Home #Hwoodtimes The Real Dr. O – aka “Dr. Orgasm”

The Real Dr. O – aka “Dr. Orgasm”


By Josie Goldberg

Los Angeles, California (The Hollywood Times) October 16, 2024

As I got home from the Monaco Yacht festival, I remembered that I went to an amazing Yacht party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills sponsored by the IYC Yachts and Magellan Jets. The party was amazing, lots of champagne and beautiful gift bags with products from both luxurious companies.  The event was lucky for me in the romance department because I met a very prominent Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon who ended up really impacting my life and giving me lessons about my sexuality and my dating protocols.

CEO From IYC Yachts, Josie Goldberg, President Of Magellan Jets Anthony Tivnan At Beverly Hilton Hotel

I remembered reading my Virgo astrology that morning before the event, and the astrologist said that I was going to find an amazing romantic connection but it’s not going to be in the packaging that I am used to.  In the middle of the event walked in this handsome, tall, African American man in his medical scrubs.  We started talking and I soon realized he was a famous Los Angeles Plastic surgeon that I vaguely heard about through my industry connections.

Dr. Michael K. Obeng

His name was Dr. Michael K. Obeng and there was something about him that was so alluring. Not a sexual allure, but more of an intriguing connection of some sort. I was curious about a procedure that Dr. Obeng was popular for, and I remembered some of my friends talking about his VIP female services. When I put it all together, I realized that this Dr. in front of me was not only Dr. Obeng but the down low “Dr. ORGASM” and his claim to fame with the ladies was “The O shot.”

The O shot has a stellar, va-va-vroom reputation for reviving up orgasms and libido for woman who have sexual dysfunction. I am the first to admit this, as it has been a big problem with me in finding Mr. Right. I am not embarrassed to talk about this topic. I think that’s why I am still single. For me to have sexual satisfaction I have to be with a man that I have physical chemistry for, emotional chemistry for and he has to make me his number one and only.  Like most woman I have tried to settle with men who love me, and I tend to fake the orgasms because I want to be married with a family.  But in the end, you can only fake it so much before the man realizes you’re not into him sexually and your faking it.  Like most females, the men that really turns you on don’t want anything serious and the ones that make you their number one for some reason the sexual chemistry is not there. (Reality)

Josie Goldberg & Dr. Michael K Obeng At Beverly Hilton Hotel, Beverly Hills For IYC Yachts & Magellan Jets

So of course, I had a couple glasses of champagne, and I wanted some free advice from Dr. O.  I told him that I have some issues in that department, and of course he asked me to elaborate. I told him that I’m just like my former racehorses “Only Josie Knows”, Spoiled and Entitled” and “AmYisraelChai”. We only win once or twice a year because everything must align perfectly. Meaning, the weather, surface conditions, gate break etc. Same with my sex life, for me to reach that euphoric state everything has align perfectly or else there is no orgasm.  I wish that this was not my reality, but I am that kind of racehorse like my thoroughbreds. I can’t blame my racehorses for being able only to win perfect conditions. Unfortunately, most of the time, one can’t find everything in one man, however I would like to be able to enjoy myself in that department to the fullest regardless of the man with me. Dr. Obeng said that I am correct. There is something not working inside my feminine organs and that he can fix it with the The G spot. He also said that every time a woman is penetrated, she should be reaching orgasmic pleasure.  The other ladies at the party overheard our conversation and said to me Dr. O is so full of it. Most woman don’t every time, its only on rare occasions.

Anyways Dr. O and I became friends, and he would call me daily and we would talk, and I found him so charming, intelligent and then I was like dang, Dr. O is very sexy.  One evening Dr. O called me and said he was thinking of me and said he does not want to give me the G spot shot, instead he wants to see if he can satisfy me the natural way.  I told Dr. O I would accept his offer, but I needed formal courtship, and needed a serious man with a serious plan. I have never dated an African American man, and when I was on the Dr. Phil show I always said how I feel bad for African American ladies, like Jewish woman, when our successful men get to the top they outsource, and many get left behind and that not fair for black and Jewish woman. I always stayed in my lane and went after high profiled Jewish men. This was a first for me but hey if our men are outsourcing, “Only Josie Knows” is outsourcing. I was indoctrinated to think that Jewish men want Jewish woman, when in actuality the high profiled Jewish ones outsource and convert them.  To be honest, when I was younger it bothered me, but then I dated some handsome studs worldwide that were not Jewish, and I realized men of Pedigree are the same regardless of race, color or ethnic origin. I love going global in finding Mr. Right!

Dr. Michael K Obeng & Josie Goldberg Hapa Awards (photo Arnold Turner Eclispe Content)

I was very excited about Dr. O, I got to know him as a friend first. He is a very successful talented plastic surgeon, a Pastor and in the Entertainment Industry.  Men that love Jesus tend to love me the most!  He invited me to be his date at the “Hapa Awards” where he was being honored as “ International Man of the Year” .  He was in the news for figuring out a concoction to help remove gorilla glue from a woman named Tessa Brown.  The event was on a Sunday, and Dr. invited me to come up Saturday night and he said he was going to give me an orgasm, take me for a nice dinner in Beverly Hills with his production team and that I was going to be his date the next day for the awards show.  All sounded great but I was not ready for the “Big O” with Dr. O just yet.  I was a little intimidated, he was a tall handsome experienced Ghanaian stallion. This was my first! He was a gentleman and said that’s fine.  As soon I arrived at his house his nanny was there to greet me, and his whole family and extended family were in town for the awards show.  During the little get together, Dr. wanted to sneak away and give me a VIP tour of his beautiful home in Bel Air.  When we got to his room, he locked the door and had a serious talk with me.  I fell in love with him after our little talk.  He told me the truth about why all his marriage’s fell apart and told me he wanted to have a child with me and get married. He also talked about his faith and how he has learned from the past, about marriage and children.  I confided in him that I have intrusive thoughts when I sleep with men without a commitment and or for just the sexual element.  I understand if men don’t want to commit to me solo, so if they court me properly with some accoutrements we can take our time but NO HOOK UPS OR BOOTY CALLS! Dr. Obeng assured me that he is marriage minded with me and he can wait until I’m ready for the love making. He told me he has to go to a meeting that evening, but his business partner will take me to a nice dinner and well meet up after.  His partner ended up taking me to the Four Seasons Beverly Hills and we had fun. I came back to Dr. Obengs’ house to say goodbye to him before I drove home to orange county.

That was at 10 pm and before I knew it, it was 4 am in the morning. We talked all night long, and I found him even more and more for me.  He said Josie why don’t you stay the night, and I said, because I don’t want this relationship going sideways yet. We have not been on any formal dates, and I really like and respect you and I want to do things the right way for once in my life.  He then walked me to my car, no kiss, no hug, nothing, I was willing to go to first base, but he showed no romance for me.  Very strange, but then hey I am weird to some people too. The rest of the night he was sending me messages about how he is the top Dr. in Beverly Hills, and it was kind of weird. Like he was mad for some reason.

The next day was the event, and I showed up as I wanted to support my new man or as I thought.  As soon as Dr. O saw me I could tell he did not want me there. I got my celebrity photographer friend Arnold Turner (Eclipse Content) to take a photo of us.  Dr. O did not let me walk the Red Carpet with him. I respected him and his red-carpet protocol, it’s his event. I then started mixing and mingling because I could tell Dr. O was avoiding me.  That made him more annoyed, and he came up to me and said let’s go to my suite.  So, I followed him and the group, and it seemed like all cooled down.  Out of nowhere Dr. O started talking down to me in front of his staff, friends and relatives.

He said to me many insults but the one thing that made me realize the relationship was over before it started was “Your features are perfect, and your extremely beautiful naturally, as I’m a pretty good plastic surgeon, I know beauty, you will keep your looks for another 20 years Josie, don’t worry! But why have you never been married yet or have kids?  I told him that when successful high-powered men who I am dating verbally abuse me I fight back tenfold! According to my mother I’m a verbal abuser! You should have seen the look on his face. Dr. O backed down and got scared that I was going to really tell him what I thought of him. I did not because, in all honestly, I realized that this is a broken man. He looks like a king from the exterior, but I have gift to see through the exterior and see directly into someone’s interior and I saw a sad sad sad soul!  I wanted to leave the situation with compassion and be the bigger person. I am learning to overcome my issues and work through me giving men what they dish, even though they deserve it.  About 10 minutes later walked in this beautiful model a 10 plus. Dr. Obeng asked me to get up out of my chair because he wanted his date/friend to sit in my seat.  The girl knew what was going on and she was a class act. I spoke to her a little and told her how gorgeous her look was! I could see Dr. O getting more and more infuriated like he was going to explode. He started to have heart burn and was complaining he does not feel good, he started sweating and twitching.  I was laughing on the inside. I’m not Dr. Goldberg MD yet, but I could tell Dr. did not have heart burn, but he was having a panic attack because he could not get my goat! I could not be mad that he chose another woman over me! It’s not like we had intimacy yet or lovemaking. We were just in the friend’s zone. I play fair!

About a week went by and Dr. O started calling me and texting me like nothing happened. As you all know I asked him why he behaved as he did. He told me that he was super stressed out and that I’m completely delusional. He is a top Harvard trained Dr. and told me I need to get out of my head and into reality. He told me he wanted to see me again. He even started sending me bible versus where he talks about trying to be the best man he could be.  I mean I started to doubt myself, but I have a program where I do everything in “Good Faith” and I always give people the benefit of the doubt the first time around.  Dr. O assured me that he believes in formal dating and knows how too. He also told me he is trying to meet me halfway as he wants a relationship with me. So it was a Friday night and I was out in Los Angeles at a movie premiere and Dr. O invited my friend and I to a restaurant where he was dining.  As soon as we got there he said he was walking out and that he had to put his kids to sleep as the nanny had to leave. I said okay, pay for our dinner and come back. I said don’t leave me standing on the corner of Canon. He would not and said I could meet him at his house at 10 pm and we can decide from their what was on the agenda for the evening. I lost it and told him, “You know I don’t like to come to your house, I am into formal dating. He did not care and left me on the corner of Canon ST in Beverly Hills.

Two weeks went by and I did some investigation and he was shacked up with other ladies and living his best life.  I totally realized that this man does not care about me or our future.  Then Dr. O calls me and asked me what we are doing for the holidays and that we will be together.  I told him fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.  I am a real estate broker by profession and told Dr. that I can’t believe your words anymore. Make me an offer with an Earnest Money Deposit

definition:  Earnest money is put down before closing on a house to show you’re serious about purchasing. It’s also known as a good faith deposit.

When a buyer and seller enter into a purchase agreement, the seller takes the home off the market while the transaction moves through the entire process to closing. If the deal falls through, the seller must relist the home and start all over again, which could result in a big financial hit. By requesting earnest money, the seller is protected if the buyer backs out.

I told Dr. Michael K. Obeng, I want you, but I’m an educated woman and will continue your program, but there has to be something in it for me.  I told him no more phone calls, messaging or plans for meet ups.  In France they call men talking “BLAH, BLAH, BLAH”.  It never came to light!

I am “Only Josie Knows” and the main thing I learned in my career as a Real Estate Broker is that when people are serious they put the money down immediately. All the mental disorders, addictions, excuses all fly out the window!