From Yaz Canli:

In collaboration with The Junior League, USC Helenes and The People’s Concern, we are holding a screening event & discussion panel NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY, Feb 21st 6-9pm at Taper Hall USC.
Please RSVP at

- Yaz Canli: Writer/Director & Main Actor
- Diane Foster: Producer
- Katherine La Spada: President of the Junior League LA & USC Helenes
- Cristina Rivard: elected president of the Junior League LA
- Saba Mwine-Chang: Managing Director, Homelessness Policy Research Institute at USC
- John Maceri: CEO, The People Concern
- Itzel Perez: Downtown Women’s Center Communications Manager
- Special Guest: Liliana Jimenez, current Resident at Downtown Women’s Center with lived experience of homelessness
Our review: