By Josie Goldberg
Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 06/12/24
I could not believe my eyes when the news broke in the NY Post, Daily Mail, Forbes, New York Times etc. that Canadian Auto Parts Billionaire Frank Stronach 91 arrested on sexual charges. As a reporter for The Hollywood Times, I am going to tell you firsthand about my romantic relationship with this man that turned into a 13-year friendship which also led me to lay a strong foundation to what I have in my professional and personal life today.

I met Frank Stronach back in 2011 while at one of his racetracks at Gulfstream Park in Hallandale Beach, Florida through the former Director of Marketing, Michael Nyman. Mr. Nyman is known for creating the (Rainbow Pix Six). A great bet I might add. I approached Mr. Stronach with the intent of getting a job as he owned Santa Anita Racetrack at the time as well as many others internationally. I was so excited to meet a Billionaire. My first one. I was on a high when I was 28 years old. Mr. Nyman was a Mensch for introducing me, at the time, I had a successful Playboy Pictorial that Hugh Hefner promoted for me daily on Playboy.com, I also had a miniseries on the Dr. Phil Show that was running internationally on network tv, and then I was given 3 beautiful thoroughbred racehorses that I was madly in love with great promise to win big. My plan was to ask Mr. Stronach if I could collaborate with his company “The Stronach Group’’ with a billboard promoting my brand” Spoiled and Entitled” through my racehorses (Spoiled and Entitled, Only Josie Knows, and Dem Josie Legs) and cross promote on the popular Dr. Phil show which I was filming. That was the plan, my plan.
As soon as I approached the table Mr. Stronach was very friendly and stern at the same time. I told him I would like to discuss a job opportunity. He said he would love to but not now rather for dinner that evening. Of course, I accepted and jumped at the opportunity. We ended up meeting after the races and before we went to dinner, he said he had something to show me. He drove me around Gulfstream Park and showed me the casino he built as well as the mixed-used shopping center he built around the track. He told me that this is the future for racing/gaming and entertainment. I was not a Real Estate Broker at the time, but he was really giving me his business plans. In honesty I was already mentally exhausted, and we had not even made it to dinner. He could tell I was getting tired from the mental work out and the race had not begun).

Mr. Stronach invited me to an exceptional restaurant. He ordered me a big white fish as I can remember with many appetizers. Honestly it was overwhelming, I remember the big white fish on my plate being extremely intimidating. Plus, Mr. Stronach ordered me so much food and I thought how am going to eat all this. Coming from a family from the Soviet Union you’re taught to only order what you can eat and finish. I indulged with some amazing wine and had an amazing feast. During my 3-hour dinner with Frank, my head started to spin. I was in over way my head and just like the big white fish on my plate, it was too much for my eyes, stomach and visual. Mr. Stronach told me about all his business, literally all his business ventures Automotive Industry, Real Estate Development, Green Energy and Thoroughbred Industry. Literally I was spinning, I forgot what my intentions were by the time the desert came and he could tell I was out!! He told me he lives in the building where the restaurant was. The penthouse actually so before I go home, I could rest and cool off (too much good food and alcohol) Well what can I say I have never seen such a beautiful penthouse in Sunny Isles. Mr. Stronach asked me If I wanted to spend the night. I told him I would love to but unfortunately, I am not in a financial position to have random sleepovers with Billionaires. I must wake up in the morning and think about working and securing my future with a husband and our job with a pension, stock in a company and 401 k. I’m not going to sugarcoat, I was attracted to Frank, but I am not the kind of woman who likes one-night stands. I wanted him to offer me something serious. I could tell he has a lot of fillies in the stable. He was a gentleman and said, I understand I will drive you back to your hotel. I said to Mr. Stronach I’m staying in South Beach which was an hour from your place. He said he did not care, and we got in his car, and he drove me. No driver, no uber, no assistant etc., just Frank Stronach the Billionaire who acted like a real man and drove his date home after a beautiful evening.

On our drive home, my head started spinning even more, Frank went more into his business plans and ventures. I briefly brought up my agenda, but I was mentally broken. For the first time in my life, I was overpowered mentally and knew that I was not ready for a job with him or even Romance. He was clever and he made me realize that I don’t have what it takes yet… but my future is promising. I told him I have 3 horses that are in training at his racetrack, and I hope they can win for me. When we got to my hotel, he took out his checkbook and asked me how much I wanted. I said, oh no Mr. Stronach, you are my friend, and I enjoyed your company, thank you for a fabulous dinner. I also added that I hope one day you will give me a job. He kissed me goodbye and said I will see you in Los Angeles when I’m in town.

I was thinking that I have been in many situations with men where they don’t get what they want, and they become so mean and they won’t even walk you out of their house oh and Forget driving you for an hour to get you home and or paying for your taxi or uber ride (all ages). I’m going to be quite frank, my readers, I thought Mr. Frank Stronach was going to keep chasing me. He did not, and when he found out I found another big fish at his racetrack I was scared he was going to make problems for me. Quite the opposite he protected me for many years against other powerful megalomaniacs who did try to wipe me out of business. Frank is a fair businessman and gamer. Most powerful men say my way or the highway. As my readers may know I am a feisty kind of horse. I tend to challenge these men from time to time and rile them up when they are not playing fair. I can go overboard as well!
There was a very handsome powerful married horse owner at the racetrack who was chasing me for an affair. When I would not accept his offer, he made it clear he was going to destroy my career and get me removed from Santa Anita Racetrack. He filed with the California Thoroughbred Racing Board and failed miserably to get my license revoked. We even had an in person hearing with three stewards from CHRB (California Horseracing Board) and with his wife, myself and my horse partner, never has this happened with a man that I had no sexual relations with. But I did have strong feelings for him. It takes 2 to tango! I fought back and said things that I should of never. It was emotional for me. In all honesty If he was twenty years younger and available he would have been the man of my dreams. Then he pulled some shenanigans with Security at Santa Anita, and I was removed from Santa Anita Racetrack. I immediately called Mr. Stronach and told him about my lovers quarrels with this powerful man and how he is turning all against me and how he plans to destroy me. Mr. Stronach immediately put me back on track and told security that this kind of bullying is not allowed in his business. Mr. Stronach believes in DUE PROCESS and transparency in all his business (per my conversations with Frank). That’s why I believe he is so successful.

I am thankful to Mr. Frank Stronach. While Frank was in control of his racetracks, I was able to accomplish my goals that one could never imagined and prosper especially as a Jewish woman. I had an amazing run. Let’s be quite frank, it’s never been that a Playboy model, reality star trots on down to the set of an HBO Show “LUCK” (Filming at Santa Anita) to talk with A list director David Milch for taking away her part, and bumps into Prominent Breeders and Owners that befriend her and give her a chance in Thoroughbred Ownership where I went on to win many races and my horses are still feeding my mouth today. Frank sets up his business models so people can prosper and thrive. He loves people and wishes them well! I do not believe these allegations made against Frank Stronach. I know his character firsthand as I have been his friend since 2011. I am “Only Josie Knows” brining you my opinion on the allegations made against Frank Stronach”