Home #Hwoodtimes “Alive in the Superunknown” is set to open at Castelli Art Space...

“Alive in the Superunknown” is set to open at Castelli Art Space on May 11th, 2019


By Sean Evans

“Alive in the Superunknown” is set to open at Castelli Art Space on May 11th, 2019. Bruce Rubenstein has painted for over forty years and is a well versed artist. Inspired by iconic artists such as Picasso, Pollock, Jasper Johns, Franz Kline, Arshile Gorky, Pousette-Dart, it is now his time to bask in the glow of a solo exhibition.

Alive in the Superunknown: oil, acrylic, charcoal on canvas, 58 x 87 inches, 2018

He was interested in art from the time he was very young. He has been painting for over forty years. He chooses to begin his process with no preconceived ideas. He does not work from sketches…planning out the artwork, like some artists. “I allow the paintings to reveal themselves, and as they do I become a vessel to something greater than myself. This is the marriage between the physical-self and the spiritual-self. In order for this co-mingling to come to fruition it takes trust, it takes commitment and above all it takes patience. Each painting is unique, with its own DNA. I don’t always understand the reasons behind why it looks the way it does. My main objective is to focus on the colors and composition.  The rest I have no control over. I write that off to the Superunknown.”

The artwork entitled Alive in the Superunknown (same name at the exhibition) was created in multiple layers. “I usually work on raw canvas, meaning unprimed so it has a bit of tooth. This gives the overall painting a gritty base to build on top of. Some of the residual colors remain intact as I pass the white oil-bar over them. To make the white lines pop I outline them with a charcoal vine giving the piece a three-dimensional feeling. My intention is to create an unknown alien language, a Matrix of sorts, similar to ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. The overall goal (my intention) is that the viewer will eventually interpret his or her own truth from what they are seeing.” Rubenstein’s work has been exhibited and collected worldwide.

Meet Bruce Rubenstein at Castelli Art Space (5428 W. Washington Blvd. L.A, 90016). There will be an artist reception for “Alive in the Superunknown” on May 11th, 2019 from 6-10pm. The show goes up on May 9, 2019. The artist will be available to preview the exhibit from May 9th and 10th. On Monday, May 13th, there will be an artist walk through. Call for more info – (323) 308.0936.

In addition to paintings, the public can purchase merchandise during the opening reception with Rubenstein’s art featured on it. The Vismaya Collection includes women’s bags, totes, (large and small), makeup bags, scarves and shawls. Insta @vismayacollection https://www.castelliartspace.com/  https://www.brucerubensteinart.com/