Home #Hwoodtimes 2019 Ms. Senior California America Finalist, Corinne Rogan-On The Road 4 TBI...

2019 Ms. Senior California America Finalist, Corinne Rogan-On The Road 4 TBI Survivors


By Jules Lavallee

Los Angeles, CA (The Hollywood Times) 12/02/19 – Corinne Rogan, is a Senior Actress, originally from the Chicagoland Area. She was a TWA Flight Attendant and has spent her adult life in Colorado. Corinne is a Finalist in 2019 Ms Senior California of America. She made a revelation about TBI Survivors and needed to share it. On December 14, she will be presenting, “My Cinderella Story” virtually in a showcase by Brenda Adelman. 

Share your background. 

Corinne Rogan: I was born and raised in Chica

Corinne Rogan

go. I have been modeling since I was 13. I attended the Regina Dominican High School and the Young Artist Studios-Art Institute of Chicago. I come from a large Irish Catholic American family with 4 brothers and 2 sisters. I went to college in Denver.

How does one go from being a TWA Flight Attendant to an Actress? 

Corinne Rogan: I was a TWA Flight Attendant in the 70s in NYC. I often worked the VEGAS Shuttle. After being laid off from TWA, I joined the Bell System in Boulder, CO. After retirement and shattering my wrist in the ice & snow, I decided to move to a warmer climate and checked out ALL of Florida first. I love LA.

What compelled you to make the move? 

Corinne Rogan: After attending the Boulder Colorado Democrat Christmas party in 2010, I destroyed my left wrist when falling in the snow/ice. And, I found a MOVIE STAR- Los Angeles Cap on a Boulder, CO bus stop-It was a sign. 

Are there particular roles that excite you? 

Corinne Rogan collage

I’m NEWER as an Actress. It works out well that I can now comfortably be placed as a Senior actress with my silver locks on the silver screen.

You ran for Ms. Senior California 2019. Share your experience. 

Corinne Rogan: I made a revelation about Traumatic Brain Injury, so I ran as Ms. Senior California of America to spread the word to TBI Survivors. After being a Finalist in the California State Pageant, I went on a tour via Amtrak across the country from LA-Chicago-DC-down the east cost to Boca Raton Florida. I started in the Palm Springs pageant.

Tell us about your upcoming project, “My Cinderella Story” by Brenda Adelman. Why did you sign-on to this project? 

Corinne Rogan: It’s in Brenda Adelman’s group, 8 weeks, take the stage experience. She didn’t write the piece, I did. I ran for Ms. Senior California of America to describe my revelation about TBI Survivors. Brenda found me as a result of the State Pageant in San Diego, where I was a Finalist.

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What is your style of acting? What would Directors notice first about you? 

Corinne Rogan

Corinne Rogan: I follow directions well. I am the woman they want.

Share your upcoming films/projects. 

Corinne Rogan: Hopefully, with the interest I generate about my Cinderella Story, TBI Survivors will see a better future and projects. Still, I need to contact Doctors about this condition.


Would you like to share any other thoughts?

Corinne Rogan: Yes, I think to describe me as someone happy to be in the Entertainment industry is perfect. I would love to find success. I’m very ambitious. I’m grateful to be able to share my revelation about TBI Survivors to them. When I figured it out, It saved me, big time.


www.imdb.me/Corinne Rogan



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