Home #Hwoodtimes Latina Christmas Special @ A Noise Within

Latina Christmas Special @ A Noise Within

Latina Christmas Special @ A Noise Within

LATINA Christmas Special

A Noise Within’s “Noise Now” community engagement series celebrates the holidays
with three performances of Latina Christmas Special, an American comedy of Latina proportions.

You thought your holidays with the family were dramatic? Try these three hilarious, touching and surprisingly personal Christmas stories of holidays past told by three acclaimed Latina comedians.

When these three sassy BFFs get together, they down plenty of tequila  and dish about everything from moms to cucarachas (cockroaches) to Farrah Fawcett, and share their funny and intimate stories of childhood Christmas “dramas” that make them uniquely American, undoubtedly Latina and, most of all, friends.

Bursting with laughs, more laughs, music and escándalo (scandal)!

created by
Diana Yanez

written and performed by
Maria Russell Sandra Valls Diana Yanez

directed by
Geoffrey Rivas

Tuesday, Dec. 13 @ 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 14 @ 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 20 @ 7:30 p.m.

A Noise Within
3352 E Foothill Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91107
(Free parking available directly behind the theater at the
Sierra Madre Villa Metro parking structure, 149 N. Halstead St.)