Home #Hwoodtimes Monthly Love Horoscope – New Year New You! – January 2024

Monthly Love Horoscope – New Year New You! – January 2024


2024 is going to be a year of a lot of changes, leaps and bounds. In fact, for many of us, at the end of this 365-day rotation, we won’t even recognize ourselves or our lives. Things are shaking up that much!

So, with that being said, what can we expect? Well, 2024 is an 8 year in numerology. 2+2+4=8. What goes around comes around, karma, soulmates, fated meetings, the sign of infinity, and everlasting love. So, if you’re looking for partnership this just may be the year you find it! But one step at a time here. Let’s talk about what’s coming down the pike this month and take it from there, shall we?

January brings us freedom from Mercury’s fated retrograde, but since it ended on the 1st, we can still linger in its shadow for about a week or so, so it may feel like the new year is getting off to a slow start but hang on because big changes are just around the corner.

We have been focusing a lot on career lately with the retrograde in Capricorn and Venus entering it later this month. Yet love and money are often tied so what may have started off in the sign of career may have slipped into your love life too, or vice versa. So be sure to take the lessons learned from the retrograde to kick-start your new year, even if they initially seem unrelated, trust me, they are tied.

In fact, one of the best ways to bring in soulmate vibes is to embody them yourself! By doing the things we are most passionate about, it’s like putting a big, shining neon light of love above our heads. When we are passionate and excited, not only are we an inspiration to others, but we also tend to attract them. People want to be around us, and we become magnetic. Passion is passion and like attracts like, so what we embody, we bring in.

Now what about you? What are the things in life you are most passionate about and how often are you doing them? If you are a little unsure, now is a great time to get some clarity. Your to-do list for this month is to find what you are passionate about, and not only embrace it but begin to embody it. It’s hard to bring in your perfect pairing if you are hiding who you really are, how will they ever find you if you aren’t putting yourself out there? The solution? Shine so brightly they can’t miss you!


January To-Do List:

Journal out these questions to help uncover your heartfelt desires and life’s true passions.

  • What are the top five things in your life you could not live without?
  • What did you like to do in childhood?
  • What were your favorite activities/pastimes/hobbies/toys/ shows?
  • If you were only allowed to do 3 things in an entire month, what would they be?
  • When you are feeling low, what makes you feel better?
  • What creates sparks of excitement/joy in you? Even on your worst days?
  • What is one thing you have always wanted to do but never thought you could?

Great job! Now take the list and start looking at ways you can begin to embody those aspects or even just energetics. If you loved playing in the dirt when you were little, maybe start a garden. If you loved playing with Play Dough, try working with clay. If you wrote endless stories or studied the stars for signs of life like I did, you can see where I’m going with this…

Begin to see the ways your life can expand to include your passions and start taking steps towards them. Your life, and perfectly aligned partnership, are waiting for you.

January Love Horoscope

Aries: (March 21-April 19)

Go, go, go! You are full steam ahead on career and creative projects which can help you bring in your soulmate. Aries has a unique manifestation style especially when it comes to partnership. Often, they like to be where they want to be in life before bringing in love. Their mission in life is of the utmost importance and they need someone who can keep up with that lifestyle.

They need a partnership that helps propel them forward not slow them down. So, they often like to get at least partway down their trail of life before pulling in a partner. It would be the concept of deciding to wait until you graduate college to find a relationship versus being with a high school sweetheart. You want to get where you are going and then look around for love.

So, the number one tip for Aries to bring in their soulmate is to be it. Be the person you want to bring in, get where the view is a little higher, and then start looking around. Most likely your perfect person is right on your heels, or even just a little ahead of you on the trail!

Career and creative partnerships are very important for you this month. Focus on yourself and your creative endeavors and watch them begin lining up for you.

Taurus: (April 20-May 20) 

You may have been feeling in a bit of a funk, not a lot of outward movement, a holding pattern of sorts. But energetically you have actually been making internal transformations that will help you gain clarity and confidence in the new year.

As the retrograde eases out and Venus eases in, you start to see positive shifts in your financial and love life and all that energetic preparation comes into good use. While it may not always be the most fun time of your life, sitting still and getting in full alignment can send us years ahead in our development and in bringing in what we want.

You’ve done well, so be patient just a little bit longer, and as the month progresses so should your desires and their outward manifestation. Travel, love, and an aligned sense of luxury will soon abound.

Gemini: (May 21-June 20)

You may have been feeling like you have been dancing around your inspiration. Like it’s floating around you but hasn’t quite landed yet. Well fear not, your muse is breaking through. The Mercury muddle is clearing and taking with it the clouds of confusion. You will begin to see your path and inspiration much more clearly. But all of that time was not wasted, think of it like putting dots on a canvas, at first, they may not look like much but when you step back you realize it’s a masterpiece!

This holds true in your intimate relationships as well. While they may have felt heavy and conflictual, sometimes that is exactly what is needed to sort through the mess we often create when things go unobserved. It’s like untangling a knot, it may feel frustrating and like you are going nowhere but then suddenly the knot breaks free and things feel much better. That is the overall vibe you are experiencing this month. So even if things take a little longer than hoped, just keep going, it will all be worth it.

Cancer: (June 22-July 22)

Did someone order up a healthy dose of self-care this month? You did, dear Cancer! A focus on routines, health, systems, services, and how you serve others may be present during this month.

Just in time too because your partnerships will also be getting a boost during this time. One of Cancer’s most profound and recurring lessons is learning how to hold their own form in relationships. Cancer’s love to nurture and as a water sign can often take on the shape of others or the relationship. Codependency can abound and they can have a hard time differentiating themselves from others. That is where your earlier work comes in from the beginning of the month.

One way Cancer’s can really improve their love lives is to borrow some medicine from the opposite sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is all rules, regulations, to-do lists, and boundaries. All things Cancer can let fall to the wayside in partnership. So set some guidelines. Saturday morning is self-care time. Thursday night is bubble bath and face masks. Wednesday evenings are for friends and pickleball. Whatever it looks like for you, take the reins. Self-care is crucial to an ideal partnership, and it will be a lesson Cancer will learn over and over until it resonates.

So let me save you a few meltdowns and heartbreaking partnership losses. Stand your ground and prioritize your self-care. You are a better you, partner, and person in society when your needs are met too. If you don’t know where to start, circle back up to the To-Do List and begin to get clarity on and prioritize your passions!

Leo: (July 23-August 22) 

Purpose and passion just happen to be a few of your favorite things so taking the reins on pursuing that this month, will probably feel like second nature. Yet proceed with caution on how you present yourself to the world. Ego is a struggle Leo often wrestles with and this month can really highlight that. The moon in your sign on the 25th especially can bring that to the forefront. It can feel like a battle between your outward persona and inner self which is not always the most comfortable.

But when in doubt, a simple litmus test of ego that I have learned is this. If you are sharing something you are good at, its authenticity, if you are putting someone else down in the process, it’s ego. For example, saying you are an accurate and passionate astrologer is authenticity, saying you are the best astrologer ever, certainly better than this person or their technique, then yeah, that’s ego.

Shining brightly does not require throwing others into the shadows. This can especially hold true in your relationship realm. To be a “good” partner does not require your partner to be a “bad” one. Helping someone in a tough spot does not require you to be the savior and then the helpless, hapless victim. There are ways to navigate these dynamics without labels, black and white, or good guy/bad guy mentality. Use this month to find them.

Virgo: (August 23-September 22)

Where attention goes, energy flows. You have the Midas touch this month, my friend. Your romantic life and career prospects get a boost as the month progresses. There can be a lot of energy and intensity but that’s ok, you’re used to that. Just be sure you are aiming it in the right direction, towards what you do want, and away from what you don’t.

Home and family issues can find a peaceful resolution, and relationships can blossom and thrive under the months’ alignments. Career opportunities may feel like they are falling from the sky and while they may seem like they are coming out of nowhere, they are actually the fruits of your long-held labor.

Virgo is very good at playing the long game, at seeing the results of hard work and perseverance. While that may feel exceedingly dull and boring to some, you are one who thrives in the knowledge that everyday habits produce long-term results. So enjoy the fruits of your labor dear Virgo, you certainly deserve it!

Libra: (September 23-October 22)

Partnership? You ARE a partnership. You are the sign that represents some of our more intimate relationships and aspects. So what is in store for you this month?

Lots of balancing of your great scales. Financial balance, partnership, and sharing of resources. You are feeling the pull to share the wealth, whether that is abundance, enthusiasm, or love. You want others to feel what you are feeling, in fact, that is one of Libra’s greatest joys. This month is the time to enjoy and experience that.

As the good things start rolling in feel free to spread them around. It may lead to new realizations about values, home life, soul pursuits and so much more. The key to the doorway of your month is the mantra Sharing is Caring.

Now that being said, the 25th finds a moon that may shake things up in your friend groups. Sometimes people take more than their fair share and that is where you come in. You are the great balancer and if someone is dominating the social circle, then it’s time for you to help bring things back into balance. That may lead to some awkward conversations or even a separation for a time but recognize it is all for the best in the long term. A balanced and healthy dynamic is far preferable to an awkward and uneven one.

Scorpio: (October 23-November 21)

You may have been feeling like a cave person for the past month or two. But that’s ok because that is literally where your magic lies and as the month progresses you will crawl back out to rejoin the world.

Every year it seems Scorpio experiences a small death. They tend to cave up, so to speak. They retreat into their inner worlds and safe sanctuaries to process the year prior. Then they slowly come back out to rejoin the world with a new fresh take on things. We all do that to some extent during cold or harsh winter months, but Scorpio especially feels that drive.

The moon will help you crawl out of your cave and shell and interact with new ideas, people, places, and things. Communication will improve, moodiness will clear and your desire to share your new ideas with others will increase.

While you generally desire deep, soulful connections, enjoy playing in the sunlight surface level for a bit. Every person does not have to be your soulmate and every friend your lifelong bestie. You can have coffee with someone and enjoy the conversation but not have to swap souls with them. Seriously, it’s fine.

So see how that goes as you get your flirt on this month. Whether that’s with job prospects, friends, or partnerships. Keep it light and fun as you readjust to your new world and skin.

Sagittarius: (November 22-December 21) *Wipes Brow* Whew. That retrograde in your sign was a DOOZY. You may have experienced a double whammy of change, disruption, and expansion. Whether that was losing a job, ending a relationship, or just seeing something coming back around that needed to change, this retrograde had its arrows aimed straight at you.

Yet truthfully there can be no real expansion without some sense of destruction. There often has to be some loss in order to bring in gain. You can’t date someone new if you are in an old relationship. You can’t start a new job if you never quit the old one. It’s not always fun and it usually doesn’t go the way we planned, but such is life. Birth is messy and creation is laced with destruction. Yet there is so much beauty in that.

So the retrograde has done its duty, now it is time for you to step into yours. If the retrograde brought partnership loss, then it’s time to expand. Thank the universe for clearing out the person who was not your soulmate, to allow space for the person who is. That doesn’t mean you have to immediately begin searching for a new partner, you can focus on expansion in your career, travel, or even living space.

As you expand your search, remember to reevaluate your worth. If something left your space, it’s most likely because you outgrew it. So focus on what you do want, while taking note of what you don’t and defend that concept. If you deserve more money, don’t accept less. If you want a partner on your level, don’t date down. Stand tall in what you deserve and how you value yourself and watch your sense of worth increase.

Capricorn: (December 22-January 19) Go Capricorn, it’s your birthday!

It’s your season to shine and we are all here to celebrate the awesomeness that is you.

I won’t lie, sometimes Capricorns get a bad rep. They can be slightly rigid, kind of judgmental, and a little bit umm.. pushy. Sorry, sorry I know it’s your birthday, but you know it’s true! Yet where would we be without them? If we didn’t have them being the border collie to our herd of unruly sheep, nothing would ever get done and we probably wouldn’t end up anywhere.

All signs have their shadow (not Capricorn of course, you guys are perfect) but some get a little more spotlighted than others. Capricorn is one of the signs that get thrown some major shade due to their shadow. But think about it, they are forces for change, a cardinal sign that won’t take no for an answer. They push for transformation and growth, which is not super comfortable for everyone. They are ruled by Saturn, which is the big papa energy of discipline, structure, and getting things done. Thank goodness though because where would we be without that?! If we all just sat around floating in the water signs or ran around unleashing the flame thrower of the fire signs we would be in big trouble.

So, let’s hear it for the Capricorns! Speaking of this is really your month! You will feel motivated, passionate, and ready to tackle all the to-do lists and goals. There’s reason New Year resolutions fall within your month; you are all about getting organized. Yet this month for you is more about taking action. Although truthfully, you’re so shiny and magnetic this month that it may not feel like work at all. So, tuck your to-do list into your toolbelt and let’s get started!

Aquarius: (January 20- February 18) You often feel you march to your own drummer, and this period is no different. While many of the other signs are full steam ahead you are getting ready to slow way down. You have done enough people-ing for a whole year it feels like, and now some downtime is definitely required. That’s okay though, quiet contemplation can lead to big realizations. So get cozy and enjoy some downtime this month.

You may find bursts of inspiration coming your way although much is happening behind the scenes. Goals and desires are shifting and morphing into new ideas and possibly new partnerships. New ideas and expansion can cause us to move in different directions and not everyone can go with us. So you might find yourself flying more solo than most during this time but that’s ok because you are going to become very clear on your direction of advancement.

If relationships take a backseat for you right now fear not. Your time in the sun will come again, it always does.

Pisces: (February 19-March 20) It’s time to get busy. This is the time when your dreams and the hard ground of reality unite to form creation and manifestation. What is it going to take for your dreams to become your everyday? Now is the month you will find out. Saturn hanging out in your sign is not always the friendliest of visitors, but it does help you find your path to freedom. Dreaming is wonderful but without some amount of hard work, we don’t often see our dreams come to fruition.

That doesn’t mean hustle culture or burning yourself out, simply that creating routines, structure, and plans can help you achieve some of your loftier ambitions. Yes, even in the realm of relationships.

While love and logic are often set on different sides of the spectrum, the truth is they are a blend. We have to allow some logic into our love life, and some passion into our projects. Otherwise, things just don’t work. So yes, you may love that ex, but if they don’t want kids and you do, you have to acknowledge and accept that earthly reality. Allow some logic to slip into that love equation. On the flip side, just because someone is a perfect match on paper doesn’t mean they are a perfect match for you. I say all the time, they can be a good person and still not be YOUR person. Relationships are nuanced, soulmates are unique and it’s not always going to show up the way you expect it to. And that’s the beauty of it. So, enjoy the ride this month and try to allow the beauty of duality to seep into your experience.