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Alex Banx

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Alex Banx, is a lover of all things and people outrageous. She utilizes her art to promote and support amazing individuals and ideas, placing an emphasis on sealing the gaps between artists and appreciators within the LGBTQIA+ community. Alex lives in Los Angeles with her Bombay kitty, Zeena Margarita. IG: @zeenamargarita

Inspiration, Motivation, Encouragement, Opportunity and Support-This Year’s 38th Annual L. Ron...

By Alex Banx Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 04/10/2022— Friday, April 8th, 2022, the Hollywood Times was invited and delighted to cover the 38th Annual...

Passion & Art at the 2020 LA Art Show

By Alex Banx Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 02/07/2020 --  Passion is great but artists’ true friend is time. Some of us have too...