Home #Hwoodtimes If we live by the gun we shall DIE by the gun

If we live by the gun we shall DIE by the gun

If we live by the gun we shall DIE by the gun

“When will our government finally do something about GUNS? I know, NEVER!”

“The gun isn’t the problem. Guns CANNOT kill or injure anyone sitting in a locker, on a table, or in a box.  PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.  Cars don’t kill anyone sitting in a parking lot or driveway. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.  Knives, Swords, Numbchucks, Brass Knuckles, etc. or any other weapon kills ANYONE, PEOPLE KIILL PEOPLE and if we can’t see that, we’re DOOMED to die by that very weapon.”

By Patrick Donovan – Author/Screenwriter
US Navy Disabled Veteran – 1980 – 1991
Seattle, WA (The Hollywood Times) 04/23/2023

“This is my talk on what I believe is the problem within our country and yes, I had help from CHAT GPT on this one!”

– Patrick Donovan and LUCY A.I.

Let’s lead off this story with this from Gun Violence Archive shall we?

Mass Shooting Methodology and Reasoning

Mass Shootings are, for the most part an American phenomenon. While they are generally grouped together as one type of incident they are several with the foundation definition being that they have a minimum of four victims shot, either injured or killed, not including any shooter who may also have been killed or injured in the incident. Link to follow


Evidence Based Research – since 2013PUBLISHED DATE: April 23, 2023

Gun Violence Archive Stats gun deaths 2023

Gun violence  and crime incidents are collected/validated from 7,500 sources daily – Incident Reports and their source data are found at the gunviolencearchive.org website.


  1. Number of source verified deaths and injuries
  2. Number of INCIDENTS reported and verified
  3. Calculation based on CDC Suicide Data
  4. Actual total of all non-suicide deaths plus daily calculated suicide deaths

All numbers are subject to change or incidents recategorized as new evidence is established and verified.


Gun Violence Archive
Facebook for Gun Violence Archive
On Twitter (REAL AND VERIFIED): @gundeaths
Data Sources Verified: April 21, 2023

Now for the article…

If we live by the gun we shall DIE by the gun

How do the 440 MILLION PLUS guns in the United States and the ultra right wing propagada are fueling a dystopian society that’s hate-filled and hate-driven purely designed to incite anger and hatred towards the minority population? It is possible to provide an explanation of how the combination of widespread gun ownership and extremist messaging can contribute to a society marked by hate and intolerance.

The availability of firearms in the United States is a contentious issue. Proponents of gun ownership argue that it is a constitutional right and a means of self-defense, while opponents point to the high rates of gun violence in the country and the need for stricter regulations. Regardless of one’s stance on the issue, it is clear that the sheer number of firearms in circulation means that they can easily fall into the wrong hands or be used for nefarious purposes.

In addition to the physical threat posed by guns, extremist messaging from ultra-right groups can contribute to a climate of fear and hostility towards minority populations. Such messages often rely on divisive rhetoric, demonization of certain groups, and the spread of false information to incite anger and hatred. When combined with access to firearms, this can create a dangerous situation where violence against minorities is more likely to occur.

A dystopian society marked by hate and intolerance is one in which fear and violence are pervasive, and the social fabric is frayed. The prevalence of guns and extremist propaganda can exacerbate these tendencies, leading to a cycle of anger, hatred, and violence that can be difficult to break. To create a more harmonious and just society, it is essential to address the underlying issues that contribute to hate and intolerance, including the availability of firearms and the spread of extremist messaging.

How does Fox News (Registered with the FCC as an ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY NOT a news organization. This journalist SHOULD KNOW: I was working at the FCC on 21st and M Street in DC from 1995 – 1996 when Rupert Murdoch applied for and won the auction license for Fox), OANN, Newsmax, and Rightside media contribute to the fear of annonymous trust in this country and driving our country backwards into the wild, wild west?

I believe this is how media outlets, in general, can contribute to a culture of fear and mistrust. Media outlets have a significant impact on shaping public opinion and can influence the way people perceive events and issues. When news organizations prioritize sensationalism and partisan viewpoints over factual reporting, they can contribute to a culture of fear and division.

Fox News, OANN, and Right Side Media have been criticized for their partisan coverage and for disseminating false information. When news organizations prioritize political agendas over accuracy, it can undermine the public’s trust in the media and contribute to a culture of suspicion and skepticism. This can make it more difficult for people to form accurate opinions and make informed decisions.

Moreover, when media outlets promote fear and division, it can create a sense of societal polarization, which can drive people to extreme views and actions. This can create a situation where individuals feel justified in taking matters into their own hands and acting outside of the law.

To avoid these outcomes, media outlets must prioritize factual reporting and strive to maintain the trust of their audiences. By providing accurate information, media organizations can help to promote understanding and cooperation, rather than fear and division.

HOW THE NRA lobbyies and pushes political pressure that can affect the policymaking process:

The NRA is a powerful lobbying organization that advocates for gun rights and opposes many forms of gun control legislation. The organization has a significant influence on many Republican lawmakers, who tend to be more supportive of gun rights than their Democratic counterparts.

One way that the NRA can influence lawmakers is through campaign contributions and endorsements. By providing financial support to politicians who align with their views on gun control, the NRA can encourage these lawmakers to resist efforts to enact stricter gun laws.

Additionally, the NRA can also mobilize its membership to contact their representatives and express their opposition to gun control legislation. This can create a sense of pressure on lawmakers to vote in accordance with (IAW) the NRA’s views, even if they personally disagree with them.

Republicans ARE hesitant to support stricter gun laws for several reasons. One is a belief in the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms and a fear that any restrictions on gun ownership could be a slippery slope toward confiscation. Additionally, some Republicans may feel that gun control measures are ineffective at preventing violence and that they unfairly punish law-abiding gun owners.

FYI: An amendment may be proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. So just to be clear, the second amendment is NEVER GOING AWAY no matter how many times the Republican SCREAM and SHOUT that the RADICAL LEFT (a BS term) is going to take away your guns. NO WAY JOSE!

It is worth noting, however, that not all Republicans share these views, and there are many gun owners who support reasonable gun control measures. The issue of gun control is complex and multifaceted, and opinions on the matter can vary widely.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – AUGUST 12: People participate in a demonstration and news conference against illegal guns in front of the Jacob Javits Federal Building on August 12, 2019 in New York City. The event, a “Call to Action to Stop the Flow of Illegal Guns”, included victims of gun violence along with federal, state and city officials. Despite the recent spate of mass shootings in America, most homicides occur in urban areas with many committed with guns purchased from unlicensed sellers. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

How can we stop the proliferation of guns yet still maintain the 2nd amendment for common-sense gun owners to create a more safer society for all:
Addressing the issue of gun violence while still protecting the Second Amendment is a complex challenge, but there are several strategies that can be pursued to promote common-sense gun safety measures:

  • Implementing Universal Background Checks: Universal background checks can help prevent individuals who are prohibited from owning firearms from obtaining them, such as convicted felons or individuals with a history of domestic violence. A recent study found that states with universal background checks have lower rates of gun deaths than those without them.
  • Restricting Access to Assault Weapons and High-Capacity Magazines: These types of firearms have been used in many mass shootings and have no practical use in self-defense or hunting. Restricting access to them can help reduce the number of deaths and injuries in mass shootings.
  • Investing in Gun Violence Prevention Research: Research into the causes of gun violence and effective prevention measures can help policymakers make evidence-based decisions on gun control policies.
  • Promoting Safe Storage of Firearms: Encouraging gun owners to store their firearms safely, such as in a locked cabinet or safe, can prevent accidental shootings and deter theft.
  • Strengthening Mental Health Care: Many mass shootings are committed by individuals with a history of mental illness. Strengthening access to mental health care can help identify and treat individuals who may be at risk of committing gun violence.

It is important to note that these strategies DO NOT infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners. They are aimed at reducing the likelihood of gun violence while still allowing individuals to own firearms for legitimate purposes.

Ultimately, addressing the issue of gun violence will require a comprehensive approach that involves both gun control measures and efforts to address underlying societal issues that contribute to violence. By working together to implement common-sense gun safety measures, we can create a safer society for all.

This is a direct quote from a colleague at work: “I really believe the guns are the one reason why the United States has never been invaded, but one of the biggest problems is no respect for the law of the land, no one accountable for breaking the law, murder, etc is downgraded to lower crimes with no bail, they are out before police finish the paperwork.” James G.

More than 5000 people have been shot and killed already in this year, 2023, and Kaylin Gillis’ was one of those people. SENSELESS. She simply pulled into the driveway like we all do to turn around your car. I remember, as a kid, Boy Scout, we’d knock on doors for fundraising, to see our friends and this was in the 60’s and 70’s. I recall turning into a driveway just because the street was too narrow for a K-TURN. I remember walking to Craig Hill Elementary School from my home on Wood Road in Greece, NY from when I was a kid to the 6th grade… Never was I shot at just because we walked on neighbors’ lawns, or whatever.

Why is this happening? (Not to steal the name of Chris Hayes’ podcast from MSNBC, but it’s a great question. I can tell you why? Congress. The Republicans. The MAGAITES. Fox News, OANN, NEWSMAX, RIGHTSIDE, and why those outlets send us down the abyss where people BELIEVE EVERYTHING that they spout. I can tell you this: as a software engineer, from 1995 – 1996, I worked at the FCC on 21st and M Streets in Washington, DC and was there when Rupert Murdoch applied for the auction license to get Fox News on the air.

He DID NOT apply as a news organization but as an entertainment company on CABLE, of which, the FCC does not regulate and SHOULD! Hence, roughly 83% of what they spout is PURELY FOR ENTERTAINMEN and ratings just like any other entertainment show would. RATINGS! GREEN! POWER! The other 17%, which is FAR, FAR less now, is hopefully real.

What can we do as citizens to help curb gun violence and make congress listen to us and enact better gun legislation?

As citizens, there are several actions we can take to help curb gun violence and encourage lawmakers to enact better gun legislation:

  • Contact Your Elected Officials: Contacting your elected officials and expressing your support for common-sense gun safety measures is an important way to make your voice heard. You can write letters, make phone calls, or even schedule meetings with your representatives to discuss your concerns.
  • Vote: Participating in elections is a powerful way to influence public policy. By voting for candidates who support gun control measures, you can help ensure that lawmakers who share your views are elected.
  • Join Advocacy Groups: There are many organizations dedicated to promoting gun control measures, such as Moms Demand Action, Everytown for Gun Safety, and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. By joining these groups, you can participate in campaigns, sign petitions, and help raise awareness about the need for better gun legislation.
  • Educate Yourself and Others: Educating yourself and others about the issue of gun violence and the need for gun control measures can help build support for change. You can share information on social media, host community events, or even just have conversations with friends and family members.
  • Support Gun Violence Prevention Research: Research into the causes of gun violence and effective prevention measures is critical for informing policy decisions. You can support organizations that fund gun violence prevention research, such as the National Institute of Justice or the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence.

It is important to remember that creating meaningful change on the issue of gun violence will require a sustained effort over time. By working together and advocating for common-sense gun safety measures, we can make a difference and help create a safer society for all.

How can “I” make a difference?

You can contact your Senators and Representatives in Congress by phone, email, or mail. To find the contact information for your Senators, you can visit the Senate website, and to find the contact information for your Representative, you can visit the House of Representatives website. Many elected officials also have websites with contact forms where you can submit your message.

It is important to note that while your elected officials may not always respond to your message, they do rely on feedback from their constituents to inform their policy decisions. By expressing your support for common-sense gun safety measures, you are letting them know that this is an important issue to you and that you expect action on this issue.

Additionally, it is important to recognize that lawmakers are often influenced by public opinion and pressure from their constituents. By mobilizing a large number of people to contact their elected officials and demand action on gun control, we can increase the likelihood that lawmakers will take action to address this important issue.

A woman cries at a makeshift memorial at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on May 30, 2022. – Grieving families were to hold the first funerals Tuesday for Texas shooting victims one week after a school massacre left 19 children and two teachers dead, with President Joe Biden vowing to push for stricter US gun regulation.
Mourners attended wakes in the town of Uvalde on Monday for some of the child victims gunned down by a local 18-year-old man who was then killed by police. (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA / AFP) (Photo by CHANDAN KHANNA/AFP via Getty Images)

Overall, it is important to stay engaged and continue advocating for common-sense gun safety measures. While progress may be slow, every effort we make to raise awareness and pressure lawmakers can help create change over time.

Here’s how you can contact your congressional representatives, if they will LISTEN, and you senators:

On the Web:

The Senate

The House: (GOOD LUCK until 2024)

Committees: (Again GOOD LUCK until 2024)

All questions and comments regarding public policy issues, legislation, or requests for personal assistance should be directed to the senators from your State. Some senators have email addresses while others post comment forms on their websites. When sending email to your senator, please include your return postal mailing address. Please be aware that as a matter of professional courtesy, many senators will acknowledge, but not respond to, a message from another senator’s constituent.

By Postal Mail

You can direct postal correspondence to your senator or to other U.S. Senate offices at the following address:

For Correspondence to U.S. Senators:

Office of Senator (Name)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

For Correspondence to Senate Committees:

(Name of Committee)
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510

Alternatively, you may phone the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request. If you have specific questions or comments about the design or functionality of this website, contact the webmaster directly.

TRUTH: I Pat Donovan did use CHATGPT for some assistance. I call her LUCY as that’s the A.I. I developed with a company I worked for in UTAH from 2018 – 2020.  I was already on the cusp of making our A.I. intelligent before CHATGPT.  I used LUCY for assistance and I added my own text to correct and enhance the article.