Home #Hwoodtimes Debra Smalley’s Book launched today! Make us #1- Save the Planet!

Debra Smalley’s Book launched today! Make us #1- Save the Planet!

Debra Smalley’s Book launched today! Make us #1- Save the Planet!

DEBRA’s Children’s BOOK

Make her book #1- Save the Planet!

Izzy’s Trash Mountain Mystery

Help her get to #1 by buying the kindle at a special one day launch price of 99 cents!

Buy many! And send to friends! THX!!

This super heroes adventure book that teaches kids to recycle features our grandson Izzy!

With Izzy’s Trash Mountain Mystery, even though children may be small, they can be a big part in helping to save the planet.

Today is our most important day to hit best seller status!

Thank you so much for your support and helping Izzy and our kids to clean up the planet!! @trashmountainmysterybook
Buy Kindle first!  Then…
Available in paperback too for holiday gifts!

Also please share the link with friends and post where you can!