Who is Coachella Acappella?


We are women who love singing and are looking for a place to belong, develop lifelong friendships and sing beautiful music (mainly in the Barbershop and pop style). We entertain and inspire audiences in the Coachella Valley and beyond. We always welcome new members and aspire to represent the diverse demographic of our valley in terms of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity. Women are welcome in this group as long as they sing and are ready, willing and able to work hard toward the goal of being the best women's chorus around! If you want to sit in, please send an email to our Membership Director at Membership@CoachellaAcappella.org.

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All our rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members, so please come check us out.

We rehearse every Tuesday (except the month of July) from 6:30 to 9:00 pm in the Rancho Mirage High School Choir Room, 31001 Rattler Rd, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270.

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Want Coachella Acappella to sing at your next function?


Why not hire Coachella Acappella to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community Entertainment events, birthday parties, Christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, engagements, and even funerals and memorial services.