Home #Hwoodtimes Helen Mirren & Taylor Hackford Hollywood Hills Home!

Helen Mirren & Taylor Hackford Hollywood Hills Home!

Helen Mirren & Taylor Hackford Hollywood Hills Home!

Now living most of the year in a secluded mountain home on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe, where she recently had to chase off a black bear from her garden, Helen Mirren and her director-husband Taylor Hackford feel that it’s time to either sell or rent their storied Hollywood Hills home of 30 years.  Finding it a little hard to let go, they are offering it for sale at $18.5 million or for rent at $45,000 a month.

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Valerie Milano is the well-connected Senior Editor and TV Critic at The Hollywood Times, a showbiz/promotions aggregate mainly for insiders. She has written for Communications Daily in DC, Discover Hollywood, Hollywood Today, Television International, and Video Age International in NYC. Valerie works closely with GLSEN, GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign (Fed Club Council Member), LAMBDA Legal, NCLR, and Outfest. She is also a member of the LA Press Club. She is a lay minister and parishioner of the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Hollywood. Milano loves meeting people and does so in her getaway home in Palm Springs as a member of the Palm Springs Museum, Palm Springs Center and DAP Health (Partners for Life member). For years Valerie Milano had volunteered as a board member and one of the chief organizers for the Television Critics Association’s press tours. The tours take place twice a year in Beverly Hills/Pasadena.