By Ali Mushtaq
Old World Village, Huntington Beach, California (The Hollywood Times) 05/10/2024
Paganism is currently experiencing an upswing in the United States (https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/paganism-witchcraft-are-making-comeback-rcna54444). In order to learn more why people are interested in paganism, we decided to talk to Martinique Louis Fisher, Co-Owner of Frey’s Hermetic Supplies in Huntington Beach, California.
Most recently, Fisher and her store put on a fair that honors the pagan holiday, Beltane. In past years, Fisher’s celebration was often invaded by organizations, such as Calvary Chapel, whose members harassed participants at the fair by proselytizing vendors and participants and singing very loudly to disrupt rituals and the fair operations. This is usually because Cavalry Chapel and other fundamentalist Christian organizations see paganism as “demonic” and “of the devil.” While at the fair this year, Calvary Chapel decided to opt out of harassing denizens at the festival, we talked to Fisher to gain greater insight into her community, her struggles, and her hopes for the future.
The Hollywood Times (THT): Why did you start Frey’s Hermetic supplies?
Louise Fisher (Fisher): Frey originally registered Frey’s Hermetic Supplies in 2010. At the time he was studying under Judith DeFrain and taking special orders from clients. We started running all over Southern California to attend all the Pagan Pride events as well as Woman Spirit Solstice events in 2012 after Frey’s teacher, Judith, passed away. Frey had already been in the Pagan community for decades, and I had been previously selling my paintings at events before illustrating the Logo and becoming part of the shop. We work well together; we have different interests and talents to bring to the shop. Frey has always been interested in Hermetics, he’s the Alchemist in the back turning Liquid Mercury solid at room temperature, creating authentic Bardonian Black Mirrors, and writing recipes. My interest lies in the pre-christian Indo-European traditions, I write Rituals for the Order and work with plants to bring historical items and recipes back to the community. Nearly everything in the shop is handmade, either by us or someone in the community. We hand pour all our own beeswax candles, blend our own incense and oils, wood burn our talking boards, hand carve our own rune sets, blend our own flying ointments, and build, sew, and design nearly all our own ritual items and outfits.
THT: What are some things you have done for the community?
Fisher: We are very community minded, we organize fairs, events, host rituals, and have multiple orders and teachers operate out of our shop. We love bringing different teachers and Elders out to teach and do demonstrations as well, especially when it comes to an area of Paganism that we are not immersed in but still wish to provide the lessons and services to the wider community and allow people who are seeking to make connections and grow. We also hold fundraisers for people in the community who have needed help with pets, medical bills, car trouble, or accidents. We also keep a Wish Altar in the north side of our shop, and all money left upon the altar is donated to abolitionist charities.
THT: Why do Christians conflate your religion with Devil worship?
Fisher: We are not sure why some Christians think we are devil worshipers, other than they do not take the time to talk to people outside of their bubble. We never have any problems with Catholic or Orthodox Christians, anytime there is a protest, picket, or anyone trying to stop us from operating, it is almost always exclusively a branch of Calvary Chapel.
For people who don’t understand what Witchcraft, Wicca, or Paganism is, it is a real religion, a spiritual practice, and a way of life. Paganism pre-dates Christianity. Everyone on every continent was ‘Pagan’ at one time, meaning polytheistic, working close to the land, observing the cycles of the earth and stars, and worshipping their gods and ancestors. The oldest practices celebrate the mysteries of birth and death, they stood stones and practiced mock hunting rituals and sacrifices.
THT: What do you hope to achieve with your business?
Fisher: Our goal is to return to the old ways, or as close as we can get to it with what we know of the past. The world may have progressed technologically, but at the core we are still human, everything goes back to those same mysteries that make us human. Now that the shop has been a brick and mortar for a few years, we have put more attention into creating larger fairs and events and are getting ready to launch our own publishing company and yearly magazine this year.
Frey’s Hermetic Supplies: http://freyshermeticsupplies.