By Valerie Milano & Dr. Laura Wilhelm
(exclusive interview with Dr. Runels coming soon, also a social media live chat)
Fairhope, AL (The Hollywood Times) 4/11/20 – People who survive Coronavirus (COVID-19) harbor within their blood the antibodies that fought the virus. The FDA recently approved the use of convalescent plasma from these survivors as a life-saving treatment for those who may still be fighting to survive acute COVID-19 infection.
This means that thousands of COVID-19 survivors now hold within their bodies the antidote that could save their ailing neighbors’ lives! The problem is that these survivors do not know where to go to donate their blood.
Dr. Charles Runels has developed a website,, that helps to connect Coronavirus survivors with Coronavirus sufferers to facilitate convalescent plasma exchange. “Since we’ve been doing research with plasma and with specific procedures surrounding plasma for the past 11 years, this is an easy transition for us,” says Dr. Runels.

The switchboard works completely free of charge in every country using Google Translate. There is nothing to buy, nothing to sell, and no way to give a donation!
This reporter was delighted to conduct a 30-minute telephone interview with Dr. Runels from his office in Alabama on the afternoon of April 10th, 2020. Below appears a brief summary of this conversation.
Dr. Runels’ many years in the trenches of research and emergency care led him to an abiding interest in women’s health. His nationwide medical network includes many a Hollywood celebrity.
Runels and his team are now working tirelessly to mobilize this network to get the word out about the COVID-19 plasma treatments, which are administered by IV. One person can donate enough convalescent plasma to treat three COVID-19 patients.

Dr. Runels and his associates are always happy to be contacted and answer your questions about COVID-19 and the switchboard! They would appreciate it if THT readers would refer practitioners in the fields of fitness, science, and medicine to the switchboard link at
The 60-year-old doctor’s general medical advice should come as no surprise. While COVID-19 can at present only be treated reactively, one can proactively anticipate many possible medical conditions and build one’s resistance to them through diet and exercise.
Most doctors recommends an old school program of walking 30 minutes three times a week at any speed (Dr. Runels recommends daily walks working you to around 20 miles a week); he recommends taking appropriate amounts of Vitamin C and zinc; sleeping well; and practicing good hygiene. “These simple steps could cure most chronic health conditions and change the world,” he insisted. Fortunately, all of this is well within our capabilities even during the COVID-19 quarantine!
How comforting it is to know that most diseases carry within themselves their own cures. Even a frightening global pandemic like COVID-19 may finally meet its match through the power of human knowledge, communication, and compassion.