Home #Hwoodtimes “Alien Agenda” Podcaster Gene P. Abel Asks — Are We Alone?

“Alien Agenda” Podcaster Gene P. Abel Asks — Are We Alone?

“Alien Agenda” Podcaster Gene P. Abel Asks — Are We Alone?

Sicklerville, New Jersey. — (The Hollywood Times) 9/9/2024 — Podcaster, author, and U.S. Army Colonel (Retired) Gene P. Abel is eager to share his expertise about UFOs and enlighten us about the vastness of the universe.

Colonel Abel is the best-selling author of more than a dozen books in several genres, including sci-fi, time travel, politics, and romance.

In addition to his tenure as an author, Col. Abel felt compelled to start a cutting-edge new podcast, Alien Agenda, to use his years of military experience and research for his books to pique listeners’ and viewers’ interest in big questions related to aliens and extraterrestrial life.

With the current topic of UFOs keeping our interest, now is the perfect time to expand our intel about life in other dimensions with bestselling author Gene P. Abel as our guide on some extraordinary adventures.

The world is filled with authentic sci-fi and fantasy aficionados, and Abel is certainly one of them. There are already 10 enticing episodes for Colonel Abel’s new podcast, Alien Agenda, and they are gaining great momentum. Additional episodes are in production twice monthly, and he’s on the hunt for guests for his podcast who have encountered anything extra-terrestrial.

His massive interest in aliens and UFOs stems from his profound “hope that we can learn from them about both our past and what is in the universe,” he said. “I am fascinated by the idea that sci-fi may be a prediction of things to come and thus supports the evidence in my UFO book of other intelligent life in the universe.”

Abel’s take on the Congressional hearings that have kept the news outlets abuzz is that “the pressure is mounting from more [UFO] sightings, and they appear to be opening the door a crack,” explained Abel. “Also, the encounters with our military are contributing to Congressional action.”

At a time when he could be relaxing, playing golf, or other joys of retirement, the hard-working Abel is happily getting to know scores of sci-fi fans and continuing to cement a new legacy with his thought-provoking podcast.

Gene P. Abel in The Studio. Photo Credit Courtesy of Gene P. Abel

The following is a Q and A with Colonel Gene P. Abel:

Why did you start your podcast Alien Agenda?

I started the podcast to help provide answers to the question, “Is there other intelligent life in the Universe?” I will use my military experience to identify and present the most authentic information, including people’s first-hand experiences, to my listeners.

What are you enjoying about the podcast?

I know from talking with people how much fervent interest there is in the possible existence of other intelligent life and that such beings could be watching us. What would be a more riveting story than watching a spaceship land on the White House lawn and see strange-looking creatures get out? I have and will strive to include any material that helps answer the question.

What do you want listeners/viewers to get out of your new podcast, Alien Agenda?

I want to help enhance their understanding and stimulate interest so they can make an informed decision. In that way when Aliens make themselves known we will be better prepared to deal with them.

What feedback are you getting?

The feedback has been very positive and supportive. The most common comment I have received is that they cannot wait for the next episodes.

Author Gene P. Abel displays several of his best-selling books

What inspired your interest in UFOs?

I was always interested in sci-fi, Star Trek, Star Wars, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and War of the World. That’s probably the genesis of those and I just find it fascinating to think that other beings could be further down the path than we are in learning things. I believe the more we learn the more we realize how little we know. To think other beings have solved the things we are stuck on is awesome.

You talk about fakes a lot, so what made you decide to talk about them so much?

I want people to be aware and question the things they see, hear, and read, and be aware that some things are very sound. Just as many that are not. I advise everyone not to accept everything carte blanche and I want to get them to think. This is all about stimulating the people interested in this to do research and reading on their own, question things, and get corroboration. For example, there is a cathedral in Spain; with a carving at the entrance that looks like an astronaut in a space suit that was from the 1500s or 1600s. When the worker was cleaning the building, he applied a carving to the doorway in 1992, so that was uncovered and debunked.

How do you respond to people who think this is crazy, nonsense, or pure fiction?

I admit that some of the reports of alien sightings are made up. However, some have backup reports or are observations by credible people. The recent Congressional hearings also add credibility to the likely existence of other intelligent life. We are also finding structures that simply could not have been created by our ancestors, given their knowledge and technology. I will also point out untrue stories that confuse the issue.

How involved are you in keeping up with research into UFOs and sci-fi? What are you finding?

I receive articles over the internet and have registered with agencies that follow the latest scientific findings. Things like NASA, and Scientific American. I also watch the Science and History channels.

Gene P. Abel proudly wears his U.S. Army uniform. Photo Courtesy of Gene P. Abel.

How do you feel that your military career has helped your business career? And writing career?

My military experience enabled me to understand and develop leadership. I was fortunate to have been given three Commands – one as a Major, one as a Lt. Colonel, and one as a Colonel. I do regret not being promoted to General. The training at the War College developed critical thinking and provided advice clearly and concisely.

During my two years at the War College, I prepared 21 position papers on Geopolitical issues intended for the Secretary of Defense and the President. This experience helped me develop and implement business plans and the writing experience at the War College helped with my writing.

Do you think sci-fi is all fiction?

I believe some ideas are not fiction but predictions of things to come. So, it’s fiction that hasn’t happened yet. You have to ask the question, did nuclear submarines exist when 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was written? Did we have phasers when Star Trek began on TV? Concepts such as multi-dimensions. Time travel has some basis in theory based on Stephen Hawking, and Albert Einstein, and their mathematical equations. So, science fiction may not be as much fiction as some people think.

Tell me what your thoughts are about the topic of UFOs.

One thing I would like to emphasize is that if we do make direct contact with extraterrestrial life and that contact is not belligerent, they could provide us with a wealth of information about our past.

If in fact, they have been visiting the earth for a long time, their perspective on our development would be valuable. They could also provide us with information about the greater universe which we have been seeking with our probes and satellites.

Since several of your books deal with time travel, what period would you like to go back to?

I would like to know just how some of the ancient structures were created like the great pyramids.

Tell me more about your books.

I am the author of numerous books, including the 2021 UFO-themed book, What, If Anything is Out There? This book is being updated for re-release, and the newly-released sci-fi novel, The Aliens Step In, was released in July 2023. This is the last of a trilogy, the third installment in his Defenders of Time series; a fictional way we could come face-to-face with other intelligent life. I am also eager to have one or more of my books turned into a movie or TV streaming series. My plans also involve developing a video game.

Why not take it easy and retire?

That would be boring. I am not done learning more about what God has created and am thankful for the ability to gain a little more insight into the genius of creation. When I look at the pictures from the Space telescopes and see the infinite size and complexity of creation, I realize how little we know and how much is still to be learned. Other than life I believe God’s greatest gift to man (and women) is the ability to think and understand a small amount of his knowledge.

Podcaster and author Gene P, Abel and his supportive wife, Susan

What is your life philosophy?

My philosophy is: I know I will not hit a home run every time I come to bat, but if I never get up to bat, I will never hit one.

For more information, go to Gene Abel’s Website:  genepabelbooks.com

You can listen to the podcasts on all major platforms or watch the latest episode on YouTube

About Colonel Gene P. Abel

Abel brings a successful and diverse educational and professional background to his writing. Abel’s formal education includes a B.S. in Finance and an MBA.

His 30 years as a successful business executive in both the private and public sectors are overlaid with 30 years as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army and Army Reserve.

After graduating from Penn State as a Distinguished Military Graduate, he spent five years on active duty and 25 years in the Army Reserve, with diverse assignments as a nuclear weapons and finance officer.

Abel graduated from the Army War College in 1985 and was twice awarded the Meritorious Service Medal. Colonel Abel was nominated for brigadier general and retired in 1993 as an Army Colonel.