Home #Hwoodtimes Cannes Film Festival & Monaco Grand Prix – Escapades in “The South...

Cannes Film Festival & Monaco Grand Prix – Escapades in “The South of France”

Celebrity Makeup artist Miss Sabrina Dubois & Josie Goldberg at Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc

By Josie Goldberg

Cannes, Monaco (The Hollywood Times) 06/06/2024

I don’t know what it is but for some reason I have been bumping into the most talented and interesting Brits from all around the world in the last year domestically and internationally. Whether its romance or business I seem to be surrounded by on all fronts. I personally have grown a fondness for the British.

This year’s trip to the Cannes Film Festival and the Grand Prix was a big learning experience to me. It was also a very humbling experience but I learned that all the trials and tribulations I went through gave me my foundation that I know that I can work my way up in any situations and “Turn Up” as they say on the streets.  I must say there is no country like mine “The United States of America” and our “Hollywood Industry”. When I first arrived in Cannes, I got a little shaken. I had one gifting suite that I was able to cover and for the first time in my life I was treated very poorly. My friend and I were treated like we did not belong (which was ironic as I was pre –approved 4 weeks prior) and in addition we were shuffled out of their within 15 minutes of our arrivals with barely any products to review.  The Publicist is well known internationally, and she was so rude. But that’s life as they say in France (c’est la vie)

When I started my career as talent and was at events or premiers that were super exclusive, executives/ management/staff were extra nice and made you feel that if you work hard this is the glamorous life that awaits and threw you some nice gift bags as a thank you to coming to their event.  They treated you as a guest with the utmost respect regardless of who you are or your current star status. You got into the party and you belonged!  After that episode I was a little down so my friend and I crashed some parties but nothing to write home about. I know that in Los Angeles, if you dress nice, and hustle a little, have a good resume., there is an “invisible hand” that magically pushes you into a “A list party” and you will rub shoulders with the right people once in a blue moon. At least for me! But this was Cannes, France and I was not in Los Angeles.  I mopped around for a day or two and remembered how when no one would give me a job so I created my own way which was better than anyone could do for me or have imagined in their wildest dreams.  Just like the character Teresa Mendoza in La Reina Del Sur played by Kate Del Castillo, I am known as “Only Josie Knows”!!!!!!

I did go to Cannes Film Festival to cover the hot topics and so I eventually found some really hot topics which I am excited to share with you. I found the amazing Hotel Cristal. The room was so comfortable, with an amazing bathtub, beautiful toilet and a bed that made you fall asleep in 5 minutes.  Which in Europe is very hard to find. The best part was that the hotel had a wellness spa on the roof top which included a warm pool, sauna, and Hammam (steam room). When in Europe especially this is important as one walks many miles a day and it’s really hard to feel really clean, at least for me! The spa saved me and rejuvenated me daily! Plus, the hotel was literally 2 blocks from main street called Boulevard de la Croisette so need to spend on Ubers.  I was swimming one evening enjoy the sunset and met a very handsome talented British actor Louis James who starred in the movie River of Blood which premiered at the festival.  He was very interesting and I might say a charmer, check out his interview for The Hollywood Times:

I was lucky that my friend and celebrity makeup artist was in town as she helped me put myself together. I am not going to lie but I am not an independent get ready for the red carpet me, myself and I, I just can’t.  If I do, I end up on the wrong side of the tabloids. Miss Sabrina Dubois did her magic and we created some phenomenal looks that actually got us into some amazing parties and we met some handsome European Professional Basketball players at one of the hottest beach clubs “Annex Beach” in Cannes.

Makeup by Miss Sabrina Dubois

We met professional basketball players Eddy Djedje and Jordan Aboudou. They treated us to an exquisite meal and some nice beverages (Tequila and some Italian Wine). I got very interesting interviews from these single men. What I found charming was when I asked if they are single the term they use in France is “I am alone”.  Also one man prefers easy going women and the other one likes them a little crazy, you’re going to have to watch their interview and see which bachelor likes what.

Eddie Djedje , Josie Goldberg, Jordan Aboudou
Makeup / Hair Miss Sabrina Dubois
Wearing “Shop Single Tree”

Sabrina and I had a ball. They were so sweet with us and really charming.  Sabrina also spoke with “The Hollywood Times” and explained what she is looking for in a partner and what her non negotiables are in a partner.  I must say she is pretty classy and has it figured out as men flocked to her everywhere we went.

Miss Sabrina Dubois and me at Hotel du cap Eden Roc, France

They say you always meet someone when you least expect it.  I like meeting men where my hobbies are i.e.  casinos, horse racing venues, and or Hollywood Industry events. Unfortunately, my group of gals were more of clubbers than degenerates so I had to go with the group.   I was going out to the most fabulous discotheques in Cannes till 5 am and for some reason there was no romance in the air for me.  I’m not usually lucky in bars and clubs.  Lots of handsome tall men but, it just did not click with anyone until I went to Monaco for the “The Grand Prix”.

My friend and I flew American Airlines to Nice, France. She was in business class and happened to meet Sir Loren Duran who sat her next to her. They made friends and I was also introduced.  Mr. Loren Duran is a successful Publicist and invited us to the exclusive “Lilly’s Club” at the Fairmont Hotel in Monaco pre party event for Formula 1. Bob Sinclair was the DJ and you can imagine how the party went. I have to say it was super VIP and I have never seen so many wealthy handsome studs in my life. It was a “Buffet” with my type of stallions, however one Brit caught my eye and then the rest of night I was in euphoria with my blinkers on and focused.

Well I will give you my readers some of the story. We’re going to call him “Mr. J”.  Mr. J is 47, tall, handsome and an international businessman.  I was with my friend Patrizia Busana who is a FUR expert for Fendi in Monaco and Mr. J invited us to his table for some drinks. Mr. J told me he loves horseracing, the casino, and basically all my hobbies.  We had a lot in common besides the fact I was drawn to him with an immediate physical attraction. I believe it was mutual.

Out of nowhere Mr. J just kissed me and I was taken. I could not believe it.  I lost it and let my guard down. We had so much fun and it’s been a minute since I had so much physical chemistry with such a stallion.  Let’s fast forward a little and well talk horse terms.  Mr. J is also into thoroughbred racing. I think Mr. J started to realize that I am not a maiden horse myself. My horses and I have won many big races on the California circuit. We had a couple of workouts but when Mr. J asked me to go “To the Post” I told him that he is going to have to work hard for that. Mr. J then slowly started to tell me he has an older female friend that really helped him out in his darkest times, and so he is in some kind of a relationship with this older woman (52) and they live together and he owes it to her to take care of her even though they live separate lives. I told him don’t worry honeybuns I also have a friend who is way older who sacrificed a lot for me and there is a reason I have what I have in life and I admire that loyalty in him, however as they say in horse terms, every horse in the stable cost the same to keep them in training and when you have more than one horse in your stable you have to pay equally for all of them including this thoroughbred horse in front of you. He got the message!  He also told me that in all honesty he likes a woman to take care of him on many levels. I laughed at him and said your preaching to the choir. I also like a man to take care of me as I have a partner who is 30 years older for over 15 years!  I also added that the European horses that come for the Breeders Cup yearly dominant the Turf Races and are far more superior than American Breeds. I told him Its time to breed myself and just like “The Breeders Cup” I’m betting on the European Horses. That’s why I love the European men in Monaco and South of France.

Josie Goldberg , Mr. J. Patrizia Busana (Fur Expert) Fendi Monaco

Horses usually lead my life and I have learned so much from them. As a woman you never know who is married or who is single especially with these handsome successful jet setters’.  I follow the principle of money talks and bullshit walks.  I usually walk away in the black in my love affairs of the heart. I found European men tend to be more honest and I find it easier to date and enjoy my escapades.  Until you find the one its really just an Escapade.  I love all of mine.  Mr. J and I are in the friend’s zone currently until he decides to add me to his stable, stay tuned …

On a professional note, I found that the actors, makeup artists, athletes that I interviewed including myself all have the same goals. We all dream to one-day work at the Studio or Network in America under the “SAG/AFTRA Bargaining Agreement. Whether you’re at Cannes Film Festival trying to sell your film, or myself working as an independent reporter the end goal is to make it to the main screen. I must say I love the South of France but like the song God Bless The USA by Lee Greenwood, America is still the number one country in the world where all dream to come to and work in most industries. America has the strongest economy and the most opportunities for all.  I love to travel, learn and explore but like they say there is nowhere better than home.

I am “Only Josie Knows” until my next ESCAPADE!