(Based on an incredible true story)

A World premiere written by John Mullican

Directed by Rickie Peete

Produced by Andrea Meshel


Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 9/29/24 – Based on an incredible true story that the writer himself experienced, a plane crashing on the ocean waters near Logan Boston Airport.  We are greeted by a happy airline stewardess played by Stacy Aung, “welcome to Sunrise Airlines take your seat and get ready for a bumpy ride. “The only person that never leaves the stage is God!  God is a DJ played by Amoni West she stands behind her DJ console playing her music the same way that she plays the events that will change the lead’s characters life forever.

Jason Leon-Baptista, Amoni West and John Mullican in In the Unlikely Event of an Actual Emergency. (Photo: Robin Randolph Photography)

She’s cleverly written for as she spins the music, she also controls the events that take place as the play progresses.   Auturo played by John Mullican enters the plane with an Urn containing the ashes of his recently departed mother.  He is in his late 50’s gay, jaded by life seems not to enjoy flying.  He carefully has chosen his aisle seat in the front of the plane. Not willing to give it up for anyone.

The beautiful video projections created by Fritz Davis creates the interior of the plane as well as all other locations and the location in between.  The location “in between “is the space where the dead can talk to the living or the person that is in limbo before he goes to heaven.

This play is narrated by Arturo who is angry, untrusting of everyone but with a pinch of hope that somehow keeps him living. He talks to himself a great deal letting us know his thoughts and feelings.  About the passenger seating next to him who he likes but too afraid to talk to him.  Life gives you opportunities, but we are the ones that choose to act on them or close the door.  He is just too afraid to open that door and change his perspective on life.  He loves his parents but yet recent them for being true to who they are artists at heart.

Stacy Aung in In the Unlikely Event of an Actual Emergency. (Photo: Robin Randolph Photography)

The stewardess finally asks him to give up his seat to an 80-year-old man. He objects to this unfairness but agrees to move to the rear seating area of the plane.  This gesture of kindness actually saves his life!   God the DJ announces, “All passengers to hold on to your seats and brace yourself we are making an emergency landing on the ocean.  They crash and everything goes up in flames around him.  Fortune or God was on his side that day by giving up his seat he is saved and the old man of 80 dies in the crash because he was seating in front of the plane.  Arturo struggles to survive in the freezing cold as snow falls all around him.  The In between space is” limbo,” where his mother Lucida, wonderfully played by Dolores Aguanno appears to him as a spirit telling him not to give up on life but to live!  He’s father, Liam also appears played by Glenn Ratcliffe who Arturo recents for he left a $300,000 debt. The ghosts are all dressed in white but here is where the direction by Rickie Peete shines as the parents appear letting him know that life is a gift.  Arturo is also visited by his late boyfriend Bill played by Jason Leon-Baptista with a lot of flair and good humor.  He might be dead, but he is not jaded.  He died of Aids when he was young and told Arturo he had the flu.  This unfinished betrayal for that is how Arturo sees it until Bill tells him, “I didn’t want you to know because I love you!.  Finally, Arturo begins to realize that he can still live his life and find happiness despite all his dissolutions.

The clarity of mind and spiritual grows during this critical in between time, elevates his soul choosing to live!  He now can breathe in the scent of salt in the air, feel the delicate touch of snowflakes falling on his skin.  Yes, you are cold, but you are ALIVE!   Some of us need to crash before realizing how much more they can give, create and love!  Kudos to the writer for sharing his near-death traumatic experience and turning it into a triumphant journey of a new beginning!

Limited run:  Sept 30 to October 26 (Fri at 8pm Sat. At 3pm & 8pm)

Venue: The Hudson Guild 6539 Santa Monica Blvd.  Hollywood

online tickets: https://unlikelyplay.com

Admission: $28.50