Home #Hwoodtimes “Thou Art That: The Sayed Sabrina Story” documentary tells a powerful story...

“Thou Art That: The Sayed Sabrina Story” documentary tells a powerful story of an authentic legend


By: Julia Peterson

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 10/09/2024 – Nothing is more significant than the gift of music. Those who contribute their talents to creating music are heavily favored among the gods. It should come as no surprise that a conversation with a powerhouse vocalist and independent artist like Sabrina has led to a new documentary film about this talented artist.

From a story in The Hollywood Times by Gordon Durich comes “Thou Art That: The Sayed Sabrina Story,” a documentary inspired by the interview about the singer’s latest album, “Thou Art That.”  The documentary brings to life more details about this extraordinary artist’s life and journey, and who she has been. Sabrina shares her struggles and successes, which have made her who she is today.

Durich, who is the film’s executive producer, said making the documentary “was a labor of love that has taken years to bring to life.”

“I am thrilled to share her incredible story with the world and shine a light on the talented individual who carved her own path in music,” Durich said. “After interviewing Sabrina for what seemed like hours, I was left with the feeling her story was just begging to be told, in more than just words. It had a documentary written all over it.”

Durich brought in acclaimed director Joe McDougall and veteran producer and editor Rick Pratt to round out the production team for this wonderful 24-minute look at this unique talent.

Sabrina speaks about her life with comfortable ease, talking about being homeless and a teenage mother, and conveying her strength to push through and rebuild a new life. Being from Los Angeles has influenced her in the music that she created, and the city has inspired some of her songs.

Her largely autobiographical album, “Thou Art That,” is at the heart of the documentary. As an independent artist, Sabrina has the freedom to shape her image and the music she produces, which in not something every artist is able to do.

Some of these songs from the album are in the documentary. Her voice is thrilling to listen to, as It takes you in and captivates you to the end. A true performer, Sabrina said nothing delights her more than being on stage.

The film highlights the close relationship between Sabrina and her family, particularly with her father, also a musician. “Thou Art That: The Sayed Sabrina Story” illuminates the absolute gift that Sabrina brings with her music.

Sabrina expressed her gratitude to Durich for spearheading this project.

“He was inspired by some music I had written many years ago and reached out to me for an interview,” Sabrina said, recalling her initial meeting with Durich. “It was one of those moments when you’re caught off guard in one of the best ways.

“I found Gordon and his crew kind and easy to talk with. I am truly touched that he felt inspired to reach out to me and choose to make the documentary.”

Currently, “Thou Art That: The Sayed Sabrina Story” is on the film festival circuit.