be exactly what you need to kick your life and love right back into high gear. An outdoor activity with literal fresh air will be especially beneficial in your fresh start.

Cancer: (June 22-July 22)

It’s time to cut away the excess, Cancer. Your love life has been in the spotlight and although it may have felt like it was weighing you down, it was truly highlighting all the things you don’t need. Literally and physically, oh, and financially. All the aspects of shared life and love are coming into focus for you right now. See where you can cut out all the unnecessary baggage of your life. Whether that is a yard sale to get rid of the physical clutter or setting some boundaries to sort through the emotional pile, it’s essential you put that plan into action now.

Boundaries are a tough one for you as is, and your sentimental attachments to your home and the items within it can really start to pile up. So, your spring cleaning comes a few months early! For you, a unique Valentine’s Day could be clearing out all the clutter in your home and you and your partner donating it to the people who really could use it. You could even set up a yard sale, or a Facebook Marketplace setup to make a little extra cash in the process.

Speaking of finances, if you and your partner share resources, it’s time for a good, long look at the budget. Going over the funds with consciousness is a great way to set yourself up for success. It doesn’t have to be intense, simple awareness can reap huge rewards. For example, if all your favorite shows are on Hulu, why continue paying for Netflix? If you have a subscription box but end up always giving half of it away, why keep it? Looking at the extra in your life can help you focus on what truly matters and keep you from feeling that sense of overwhelm.

Leo: (July 23-August 22) 

Your partnerships are in the high beams this month and it’s a great time to make the most of it! You are extremely passionate so now is the time to really let that shine! Valentine’s Day is one of the most passionate days of the year, so roll up your sleeves and show them your magic.

Your routines may also get a fresh start this month so keep an eye on the things that you need to do, as well as the things that light you up.

Heavy doses of inspiration are important to a Leo, so see where you can add that sense of power and passion to even the most mundane of tasks. That can translate into the relationship arena as well. Some of the more mundane tasks of relationships can feel unnecessary or uninspiring, but they are often the glue that holds a strong foundation intact. So, turn that lion’s eye towards how you can be a good partner all year round, not just on the most romantic day of the year.

Virgo: (August 23-September 22)

Dear, sweet, perfection-minded Virgo. I know you really want to get this day right, but that hyperfocus on making it the BEST DAY EVER might be holding you back. Especially as health and career matters are most likely taking up most of your attention this month.

Remember, romance doesn’t have to be created by design, or scheduled in a calendar, it is a natural occurrence from a state of intimacy and closeness. This means a casual picnic in the park can be just as, if not more romantic, than a planned and perfectly executed fancy restaurant dinner date.

In fact, you have been so on top of things in the work arena lately, why not translate that sense of success to planning a partnership outing that could win its own award? Perhaps the “most creative award” (I know, I know but I’m just trying to play to your strengths here) If having a spontaneous, off-the-cuff Valentine’s Day is causing you more stress than excitement, then go ahead and plan something but make sure it’s something unique to you and your partner. Stepping out of the box may not always be your favorite thing, but here is a chance to test the waters and show that your creativity and success, aren’t just in the world of work!

Libra: (September 23-October 22)

Self-expression is at the forefront of your focus this month. Seriously, it’s all about you! What drives you, what excites you, and what creative ways can you express that? From your home to your career to your relationships, it all starts with you! It’s a great time to aim that creative drive toward pretty much everything in your life. You have the magic touch this month, the ability to make your mark on anything you choose to.

That can come in especially useful in planning the Valentine’s Day of your partner’s dreams. If you are single, then bring that touch of creative magic to everything in your own life. Sign up for a solo wine and painting night, you might even meet someone special! Or take the time to prepare your home for partnership- and if you build it they will come vibe. Paint your walls with your new favorite shade of pink, reupholster your couch, and fill a room with nothing but bright colors and your favorite art. Whatever creative pursuit catches your passion this month—follow it!

Scorpio: (October 23-November 21)

Your domestic concerns are riding high on your priorities list right now Scorpio, as they should! As the reigning hierarch of cave time, your home is literally your castle, fortress, and cocoon. Taking time to go within is essential to a Scorpio’s growth and transformation. It is not unusual for their natural energetics to mimic a bear. They go out into the world, take in experiences and partnerships, and then retreat to their warm cave to process it all, emerging almost as a whole new person. That being said, their home truly needs to be their safe space.

Managing finances, especially shared ones, could play into that equation this month too. So, if you are feeling big changes whether in your home or the people you have in it, trust that is for the best. You are nesting and everything needs to feel just as you want it to.

That could also play into your Valentine’s Day plans. Perhaps a cozy, snack-filled movie night could be just what the Astro Doctor ordered. Don’t feel the pressure to please, allow yourself to choose something that you and your partner (or just you if you’re solo) will enjoy and will align with your energy.

Sagittarius: (November 22-December 21) 

There’s a lot of inspiration and ideas coming your way this month. It could get a little chaotic but for the most part, you are feeling fun and fancy-free. Obligations can feel like restrictions so be sure to knock out the boring stuff early, so you are unfettered the rest of the month.

Communication flows freely for you so expressing all your new ideas will feel like a breeze! It’s a great month to express how you are feeling to your special someone or even confess your feelings to someone you’ve been eyeing for a while! Luck and communication are on your side, my friend.

Also, new adventures and outdoor escapades look good on you, so why not show off your best side by planning a Valentine’s Day hike? A little mountaintop picnic could also be the perfect setting to tell someone how you feel. Yes, love that for you!

Capricorn: (December 22-January 19) 

When it rains it pours and this month for you, it is pouring money! You may have been feeling a little tight on the finances, a little penny pinched. Well, get ready because the time of famine is over, and it’s time to feast!

New financial and business opportunities will have you wanting to share the wealth and what better way than to lavish your love this Valentine’s? While a lot of this article has been about thinking out of the box, for you, it might be more inside of the box V Day.

You may have been having to skimp on luxury for a while, which might have felt restrictive and even a hit to your self-confidence. Well, the goat is back baby! Take your partner on a limo ride to their favorite restaurant. Spring for the Dom at dinner and make sure you get the lobster–with a side of lobster. It’s a time to celebrate and share the wealth, so take this special month to do it! You’ve earned it.

Aquarius: (January 20- February 18) 

This month Venus slides into your DM’s and your sign. It’s a great month for you to explore what makes you tick, especially in the realm of relationships. Aquarius more than almost any other sign really likes the relationships that don’t fit into a mold. That doesn’t mean they aren’t committed but maybe their relationship operates a little differently than most folks.

Perhaps their passions and greatest relationship moments stand on the precipice of discovering a new scientific theory together. Perhaps a shared love of physics lectures is what brought them together, or cracking a computer code just does it for them. Aquarius is so innovative and such an air sign that often their passions wrap more around logic than steamy, passionate encounters.

So, you do you Aquarius. Take a Valentine’s Day tour of a museum and see the works of Stephen Hawking and Charles Darwin (both fellow Aquarius) and see if that gets your love fire going!

Pisces: (February 19-March 20) 

It’s time to pull the blinds closed Pisces because as February evolves you are going to need some time to yourself. You are feeling much quieter and more introspective than usual, and yes this might be the month you tell your partner “I need time to think.” Ouch.

It’s a great time to really evaluate what brings you and your partner together and what makes you a good or not-so-good pairing. Sometimes in relationships, and especially with Pisces, the vibe can just be off. There might not be a logical, calculable, or even obvious astrological reason, that a relationship doesn’t work. Sometimes—it just doesn’t. Hey. That’s ok. Remember, they can be a good person and still not be your person.

Or perhaps you are discovering there are aspects of the relationship that can form new growth and receive new life. It’s all a matter of perspective, choice, and your own free will. What works for you is yours to choose! In fact, your Valentine’s Day perfection might be taking a walk down memory lane with your partner to rekindle the spark. Perhaps you visit old date sights, look at old photos together, and reminisce about what brought you together in the first place. Pisces gifts is to see things others can’t, so maybe you will envision a whole new iteration of your existing relationship. You have magic, use it to get what you want!